Chapter Seven

October 31st, Halloween

She stretched like a contented cat the next morning and sleepily reached for Anthony only to encounter empty space beside her. She rubbed her eyes and yawned. She looked around the room, but didn’t see him anywhere. She listened and didn’t hear any movements in the bathroom either. She hoped that maybe he was cooking another wonderful breakfast. Too occupied with sharing each other’s bodies, they hadn’t spent too much time eating yesterday. They had gotten up late last night for a snack of fresh fruit and grilled cheese sandwiches, but her stomach grumbled now, letting her know she had more than worked off that meal.

She stretched one last time before getting out of the cozy bed. She put on jeans, a T-shirt, and another pair of Anthony’s warm socks. She brushed her teeth and hair before padding to the kitchen. When she didn’t find Anthony there or the living room, she called out to him, but he didn’t answer. “Where could he be?”

She peered out the windows of the living room and suddenly remembered that today was the day her whole life would change. Today she would change for the first time. Her heart skipped a beat and her veins iced with fear. Her breathing came in short, shallow gasps, and sweat broke over her upper lip. “Stop it, Karen. It will be okay. Anthony will be with you.”

Yet, when she looked around and noted his absence once again, panic rode her hard. She hurried to the front door, wanting to see if his car was still in the driveway. When she flung it wide, a shrill siren pierced the air and her ears. She cried out and backing up, caught her heel on the small table by the door. She was unbalanced and effectively landed on her rear.

When she looked up, a scream bubbled in her throat. There, in the open doorway, stood the hugest wolf she’d ever seen. Actually, she’d never seen a wolf in person, but she didn’t think they usually grew that big. It had to be four feet tall at the shoulder. She scooted slowly away from the animal and stopped when she met its eyes. Beautiful green eyes stared back at her. Green eyes she knew well. “Anthony?” She whispered the words.

The wolf growled low, but not a scary I’m-going-to-eat-you type of growl. In fact, she thought it was more like a response to her question. The wolf walked slowly toward her with its head down, which she took as a sign of submission. She held her breath when it sniffed her hair and licked her cheek. The moment the wolf made contact, she knew in her heart that it was, in fact, Anthony.

She stared at him in amazement, and when she reached out slowly toward the thick black fur covering his body, he leaned into her hand. She stroked him tentatively, and the wolf let out a low whine. He treated her hand to a slow lick, before he backed away and disappeared around the corner. Within a few seconds, Anthony stood gloriously naked in the entryway. He pressed a couple buttons on the alarm, and the shrill noise that she had completely forgotten about by that time stopped. He reached for her hand and helped her up from the floor.

She didn’t know what to say. He’d been the most magnificently terrifying, beautiful creature she’d ever seen. “I know I’m probably asking the obvious, but that was you, right? I’m not crazy?”

* * *

“You know it was me, Karen.” He hadn’t wanted Karen to see him in his wolf form just yet. He’d been unable to resist running in the forest that morning and had been about to head home when he heard the shrieking of the alarm. His heart thundered in fear as he ran the mile home in a blinding speed. He had thought someone had tried to break in to his house and only thought of getting to Karen, of keeping her safe. When he saw her standing in the doorway and realized that she had been the one that set off the alarm, he’d frozen, staring, waiting for her rejection of him and what he was.

She’d surprised him, though. He could tell by her wide eyes and open mouth that she’d wanted to scream, but she hadn’t. In fact, she’d let him walk right up to her and lick her. And, when she reached out to stroke him, he thought he’d die from the erotic pleasure her fingers enticed along his skin. He had an overwhelming urge to take her right then and there in wolf form, but common sense finally cut through his need. She hadn’t even changed for the first time yet. There was no way she’d be ready for such a mating with him. So, before his hormones got the best of him, he’d backed out onto the deck and changed back to human.

“I’m sorry if I scared you. When I heard the alarm, I thought something was wrong.” His heart began an erratic rhythm once again at the mere thought of anything harming Karen.

“No. You didn’t scare me. I mean, well, to be honest, you did a little, at first. But, when I realized it was you . . . well, I don’t know how to explain it. But, I wasn’t scared any longer. Not really.”

He hugged her to him, and her fingers danced over his back, reminding him he was naked. His cock jumped at the feel of her touch on his skin and he took her mouth in a demanding, possessive kiss while he hugged her tightly against him. She moaned and he growled. The woman drove him crazy. He wanted her constantly. He rested his forehead against hers. “I’m going to go shower and get dressed.”

Her gasps feathered softly against his cheek and he nearly pushed her to the floor and buried his body in her, knowing he’d find her hot and ready for him. He still felt guilty for scaring her, though, and wanted to give her a little time to adjust to what she’d seen. She already had enough to deal with. Her first change was coming at some point later tonight. He kissed her on top of the head.

“I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

“Okay. I’ll cook us something to eat.”

He eyed her one last time, hungry for her and not food. “You should be able to find whatever you need in the kitchen.” He watched the gentle sway of her hips as she walked away from him, and noted she had on yet another pair of his socks. Memories of the previous night and her with only those socks on flashed through his already overheated brain. He’d have to buy damn stock in those socks and make sure she had a pair to wear at all times. He took a deep, calming breath and turned to go take the coldest shower of his life.

* * *

She’d never been much of a cook, but she knew how to fix a scrumptious grilled chicken sandwich. Luckily, he had chicken breasts in the fridge and a fresh loaf of ciabatta bread in the pantry.

She had just finished piling the sandwiches high with tomatoes, lettuce, and her secret sauce—which really only consisted mayo, Ranch dressing and a tiny bit of horseradish for kick—when Anthony strolled into the kitchen. She eyed him when he came and stood next to her, checking out the plate with the sandwiches. She’d never seen a man even close to as gorgeous as Anthony. He could let his hair grow out and not shave for a month and he’d still be magnificent. He wore a pair of faded blue jeans, again with the top button left open, and a dark blue shirt that hung open, unbuttoned to expose his muscular chest and ripped abs.

Her mouth watered, and she knew it wasn’t because of the food. She unconsciously leaned close to him and took a deep breath of his clean scent laced with a hint of sandalwood.

Anthony tensed. “Stop doing that, Karen, or I’m going to be eating something other than this food you just cooked.”

Her eyes widened, and she blushed a little when he caught her smelling him. She picked up the plate and sidled around him to set it on the counter. She sat on one of the stools, and he followed her. No. Stalked would be a better word to use. He was sleek, graceful, and his fluid movement screamed sex. She wanted him. She knew he wanted her. She knew he knew she wanted him. What the hell is wrong with me? Ever since she’d met this man the first and foremost thing on her mind at all times seemed to be sex.

She watched as he picked up one of the sandwiches and took a big bite of it. He closed his eyes and chewed. “God, this is good.” She watched his throat muscles work as he swallowed and wished her mouth were on his skin. His eyes snapped open and he caught her staring at him. “I told you to cut it out, Karen. I’m not joking. If you don’t stop, I’m going to have you right now on this counter.”

“Then why would I stop?” The words had barely tumbled from her mouth when a deep growl reverberated through the room, two big hands grabbed her, and she was sprawled on the counter with Anthony between her legs.

“You make me so damn hot.” He grabbed her hand and placed it on his chest while keeping his fingers twined with hers. “Can you feel how my heart thunders when I’m near you?” He pulled her hand lower to his crotch. He squeezed his eyes shut briefly. “Can you feel how hard you make me?”

She swallowed hard and licked her lips. Suddenly, clothes were torn off and scattered everywhere, and Anthony yanked her bare bottom to the edge of the counter before burying his cock inside her. She let out a small cry of pleasure and opened her legs wider to allow him to go even deeper into her snug, wet sheath. He picked a lazy rhythm that increased in intensity with each thrust. Faster, harder, his hips rotated and she arched into him, begging for his possession. He wrung every inch of pleasure from her, and when she lay spent on her back, him draped over her, she thought she’d never be able to move again.

His head rested on her chest, and his ragged breaths tickled her nipple. “I think we ruined the food.” She tilted her head to the side and laughed when she saw the empty plate and the sandwich pieces scattered on the counter and floor.

She smiled and hugged him. “Yeah. I can make us some more.”

“As good as it was, I think I’d rather have something else to eat right now.”

“I can make you whatever—”

“I’m not talking about food.” By the time she understood what he meant, his face was buried between her legs and she was gasping in pleasure once again.
