“Aren’t you a sight for sore eyes?” Joey hugged Georgia after Kish helped her from the truck.
“Hey, hey. My turn already.” Henry playfuly pushed Joey away and took his turn hugging her.”
“I’m so sorry for leaving you stranded. I can’t tel you how horrible we both felt. If something would have happened to you—”
“I took care of her,” Kish said from behind her.
“Mmm. And who might this delightful hunk of man be?” Joey asked.
“Joey, Henry, this is Kish. Kish, Joey and Henry.”
Kish said hi from behind Georgia.
“The tal, dark, brooding type. Just like I like them.” Henry chuckled.
Kish grunted.
“Don’t mind Henry and Joey, Kish. They always say what is on their minds—sometimes annoyingly so.”
“Oh! And I thought you were our best friend,”
Joey huffed.
“Only a best friend would tel the truth even when it hurts.” Georgia laughed.
Soon al three of them were laughing, and she felt such relief at finaly seeing for herself that her friends were fine. She was sure that they were happy to see that she’d fared wel too.
“I checked with the sheriff, and he said the roads should be cleared enough for us to leave by tomorrow afternoon or next at the latest,” Henry told Georgia.
“Okay. Wel, if you two are ready, shal we get going?” Georgia said.
“Ready if you are. Does Lucy need to take a break before we go?” Joey asked.
“No. I took her out right before we left. She’l be okay until we get back,” Georgia answered.
She smiled when Kish took her hand and helped her back into the truck. She didn’t miss the low whistle exchanged between her two friends. She sighed. They’d be al over her about Kish later. While she normaly didn’t mind their brotherly inquisitions about the men she dated—however rare that may be —she didn’t want to discuss Kish with them. After al, she didn’t even have al of the answers where he was concerned yet.
What would happen when the roads were clear and they could leave? Would Kish ask her to visit sometime? Tel her it had been nice and he’d see her around? No. He said he loved her, and she believed him, but that didn’t change the fact that she lived four hours from him. Would he ask her to stay? What would she do if he did? So many questions with so little time to figure them out. Things had happened so fast her head was spinning with al of the possible outcomes.
Once they got back to Kish’s house, Georgia took Lucy to do her business while Kish showed Henry and Joey their room. A few minutes later, Kish was back outside with her.
“I hope you don’t take Henry and Joey the wrong way,” Georgia told Kish.
“I don’t. Besides, it’s obvious they love you, and that’s good enough for me.” He kissed her on the cheek. “By the way, they’re cooking dinner. I told them it wasn’t necessary, but they both insisted.”
“Sounds right. They want to try to repay you somehow for taking care of me and letting them stay the night. They realy are sweeties, Kish.”
“Georgia,”—he kissed her again on the cheek —“stop worrying about what I think of them. I told you, if they care about you, that’s good enough for me.”
“We need to talk.”
He captured her lips in a kiss that scorched her al the way to her toes. She was breathless by the time his mouth left hers, and she ached for more.
“Shouldn’t you cal the police or something about Wade?”
“No, I can’t. If we can at al avoid it, outside law enforcement can’t be brought into lycan affairs. We run the risk of being found out if we do. It’s very important to keep our species unknown to humans at al costs.”
She frowned. “I guess I can understand that, but you won’t hurt him, wil you?”
“If Brady’s sister is found alive and wel, I promise you that no harm wil come to Wade at my hands.”
“I have a lot of questions, Kish.”
“Later, sweetheart. We’l talk later.”
She nodded and walked back with him to the house. When they walked inside, the enticing aroma of cooking food tickled her nose. “Wow! Something smels delish.” She sniffed the air. “If I’m not mistaken, it’s Henry’s famous spaghetti.”
“Right on,” Henry said.
“I’m helping too,” Joey chimed in.
“Can I do anything to help?” she asked.
“Nope. Why don’t you two go relax? Shouldn’t take long. We’l let you know when it’s ready, “
Henry said.
Kish’s stomach growled and everyone laughed.
That was when she realized he must be as ravenous as she was because they hadn’t had a chance to eat since last night. Nearly twenty-four hours was way too long without food.
“I need to feed Lucy,” Georgia muttered.
“I’l do it, sweetheart. Go sit down and relax.”
Kish gently pushed her in the direction of the living room.
She’d just gotten comfortable on the cushy couch when he sat down beside her. She jumped.
“Sorry,” he muttered.
“Seriously. You are freaking me out with that.” She smiled.
“Can’t help it. I don’t try to be so quiet. Just comes natural.”
“I have a feeling a lot of things just come natural to you, Kish.” Her cheeks immediately burned with embarrassment. “I didn’t mean it . . . that way.” Her words trailed off.
He chuckled. “We’l find out exactly what comes naturaly to me later.”
Now was her turn to startle him. She hid a smile before she said her next words. “I don’t want to wait until later.”
He sucked in a sharp breath. “There isn’t enough time.”
“I know how long it takes Henry and Joey to cook spaghetti, and we have a good half hour. That’s plenty of time.”
He touched her cheek with his fingers. “Not for what I have in mind.”
“You can show me the shortened version for now.”
“You’re kiling me, Georgia.”
Shivers snaked down her spine. “Let’s go put you out of your misery. Shal we?”
The words had barely gotten passed her lips before he growled, puled her up and down the halway. He turned to the left at the end. His room.
She hadn’t been in it before. When he shut the door behind them, his scent hit her like an aphrodisiac. This man smeled better than anyone had the right to. His scent should be bottled.
He spun her around, picked her up, and pressed her back against the door. He stepped between her thighs and she wrapped her legs around his waist. He was already hard and rotated his hips. They both groaned in unison. His mouth came down hard on hers, demanding, taking . . . giving. She reached down between them and undid his jeans, slid her hand inside, and encircled him with her fingers.
He growled, dipped his head, and laved her nipple through the fabric of her shirt. She bucked against him and moaned.
“That feels so good, Kish,” she whispered.
He let her slide to the floor, undid her jeans, and pushed them along with her panties down around her ankles and off one foot. She heard the rustle of his jeans hit the floor before he picked her up and pressed her back against the door. This time when her legs came around his waist, there was nothing between them.
He was hard steel covered in velvet, and he ground against her, the friction on her clit nearly making her come. She resisted . . . barely. When she came, she wanted him inside her.
She pushed her hips against him, letting him know exactly what she wanted.
“Now, Kish. Now.”
He kissed her while positioning his cock at her opening. Just when his tongue delved deep into her mouth, he pushed into her. Her slick passage eased the way, but he was big and stretched her to the point of pain, though the discomfort was minor compared to the pleasure he gave her. With each inch he gained, her muscles clamped around him harder, trying to pul him deeper, trying to hurry the goal.
“Am I hurting you, sweetheart?” he whispered next to her ear. “You’re so damn snug.”
“No. You’re just big,” she choked out, trying to get the words past the building pressure of her oncoming orgasm.
He pushed another inch then another until he finaly slid home. She framed his face. The light sheen of sweat on his skin matched her own. Then she leaned in and gently sucked his bottom lip into her mouth. He growled, puled out until only the tip of him was inside her, then slammed home. The breath whooshed from her lungs and the building pressure honed deep in her tummy. She shuddered, knowing only a couple more thrusts would tumble her headlong into orgasm.
“I’m sorry, sweetheart, but I don’t think I’m going to last long this time.” He groaned before retreating and slamming home again.
“That’s okay,” she gasped. “Me either. Oh, God!”
When he retreated and slammed home once more, she bit down on her bottom lip to keep from screaming out his name. Her muffled cries were loud to her own ears, but she doubted she was making much noise at al. She dug her fingernails into his shoulders and arched against him as her muscles clamped and unclamped in sync with each wave of her orgasm. He puled out one last time, and when he drove past her clenching muscles to seat himself to the bals, he grunted.
As he came inside her, each pulse of hot semen was like an amplifier to her orgasm, bringing it back to life, each jet making her body jerk in response. He ground his hips against her as he spent himself completely. After a few moments, he stiled, pushed the hair that was sticking to her face behind her ears, and kissed her tenderly.
“That was incredible,” he whispered before kissing a trail along her jaw and back to her lips.
She was stil trying to catch her breath. “Yes. It was. You are incredible, Kish.”
“I love you, sweetheart. I realy wanted to take it slow the first time.”
She shook her head. “We have al night. I needed to be with you.”
“Believe me, sweetheart, I’m not complaining. I wanted to make it good for you.”
“Are you kidding me? If you made it much better, I’d be passed out . . . or dead.” She smiled and hugged him to her.
He kissed her on the forehead and eased her to the floor. He helped her dress, and the rustling of clothes told her he was righting his attire as wel. He cupped her face again.
“I didn’t even get to tel you how beautiful you are.” He kissed her gently on the lips.
“I know I’m not much to look at. You don’t have to say that.”
“What the hel are you talking about?”
“I’m no model. I carry some extra weight, and I’m shorter than hel.” She laughed.
“Don’t you ever belittle yourself. You are perfect.
You are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on. You do not carry extra weight. Those are caled curves, and yours are amazing.”
At that very moment she believed him. He made her feel like she was a goddess the way he touched her, caressed her, kissed her.
“I love you too, by the way, Kish. Thank you.”
“I’m the one who should thank you. You’re extraordinary.”
“As much as I hate to say this, we better get back to living room. I’m sure the spaghetti is close to being done by now.”
“The only reason I’m agreeing is because I know you are hungry and I’m starving too. Besides, you’l need your strength for later.”
“Oh realy?” she asked.
“Yeah. Realy.” He kissed her on the forehead, opened the door, and walked with her to the living room.
Kish had to admit that the spaghetti had been wonderful. After dinner, he’d insisted on cleaning up while Georgia, Henry, and Joey relaxed. When he was finished, he gathered the trash and told Georgia he’d be back in a little bit. After taking the trash to the burning barrel, he got a shovel, some lighter fluid, and matches from the garage. It was time to clean up the mess he’d left in the woods earlier.
Thirty minutes later, he was happy he was stronger than humans, or the damned hole he dug in the hard ground for Mike would have taken a lot longer. He placed the body in the hole, doused it in lighter fluid, and lit it on fire. Another half hour later, the fire had done its job, and he filed the hole back in.
He was almost back to the garage when a familiar scent hit him. He turned back to find Brady standing at the tree line, similar to how he had when they’d first met.
“Did you find your sister?”
“Is she okay as Wade said?”
Brady took a couple steps forward. “Yes, but Wade wasn’t lying when he said the other one had done some stuff to her. It’s going to take her a while to recover from this. I’m taking her away. She needs some healing time.”
Kish nodded. “Sounds like a good idea. If there’s anything I can do, you know where I am.”
Brady nodded. “I’m sorry for what I did. You and Georgia aren’t like most people. You care about others, even others you’ve never met. I’d like to come back when Krista is better. I’d like for the two of you to meet her. She’s a wonderful woman.”
“I know Georgia would like that, and so would I.
Take care.”
“See ya around, Kish. Tel Georgia bye for me.”
Brady turned to leave, but stopped. “Don’t fuck it up with her, okay? She’s special. Don’t blow your chance at happiness.”
“I’l try not to. Believe me, I wil try not to.”
Kish watched Brady disappear into the darkness before putting the shovel, lighter fluid, and matches back in the garage. He puled out his cel phone. It had barely enough signal to get a cal out, but it would do. He dialed information and soon had the number he needed. He then caled the number he got from information. A woman on the other end answered and he told her he needed to get in touch with Sanctuary.
She asked him a bunch of questions about his species that only a lycan would know before patching him through. He figured if any human mistakenly got through on the number, they’d think the person on the other end was a loony tune. He talked to someone named Brent Fals and made arrangements for Wade to be picked up.
After giving detailed directions and the key code to his shelter, Brent promised Wade would be taken care of within twenty-four hours. Once Wade was gone, he’d change the key code and his shelter would be safe once again. He stuffed the phone in his jeans pocket and went back inside.