1. The room where Mao was born.
2. Mao with his mother and younger brothers, 1919.
3. Mao, his father, uncle and brother, Tse-tan, 1919.
4. Yang Kai-hui, Mao’s second wife, with their two eldest sons, 1924.
5. Grigori Voitinsky.
6. Maring.
7. Mikhail Borodin with Chiang Kai-shek and Wang Ching-wei.
8. Mao on the day he first became “Chairman Mao,” 1931.
9. The first formal meeting of the Red state, 1931.
10. The bridge over the Dadu River at Luding.
11. Mao in Yenan in 1937, with participants in the “Autumn Harvest Uprising.” 12. Mao with Zhu De, Lin Biao and other Red Army officers, 1937.
13. Shao Li-tzu.
14. General Zhang Zhi-zhong.
15. General Hu Tsung-nan.
16. General Wei Li-huang.
17. Chiang Kai-shek with Chang Hsueh-liang, the “Young Marshal.” 18. Mao with Chang Kuo-tao, 1937.
19. Mao with Wang Ming.
20. The Politburo in Yenan, 1938.
21. Red Army troops entering Yenan, 1937.
22. Yenan: the Congress Hall and cave dwellings.
23. The Spanish Franciscan cathedral, Yenan.
24. Jung Chang outside Mao’s official residence in Yenan.
25. Jon Halliday in Yenan.
26. Mao’s secret hide-out outside Yenan.
27. Mao with his third wife, Gui-yuan, 1937.
28. Mao’s sons in Russia.
29. Mao in 1939, reading Stalin.
30. A receipt signed by Mao for money received from the Russians.
31. Mao with US ambassador Patrick Hurley, 1945.
32. Jiang Qing, Mao’s fourth wife, with General George C. Marshall, 1946.
33. Chiang Kai-shek visiting his ancestral temple for the last time, 1949.
34. Red troops entering Nanjing, 1949.
35. Mao proclaiming the founding of Communist China, 1 October 1949.
36 and 37. Mass executions in front of organized crowds.
38. Mao at Stalin’s 70th birthday, 1949.
39. Mao in a Russian cowshed.
40. Tiananmen Gate bedecked with a portrait of the dead Stalin, 1953.
41. Mao holding up a wreath to Stalin’s portrait.
42. Mao embracing Nikita Khrushchev, 1958.
43. Mao inspecting a jet fighter.
44. Mao with a gun at a military exercise.
45. Mao at a Japanese exhibition in Peking, 1956.
46. Mao’s bedroom.
47. Peasants in Henan during the Great Leap Forward.
48. A propaganda photograph.
49. A girl pulling a cart.
50 and 51. Liu Shao-chi visiting his home village during the famine, 1961.
52. Mao swimming.
53. Mao contemplating a map of the world.
54. The Panchen Lama being denounced.
55. Peng De-huai.
56. Peng De-huai being paraded during the Cultural Revolution.
57. Liu Shao-chi being struck inside the leaders’ compound.
58. Liu being trampled.
59. Liu’s wife, Wang Guang-mei, being manhandled.
60. The “jet-plane” position.
61. Brutal hair-cutting.
62. A rare picture of how the Chinese population really looked.
63, 64 and 65. Dissidents being shot outside Harbin.
66. Mao and Lin Biao on Tiananmen Gate, 1966.
67. Lin Biao, Mao, Prince Sihanouk and Princess Monique, 1971.
68. Lin Biao’s daughter, wife and son “Tiger.” 69. Mao with Che Guevara, 1960.
70. Mao with Imelda Marcos, 1974.
71. Mao with Pol Pot and Ieng Sary, 1975.
72. Mao and Chou En-lai with Nixon and Kissinger, 1972.
73. Chou banished to a hard chair.
74. Deng Xiao-ping and the Gang of Four.
75. Madame Mao at her trial.
76. Mao with Nixon, February 1976.
77. The last picture: Mao with Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, 27 May 1976.
Photograph no. 10, by Auguste François, is reproduced by permission of Réunion des Musées Nationaux; no. 14, by Cecil Beaton, by permission of the Beaton Estate; no.16, by permission of Getty Images; no. 19, by permission of Wang Dan-zhi; nos. 29 and 39, by permission of the Rossiiskii Gosudarstvennyi Arkhiv Kinofotodokumentov (the Russian State Archive of Cine-photo Documents); nos. 34 and 49, by Henri Cartier-Bresson, by permission of Magnum Photos; no. 45, by Du Xiu-xian; no. 53, by Lu Hou-min; nos. 61, 63, 64 and 65, by Li Zhen-sheng; nos. 67, 72, 76 and 77, by Du Xiu-xian.