There was a policeman standing outside his house, and the neighbours were gathered. Badr pushed his way through the crowd and found his household in disarray. Two policemen were stomping about, overturning the family’s belongings in their search for the stolen jewellery. Hanniyah was standing holding the new baby in her arms, pleading with them to stop. The children looked curious and confused. In the middle of all this, Badr’s father was standing, unsteady and drooling. A damp patch spread from his crotch down the leg of his long johns. He was watching the scene, but clearly not understanding its implications. Shukry was nowhere to be seen. Badr followed one of the policemen into the room. He tried to stop him from ransacking the cupboard but the policeman pushed him away. Even Badr’s books, his precious books, which he kept up high out of reach of the children’s grubby hands, were hauled down and tossed onto the floor. Badr was on his hands and knees, picking up the volumes of The Revival of the Sciences of Religions. When he looked up, he saw the policeman grunt and grab what he had been looking for: Hajjah Waheeba’s bangles and gold coins wrapped in a brown paper parcel. They were wedged between the books and the wall.

In triumph, the policeman pushed Badr out into the courtyard and called out to his partners.

‘You have the wrong man!’ Badr struggled to free himself, but now both policemen held him in a vice.

Hanniyah screamed, ‘Let go of him!’

She followed as Badr was dragged through the courtyard. He dug his heels in, but his small frame was no match for their strength. It was impossible to believe that they could be making such an error! Hanniyah put the baby down and started to beat her face, the children began to wail. His father was sitting on the floor, gazing down at the children’s marbles, oblivious to his surroundings. For once Badr was relieved that he understood nothing.

The policemen barked at the neighbours who were crowding the doorway. They fell back, and Badr was pushed out into the street under their gaze. He continued to shout out his innocence. It was his cousin Shukry who had stolen the jewellery and hidden it in Badr’s house! He, Badr, had had nothing to do with it. Ask the owner of the stolen gold, he pleaded, ask Mahmoud Bey.

‘I would never take what doesn’t belong to me,’ he repeated. ‘Never! I work all day for my daily bread. I would never reach out my arm to take what isn’t rightfully mine. Every bite I put in my children’s mouth is halal.’

But the policemen paid him no heed, and none of the neighbours defended him or tried to intervene. What were they thinking of him now? The venerable teacher of Arabic Language and Religious Education, the man who never missed a prayer at the mosque, had turned out to be a thief!

At the station, the English police inspector could not understand Badr’s Egyptian accent. Weren’t the stolen items found in Badr’s house? It was straightforward, Badr was incriminated. Besides, the inspector was more interested in returning the jewellery to its rightful owner. Badr would have to appear before a magistrate. He was taken into custody.

The room he was led into was large, with a high, barred window on either side to maximise ventilation. It had two occupants who looked like archetypical villains and their close proximity made Badr nervous. They smirked at him and their eyes were bitter and knowing. They were the kind of men Badr avoided in the streets and the tram, the kind of men he never met at the mosque or at the school. He felt the cold pinch of fear. This was real, not a nightmare. He did not belong here. He was not a criminal! He was not one of these men. When one of them offered him a cigarette, he declined, and sat further away. He leaned his head against the filthy wall and closed his eyes. Images came of Hanniyah slapping her face, her eyes wild with anxiety, of the frightened children, the lump and responsibility that was his father. A curse on you, Shukry! All this is your fault. Stolen goods in my house! My own house. Bringing sin into the home that sheltered you and fed you. Where was the bastard now? The police must be looking for him. The police will find him, Insha’ Allah.

He told himself he must be patient, that the truth would be revealed. Shukry would be found, the police would admit that they had made a mistake, and he would return home in time for supper and, like any other ordinary day, he would devour Hanniyah’s cooking, supervise the children’s homework, and give his father a bath. The house would need tidying up after the damage the policemen had inflicted. There would be things that needed fixing, but he would take all that in his stride. Everything must be put back to order so that they could put this episode behind them and forget all about it. Tomorrow morning he would go to work and none of his colleagues would ever know what happened.

But an hour passed, two hours, four. He prayed maghrib, and a meal was pushed through the door. The room became dark. He prayed isha and the night deepened. The door was unbolted and he jumped up, expectant, but it was an addition to the cell, a drunk, railing and flagging his arms. He vomited, and the stench rose in the darkness, panning itself over the long night. It occurred to Badr — and the realisation was like a slap in the face — that the police would no longer be looking for Shukry. They had found the stolen jewellery and they had taken a man into custody; from their point of view, their work was done. So he was going to spend the night here in this degradation. And what about tomorrow morning? He would not be able to get to work.

Alarm rose in his throat. It was the end of the year examinations and tomorrow the Arabic paper was due for Senior Year Two. Badr had already set the exam and, as was the policy of the school, placed the questions in a sealed envelope. The document was locked in one of the staffroom cupboards. There was only one key and he carried it in his pocket. If he didn’t show up to school tomorrow, and he was now likely not to, there would be pandemonium. The headmaster would send one of the clerks or messenger boys to Badr’s house because they would assume that he was ill (though he had never in his life taken sick leave and always dragged himself to work no matter what) and come to collect the key.

What would Hanniyah say and not say? What would the neighbours describe? He banged the back of his head against the wall in frustration. What a scandal! Supposing he lost his job? Supposing he never got out of here, how would Hanniyah manage? Four boys and the newborn baby girl, his father. . all of them in a foreign country, no uncles or cousins to help out. A curse on you, Shukry, you were the cousin I took in, but you bit the hand that fed you! At school they would have to break the lock on the cupboard to retrieve the examination paper. Or would one of his colleagues hastily set another paper? One of his colleagues, who envied him his lucrative private lessons and his standing with the Abuzeid family. . Oh, they would be gloating at his downfall. Lord, why was this happening? What if Shukry was never caught? Could he, by now, be on the train, heading for Egypt?

Badr could not sleep with all this anxiety, though the thugs and criminals around him snored as if they had easy consciences. He wished that he had kicked Shukry out of the house long ago. When Madame Nabilah asked him if he knew of an Egyptian nurse for Nur, he should not have nominated Shukry. Shukry was not even qualified — he had only trained a few months and then went off to join the army. But Badr had been eager to find work for his cousin, eager to get him out of the house and the position of nurse came with board and lodging. It was a good opportunity for the lad and yet, like a fool, he squandered it.

Badr was worn out with anger. Earlier this morning, he had been full of optimism, visiting Mahmoud Bey in his office and asking him for a flat in the new building. It was shameful to recall this encounter. You have made my face black in front of others, Shukry. Yes, he had started the day with aspirations and now even the basics were out of reach. But what was the use of all this agitation? What did the Prophet Jonah do when he was in the belly of the whale? He called out to his Lord saying, ‘There is no god but You, subhanaka, I was one of the transgressors.’

The dark belly of the whale — that was where Badr was now. Imprisoned and at the bottom of the sea, darkness upon darkness. Why do bad things happen?

Nur had asked him the same question. Why do bad things happen to good people? On that day, Badr had made an effort to bolster the boy’s morale and fortitude. Such a young lad, imprisoned in a cell of disability. But Allah does not burden us with more than we can bear. The boy must have hidden reserves that only the All Merciful knows about. And of course ‘. . with each difficulty comes ease’. The Abuzeids were in a favourable position to support their son, and the boy had remarkable intellectual abilities. Perhaps these factors were Nur’s ‘ease’. It had been gratifying for Badr to continue as his tutor, informal though the arrangement was. The boy was a natural learner, bright and quick, and his appreciation for literature was a joy. Badr always looked forward to these sessions, and once he was there, forgot that he was working or helping.

He sighed. After what Shukry had done, would it be possible to face Nur again and continue as his teacher? Anxiety gripped him. Nur had wanted to know, ‘Why did the accident happen?’

And now Badr too wanted to know, ‘Why am I here, unfairly imprisoned?’

Because Allah is compassionate, there would be, Insha’ Allah, a release, and it would be wrong to despair. But now, in these moments of distress, the mind drew a blank. Perhaps the shortest journey to Allah is through the disliked, uncomfortable routes. The seeker asks, ‘Where shall I find the Divine?’ The answer is, ‘Come close to illness, poverty and oppression. Dwell for enough time (too long would be counter-productive) in those shadows where laughter does not come easily to the lips.’

Badr was distracted from his thoughts by the clamour of the door opening. Three young men were pushed in, protesting and cursing. From their elegant clothes and the disdainful way they shook off the guard, it was safe to guess that they were not the usual criminals, but, most likely, the sons of the rich, painting the town red, pulled in for rowdy behaviour or just one prank too many. One of them was large and fair-looking, his shirt loose and pulled out of his trousers. He moved away from his companions and slumped against the wall, calling out, ‘You don’t know who I am, you sons of dogs! One telephone call and I’ll be out of here. You’ll see!’

He slid to the floor, eyelids drooping. With a shock Badr recognised Nassir Abuzeid. Oh, what a scandal for Mahmoud Bey! Badr felt indignant on his behalf.

Nassir was now staring at Badr across the room with a blank look on his face. Badr hurried over to him.

‘Mr Nassir, this is not your place.’

‘Here’s a fellow who recognises me!’ bellowed Nassir in the direction of the door. ‘You sons of dogs, you’ll rue the day you insulted an Abuzeid.’

Badr went over to the zeer in the corner, filled a tin mug with cool water and threw it over Nassir’s head. Nassir spluttered and groaned. Badr wiped his face and started to pat his cheeks.

‘Sober up — and shame on you. If your father found out about this!’

Nassir opened his eyes. He recognised Badr and spoke steadily.

‘Neither father nor Uncle Idris will ever get a wind of this. Dear, trusted Victor will get me out of here.’

‘You think your father’s secretary has such influence?’

‘Yes, he knows what to do in these kinds of situations. I’ve already called him. What are you doing here?’

Badr explained and all Nassir did was laugh.

‘Rotten luck, isn’t it.’ He stretched out on the floor, taking up considerable space.

Badr moved a little and leaned his back against the wall. He did not know Nassir as well as he knew Nur because Nassir had never been his student. These days, when Badr went over to Idris’s house to give Zeinab her lesson, Nassir was usually having his siesta or already out, and all Badr’s dealings so far had been with Fatma. He had, naturally, heard the unfavourable rumours about Nassir, but this delinquency was worse than he had imagined.

‘What did you and your friends do to end up here?’

Nassir made a dismissive gesture and wiped his face with the edge of his shirt.

‘When Father refuses to pay my debts, I’m forced to seek entertainment in the most sordid of places. So what if I rented a villa in Khartoum in the company’s name? I can use the Abuzeid name to get doors opened, it’s mine after all.’

Badr felt himself hardening.

‘I am sure your father has been fair with you. He is one of the most generous men in the country.’

Nassir snorted. ‘Not with his son.’

‘Shame on you! You’re a grown man, Nassir. You shouldn’t be dependent on your father.’

‘Well, I work for his company, don’t I? And all I get is a pittance.’

‘Many would be grateful for what you regard as pittance. If you are ambitious for more, then you must work hard for it. For a building to rise, for harvests to be reaped, for wars to be won, some kind of sacrifice must be made. If you strive you will find success. Listen, young man, you are responsible for a wife and children, your brother Nur needs you. .’

‘Nur is the one who cared. .’ Nassir’s voice dropped. ‘He would have cheerfully gone to that office at the crack of dawn every day and he would have worked hard. Such a bloody waste!’

‘Yes, and it makes it more urgent that you step up and support your father. What happened to Nur could make you a better person, could cause you to reassess your life and leap forward in success.’

Nassir shook his head.

‘It’s not happening. Not any time soon.’ He covered his face with his arm and closed his eyes. His voice was thick when he spoke. ‘It still hurts to see him, day in and day out. Sometimes I can’t bear it and I want to wipe his misery out of mind. But I go back to him again because I love him so much and I try my best to amuse and distract him. I moved from Medani specially to be close to him — and I would give him my blood, if it helped. I would give him one of my arms or one of my legs.’

Badr was touched by these sentiments, but troubled by the inertia. It was a goodness that neither translated itself into useful action nor helped rein in indulgence.

‘Nassir, what we view as a setback might be a mercy in the long run, or a shield that deflects an even greater misfortune. We don’t know. Sometimes suffering in this world is a substitute for suffering in the Hereafter. Do you know Maulanna Abdullahi Ed-Dagestani?’

There was no reply from Nassir. He continued to lie with his arm across his face.

Badr continued, ‘He is a Sufi sheikh from Turkey. He said that everything in this world, small or large, was created for a reason. Even the smallest mosquito that bites people and makes them itch. There is wisdom behind that itch, in that it can be a substitute for a corresponding irritation in Hell. He said that every trouble we land in comes from a sin which would not be forgiven without that trouble.’

Such purification Badr knew from personal experience. When he was ill with a fever, he would feel as if he were being blasted by the fumes of Hell. Then, afterwards, when the fever abated and left him weak, he would feel cleansed and grateful.

Nassir had fallen asleep.

Why do bad things happen? For pedagogical reasons, so that we can experience the power of Allah, catch a glimpse of Hell and fear it, so that we can practise seeking refuge in Him and, when relief comes give thanks for His mercy. Darkness was created so that, like plants, we could yearn and turn to the light. Badr had observed this in himself whenever one of the children were ill, or when he faced difficulties at work, or when his plans suffered a setback, or when he was thwarted or in pain. He became more receptive to the words of the Qur’an; he became more ardent in his supplications and more eager in his pleas. Now was such a time. In this lowliest of places, where his natural talent to impart a lesson had dimmed, it was time to lift up his palms and beg.

The door swung open and the guard called out Nassir’s name. Badr shook him awake. Nassir staggered to his feet, leaning on Badr for support. He was dazed and relieved, eager to get away. His companions were ushered out with him and, although he did not give Badr a backward glance or a promise of help, Badr was comforted by his release. He stretched out on the floor and let his body relax.

The cell seemed wider and airier now. Badr repeated to himself the verse, ‘. . And give good tidings to the patient…’

He was less agitated than before. Soon he was even able to let pleasant images come to his mind. Hanniyah feeding the new baby, her breast taut and larger than the baby’s head, her face radiant because she had so much wanted a girl.

‘Now I won’t be lonely,’ she had said. ‘Now I will have someone to help me around the house.’

He smiled in the dark; the girl was only a few months old and already her mother had plans for her. Another image: Osama boasting that he had studied so hard for the end of year examination that he would come top of his class. The utter joy on little Ali’s face when he saw Badr come home from work. Such total trust. Little Ali was jealous that his older brothers went back and forth to school with Badr.

Badr dozed and dreamt that he was back in Egypt, in the fields of Kafr El Dawar. Palm trees rose high, and all around him was green. His father was ploughing the land, strong and healthy, his sharp eyes missing nothing. Badr was young, but not a child, holding the results of his baccalaureate in his hand. He had walked down to the fields to show the diploma to his father, but now he paused to watch his father’s deft movement, the muscles on his forearms and neck, the sweat gathering on his brow. Then his father turned and drew him close. They hugged, and the paper wasn’t necessary any more. His father knew that his studious son had passed with flying colours. He was going to the Teacher Training Institute, he was going to become an effendi and wear a clean suit and a fez. People would treat him with respect because he was a learned man.

Badr and his father walked arm in arm to the canal. His father was beaming and proud. My son, Badr, my son got his baccalaureate, he boasted to passers-by. Men congratulated them and moved away. The two of them sat at the edge of the water but in the strange way of dreams they were now in the water, without having moved towards it. His father splashed, his father ducked his head and raised it, the water matting his hair and turning it a darker colour. Badr sat quite still, feeling the warmth lap around him, through to his skin and up to his chin. Water. . Someone was nudging his shoulder, shaking him awake. Badr remembered where he was and sat up straight.


The voice was unmistakable, but the face was a distorted approximation of Shukry’s. One eye was swollen to the extent that it was completely closed. The lips were cracked and bleeding, the cheeks were bruised.

‘What happened? Who did this to you?’

‘Your neighbours. I went home and your family raised a hullabaloo. The neighbours rounded on me and brought me here.’

His neighbours believed in his innocence. The Sudanese rallied at the end, though they were dumbstruck when he was taken away! Good for you, Hanniyah, that you roused them and didn’t let the culprit get away.

‘How could you, Shukry?’ His voice was thick. ‘How could you bring stolen goods into my house?’

Shukry spat out blood and phlegm.

‘Don’t get all pious on me now. I’m in no mood for your lectures and I curse the day I ever came to this country.’

‘You! And what should I say?’

‘Don’t be self-righteous, Badr. You think you helped me! Was that a job you got me? I hated it! Cleaning that boy’s shit and getting up at night to turn him over so he doesn’t get bed sores. He’s a useless pack of bones and it’s disgusting. He blubbers and expects everyone to feel sorry for him. Not me! I’d gladly put a revolver to his head. I’ve seen worse in the war, and those unlucky bastards had nothing to fall back on. Our prince, though, doesn’t even have to lift a finger to earn a living. This family has so much money, they don’t know what to do with it. That mother of his had more gold than what I took. Double the amount. I saw it—’

Badr interrupted him. ‘Stop this chatter and tell me what’s going to happen now. Did the police tell you anything?’

‘You only care about yourself! You’re incriminated, though. They think we were in this together.’

Badr did not rise to the bait. ‘Mahmoud Bey and the family know I have nothing to do with this.’

Shukry snorted. ‘The police won’t disturb the Bey in the middle of the night.’

Neither would Nassir. There was no hope in expecting any help from his direction. Badr stood up and looked out of the window.

‘I need to get to the school.’

‘You’ll wallow here for days till someone remembers you. Listen, cousin,’ Shukry’s voice became sharp, ‘I have an idea. We’ll tell them that Waheeba gave us the jewellery.’

‘Don’t be ridiculous!’ Badr scanned the sky. It was not yet dawn.

‘Yes, yes! We’ll tell them that she arranged with us to get a cure for her son — we were to recruit a special spiritual healer from Egypt who’s been known to perform miracles. She’s desperate, she’d do anything! And then, when the healer couldn’t fix the boy, she got angry and said I stole her jewellery.’

Badr sat down again. He listened to Shukry’s desperate plan, his shrewd stupidity, and he felt no anger towards him, only disappointment. When he was first dragged here, he would have beaten Shukry, if he had found him. Now he was sitting calmly next to him, listening to him prattle and fabricate. Perhaps this was forebearness and turning the other cheek. With an ache, he remembered the flat he had wanted from Mahmoud Bey. A dream, an aspiration that had kept him company for over a year. It would be sensible to bury all hope now, here in the floor of this Khartoum jail.
