Chapter Forty-Four

After nine at night, even during the summer, the people of Stripling roll up the sidewalks. Despite the fact that Stripling is a college town, it is not a party town. If the students of Martin are looking for any night life, they drive the fifteen miles to go to bars in Kent.

The Justice Center parking lot was just as deserted as it had been several nights ago when I visited my brother. I walked up the steep steps, both dreading and hoping that Mains would be there. Instead of Mains, I was greeted by Officer Knute, who was again behind the desk. He scowled when I walked in.

“I’m here to see Detective Mains,” I said.

Knute gave me a bored look. “Name?”

“For crying out loud, you know who I am.”

Knute’s face was impassive. “Name?”

Through gritted teeth. “India Hayes.”

“Ahh, yes,” he said. “Detective Mains said I was to take your statement if you bothered to show up tonight.”

I kept my mouth shut. I was in enough trouble as it was. I didn’t think that Officer Knute would think twice before throwing me in a cell.

As the reception area was empty, he asked me to write my statement right there. Thirty minutes later, I signed it and handed it to Officer Knute.

With my conscience cleared, I left the station. I didn’t bother to say good-bye.

In the parking lot, I stood under the same lamppost where Mains had asked me if I remembered him, and where I’d lied and told him that I didn’t. I was reluctant to go home. Mark would be moved to a prison most likely the next day if I didn’t do something. I knew there was one person I still hadn’t talked to, who I needed to talk to. I looked up into the lamppost light. Two huge moths knocked themselves silly against the glass. Why did I feel like I’d be doing the same if I spoke to Regina Blocken?

I got in my car and headed to Kilbourne Street.

I knocked on the Blockens’ door with a firm hand. Lights flickered on. The door opened. Mrs. Blocken wore royal blue satin pajamas and matching robe, but her face was still in full makeup.

“I need to talk to you.” As it was a wide doorway, I slipped past her into the parlor.

Fury replaced her shock. “It’s after eleven. How dare you invade my home like this?”

I paced the room. “I need to talk to you about Mark.”

“Whatever you have to say can wait until morning.” She tightened her robe around her waist.

“No, it can’t wait because in my mind it keeps coming back to you. You were the one who was in control of the wedding. You were the one who noticed the engagement picture missing.”

Mrs. Blocken paled, and I knew I had been correct.

“You know: The engagement picture that someone conveniently placed in Mark’s office right before the police got an anonymous tip to search it.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“I think you do. You had access to the engagement picture and to the scarf you planted later in Mark’s apartment when the first try didn’t work. I found the engagement picture before the police, by the way.”

“That’s tampering,” she accused.

“Don’t worry. The police already know about it.” I paced the room. I didn’t hear any movement from upstairs, and I wondered where Dr. Blocken was.

A cruel smile played on the corner of Mrs. Blocken’s face. “You can’t prove anything.”

“You’re right,” I admitted. “But you and I both know it was you. You’ve been waiting to blame something on Mark for years. He was never good enough for your Olivia.”

“Oh, please, you knew that it wouldn’t last.”

I shrugged. “So I did, but my brother didn’t. He really loved her. He still loves her.”

“So, you are here to tell me that your brother is innocent, and that I framed an innocent man.”

“Yes. I can assure you that the last thing Mark wanted in the world was to hurt Olivia.”

She glowered at me. “I suppose you also think I killed my daughter.”

“No,” I said honestly, because as much as I disliked Mrs. Blocken, that was the one thing I could not picture her doing.

Mrs. Blocken was silenced by my unexpected answer. She fell into the armchair in tears. “Then who did?”

It was a rhetorical question, so I didn’t answer. Her pain filled the room like an unexpected storm that comes on a summer night with violence and speed.

I looked out onto the darkened patio and remembered Olivia that day at the picnic. When I remembered her another person came to mind. Bree. Bree who was bustling around the party following Olivia’s every command, taking the maid of honor responsibilities to the extreme. But why? Why had she behaved that way? A prick of unease crawled up my spine.

“What do you know about Bree?” My voice was low.

She looked up. Her perfect makeup was ruined. “Bree?”

I sat across from her. “Yes, it’s important. What do you know about her?”

She blinked and rubbed her cheek, smearing mascara into her hairline. “She’s a sweet girl.”

She looked pointedly at me, silently saying that I was not. The fire was back in her eyes. I was relieved. I found a sad Mrs. Blocken made me more uneasy than an angry one.

“She was always helping Olivia with this and that. I don’t know how many times I called Olivia, and she said that Bree was there helping her with this project or that project. Also, Bree was always volunteering at Kirk’s gym.”

“Why?” I asked.

“Why what?”

“Why was Bree so helpful?”

“Why wouldn’t she be? Olivia was her friend.” Again, she looked pointedly at me.

“That’s true to a point, but all that helping out sounds like it was more than friendship.”

Mrs. Blocken’s eyes narrowed. She pulled tissue from her robe pocket and dabbed at her eyes. “What would you know about what it means to be a friend?”

I let that comment pass. “Why would Bree volunteer at the gym? Kirk’s business was making plenty of money. He mentioned at the picnic that he just opened a new fitness center. He can afford to pay someone.”

“I know that Olivia was giving her money.” She was on the stairs. Neither Mrs. Blocken nor I had noticed her. I wondered how long she’d been standing there. How much had she heard? She came down the stairs in a rock band nightshirt.

Mrs. Blocken looked up, shocked. “What are you talking about? Olivia wouldn’t do that.”

O.M. shrugged. “I overheard them talking before the picnic. Bree asked Olivia for a check, and Olivia said that they would talk about it later.”

I felt very cold as my brain put the pieces into place. “O.M., this is important. Did you see Bree the morning that Olivia was attacked?”

O.M. bit her lip. “No, I was asleep.” Her eyes darted away.

She was lying, and we both knew it. Her eyes flicked over to her mother.

“Whatever it is, I promise you won’t get in trouble,” I said.

“You can’t make any such promise,” Mrs. Blocken said.

I shot her a look so fierce that it silenced her immediately. That was the first time in the history of the world that anyone had silenced Mrs. Blocken with a mere look.

O.M. swallowed. “It was about seven in the morning. I was just getting home.”

“You stayed out all night?” Mrs. Blocken roared.

O.M. shrank away from her. “My band had a gig, Mom.” Her voice was small like a child’s. “I knew you would never let me go.”

“Of course, I wouldn’t let you go. You’re only fifteen.”

“Mrs. Blocken, please,” I said. I turned to O.M. “What happened?”

“When I got home, I was just going to slip upstairs. I knew Dad would have already left for the office, and that both Mom and Olivia sleep late. But when I got there, I saw Olivia in the kitchen window, already up, so I had to hide out by the garage. I didn’t know how I was going to get inside without her seeing or hearing me, and I knew she would tell Mom if she caught me. Finally, around seven thirty, just when I thought that I couldn’t stand it any longer and was going to go inside and face my sister and Mom, Bree pulled up in this tiny red car. She didn’t get out. Olivia must have been looking for her, because she ran out and jumped right in.” O.M. looked down. “I remember thinking at the time how lucky I was that Bree came and got her.”

Mrs. Blocken stared at her youngest daughter as if she didn’t even know her. Maybe, she didn’t.

“O.M., call the police,” I ordered.

“What? Why?” She looked scared and more like the fifteen-year-old that she was than I had ever seen her.

“Because Bree Butler killed your sister, and now she is alone with my friend.” I told her Bobby’s address.

Mrs. Blocken gaped.

I ran out of the house and jumped in my car. I threw the car in reverse, running over a rose bush in the process.
