Chapter Seven

Jackson led Chloe inside the small cabin he used when he needed time alone, relaxing as he entered the space. He waited until she stepped past the threshold to close the door, gauging her movements, scenting a hint of nervousness. She studied her surroundings, turning slowly as her gaze swept over the space. The living room connected to the kitchen, the bedroom and bathroom nestled upstairs.

It wasn’t much, although he’d never intended it to be. He visited the cabin when he needed a break from his responsibilities. The moment he’d viewed the property, he’d known he had to have it.

Aside from Declan, no one knew about the place.

When Chloe gave a soft sneeze he immediately wished he’d taken the time to air out the cabin during the summer. Usually he visited when the weather was warm, keeping the back door that led to the wraparound porch open so he could shift at his leisure and explore the ten-acre spread. To his dismay, he realized the tension between neighboring packs hadn’t allowed him to do much of anything. He’d only visited the cabin twice in the past year. His life revolved around the wolves who turned to him for guidance. They were his primary focus.

Until now.

“Let me take that,” he said and reached for the bag gripped in his female’s fist.

The trip to the cabin had been quiet—too quiet. Ever since Chloe had come downstairs with her clearly disapproving friend—who’d given him the glare of death—she hadn’t had much to say. He knew she was trying to cope with the things she’d learned, as well as accept what he was certain were foreign feelings stirring to life inside her.

Their interaction had been strained, the comfortable nearness they’d shared in Fletcher’s office replaced by nerves. His mate allowed his touch even as she glanced at her grandparents and friend for reassurance and acceptance. Since their approval meant so much to her, he’d gone out of his way to be courteous. He was on his best behavior, promising to care for Chloe, ease her into her transition and bring her back after the weekend.

Now that he was alone with his mate, it was time to live up to his word.

She didn’t argue as he slid the bag from her fingers. He carried the duffel to the table near the kitchen and rested it on the top. When he heard the stairs creak he glanced over his shoulder. Chloe had decided to investigate, carefully making her way upstairs. She looked good enough to eat in a snug pair of jeans and a white camisole visible beneath the thin sweater she’d tossed on, her cozy brown leather jacket hugging her curves. He wanted to bury his fingers in her curls, whisper his desires in her ear. Keeping a distance had almost killed him, his fingers itching to touch her.

“We’ll have to change the linens.” He wasn’t sure why he’d stated the obvious. Maybe it was due to his quickly swelling cock. The engorged organ ached for the haven of her body.

“Where are they?” she asked, peering over the railing. “I can do it.”


The sound of her voice crept over his body, settling in his ears. He had to draw a deep breath, trying to keep his lust in check. Tonight he’d be able sate his needs. When the moon rose it would send his sweet little mate into the mating heat, preparing her for the full moon that would arrive the next day. If he was lucky he could strengthen their bond tonight. They’d need an established connection to make her shift easier, so that the pain and alarm she felt were minimal.

As he climbed the stairs the scent of her arousal lined his nostrils, crashing into him like a coiled fist. The shift in her emotions was unexpected. He lifted is head, meeting her gaze. Her eyes were clouded with desire, darkening as he neared. There was a light in the iris he identified, the wolf within making itself known.

Double damn.

He wanted to tap into her wild side and see how untamed she would be when the animal took over and the woman held on for the ride but first he had to create a measure of understanding between them. Her lust was easily handled. It was trust he had to establish. Taking her against the wall would only reinforce the sexual nature of their relationship. He wanted more—the unique connection that brought mates together.

“Here,” he answered softly, squeezing past her smaller frame, forcing his hands to his sides so he didn’t reach out and draw her to him.

After he retrieved fresh sheets he went to work stripping the bed. Chloe stood back and watched, feet moving from side to side, revealing her restlessness. He didn’t ask for help, letting her come to him, giving her space. Eventually she walked to the other side of the bed to assist. He remained silent, studying her beneath his lashes. By the time they finished and he looked at her the glow in her irises had faded. She saw him staring and lowered her gaze. The blush creeping up her neck was sexy as hell.

“Do you like the outdoors?” he asked and walked to the closet.

“Uh…I guess. Why?”

He took a heavy duvet and down comforter from the shelf and looked over his shoulder. His female had collected the strewn sheets and was arranging them in a tidy pile. Her movements betrayed her, the motions jerky. She was as keyed up as he was, fighting sexual urges, unable to contain the excess energy her wolven half brought to the table.

Nothing Mother Nature couldn’t fix.

Thankful she’d kept her jacket on, he crossed to her and took her hand. “Leave them there.”

He tugged the sheets from her other fist and urged her toward the stairs. She didn’t protest as they returned to the living room and walked toward the sliding glass door to the patio, although he could tell she was curious. The sun broke through the chilly air, warming them as they stepped outside.

“Wow,” Chloe exhaled. He let the environment sink in, glad she approved. “It’s gorgeous here.”

“Come on.” He led the way, walking down the stairs.

“Where are we going?”

He relaxed when he felt the tension in the air slowly dissipate as Chloe drew on the natural things around her. Wolves were comforted by open spaces. Thankfully the change of scenery calmed her, even if she wasn’t fully aware of it.

“For a walk,” he answered, continuing on, noting the sound of leaves crunching beneath his boots. “I have to call Declan in a bit to bring us supplies. First I figured we could talk.”

Despite the nagging inner voice that said he should contact his Beta immediately, Jackson wanted his female settled. Once she was comfortable in her surroundings he could contact his friend and make arrangements. The rest would have to keep.

“Declan?” Her brows came together as she collected her thoughts. “Is that the man I met at the shop?”

“That’s him.” He laughed, shooting her a grin. There was only one Declan, thank God. “He’s not so bad once you get to know him. Although his sense of humor could use some work.”

“Really?” She matched his grin with a smile. “Why’s that?”

“He’s prone to speak before he thinks.” The path to the pond on his property was clear, despite the multicolored leaves that had fallen to the ground. He followed it, explaining, “It’s not his best character trait but it’s easy to overlook when you think about what he brings to the table. He’s a helluva man to have at your back. I couldn’t ask for a better Beta.”

“Oh.” Her smile faded and she looked ahead. “I forgot about that.”

“Forgot about what?”

She took a deep breath and said, “You’re an Alpha.”

“It doesn’t change anything.” He stopped, giving her a firm tug so she faced him. “As far as packs go, mine is small. I prefer to keep those I trust close to me. You don’t have anything to worry about. As soon as someone enters our fold they become family.”

When she didn’t seem convinced he invaded her space, pressing close. “They’re going to love you.”

Her gaze remained on his chest, her hand squeezing his. “You seem so sure.”

“I am sure.” Only a few of the males in his pack were unattached. The rest were happily mated. Another bonus of keeping his pack small. Paired werewolves, generally speaking, were happy werewolves. After thinking things over on the drive to the cabin, he’d come to the conclusion that the males and females who had found their other half wouldn’t question him when he brought Chloe to meet the pack. Despite any reservations, many of them were eager to start families—something that wasn’t allowed without a Lupa. As a rule, a pack relied on balance. If Alphas were the muscle, Lupas were the heart. Wolves couldn’t have one without the other. The unmated males would undoubtedly voice their concerns but he was certain the females and their mates would reinforce his status and stand behind his decision.

“When will I meet them?” The insecurity she projected tugged at his heart.

“Tomorrow,” he replied, placing a kiss on her forehead.

He resumed their walk, guiding her down the path. When she tried to stop he pulled on her hand, making sure she didn’t fall behind.

“So soon?” she asked. “I thought I’d have more time.”

Not something he really wanted to answer but then again, she deserved his honesty. “You’re going to go through changes on the full moon. Their presence will help you control your impulses. You need to recognize and accept you’re not alone. You have a pack to ground you.”

“Impulses?” She practically squeaked. He heard the panic in her voice, the fear. “Is that what happened with Gramps? I can’t piece everything together. The memory is muddled.”

For a moment he considered stopping and putting it all on the line—telling her about Gavin, his suspicions and what she should expect. Then he thought about what Chloe was going through. He considered her alarm and how she might react when she learned she’d be changing for the first time tomorrow. He wanted to make things easier for her, not more difficult.

“It’s normal.” He decided to shield her as best he could. “You’ll learn control.”

“So I’m changing.” The statement, to his surprise, sounded more confident than he was prepared for. “That’s what’s happening. I’m not going to stay human. I am becoming like you.”

“Does that scare you?” When she didn’t immediately reply he wondered if he’d pushed too hard, too fast.

“No,” she finally responded with a sigh. “It doesn’t scare me. In fact, it explains a lot.”

“It does?”

“Somehow…it’s like I know you. The dreamsharing makes sense to me in a strange way.” When he peered over at her she shrugged. “It’s almost like I can feel something coming to life inside me.”

“And that doesn’t frighten you?”

“Being scared won’t stop what’s happening.”

Strong and smart little female.

She was right. Worry wouldn’t prevent what would eventually happen. By facing the unknown with her chin held high, his mate proved she was more than capable of standing by his side.

“What’s it like?” she asked softly. “Changing, I mean.”

As though there could be anything else she was referring to.

His phone buzzed against his ass, more than likely Declan contacting him with news. He let the call roll to voice mail. Right now there were more pressing matters that needed his attention.

“Exhilarating.” His answer was as natural as breathing.

There was nothing like changing forms, shifting into a stronger, more capable shape. The first transformation would be painful for Chloe but after the initial shock she’d learn how to manipulate her body. She’d be a beautiful wolf. Even without her tantalizing scent he’d be able to locate her by her blonde coat and green eyes.

“You’ll be able to do things you’ve never imagined,” he added. “The world will be entirely new.”

And he’d be the one to introduce her to her life.

They’d run together, hunt together and make love together. The thought of having her at his side made his heart race, blood thundering in his ears. He’d wanted a female to share the night with for so long. Now he’d have that and so much more.

“Liking jumping out of a plane?” she asked.

“Even better.”

She seemed to weigh the words. “Will it hurt?”

The question brought him crashing down to reality.

“You’re going to be fine.” His vow to keep his hands to himself was broken by her uneasiness. He spun his mate around, looking into her eyes. Releasing her hand, he cupped her face in his palms. “Everything’s going to be perfect. You and me? We’re going to be beautiful together.”

His cell started humming again but he ignored it, lowering his head, brushing his lips across hers. She moaned into his mouth, sagging against him. And he was lost. Swept away by a female who made the world disappear. Nothing was more important than her well-being and happiness. He’d see to it that she had no reason to fear or worry. He would be the one to keep the bad things away, the man she turned to when she needed a shoulder to lean on.

No one would ever harm her.

He’d kill whoever tried.

The brush of her fingers across his chest combined with the scent of her desire nearly undid him. He pulled her closer, bringing his hands to her hips. A breeze drifted off the nearby water, hovering in the air, merging with her arousal. He let himself go, trapped by the taste and feel of his female, growling when her hand skimmed down his torso and whispered over his stomach.

“Chloe,” he groaned, fighting a losing battle, his lust warring with his determination to do things properly. Taking her on the ground, cradled by fall leaves, wasn’t the right thing. She deserved the softness of a mattress, resting against clean sheets and fluffy pillows.

“Hmm?” She cupped his cock, pushing her hand against his length.

Fuck it.

Wrapping his fingers in her hair, he held her in place as his tongue penetrated her mouth, his cock hard and eager. He was only capable of holding back for so long. Chloe obliterated his control. She was so hot she burned him alive.

Besides, he had never been good at doing the right thing.

To hell with it.

Chloe was pretty sure Jackson wasn’t interested in sex. He’d kept distance between them on the car ride to his cabin, making small talk. Then when they arrived he’d put more space between them. She’d tried to follow his lead. She’d even helped him make his damn bed. After what she’d experienced—after he’d faced her family, for Christ’s sake—she couldn’t maintain the ruse any longer. The part of her that had breathed new life wanted more.

She wanted more.

Slow made sense but she didn’t want to make sense. After she’d spoken to Rachel something had clicked. She wanted to be carefree, aching to see Jackson as she had the night before. When he was in his element, confident and cocky, self-assured and somewhat arrogant.

“You make me want to do bad things,” Jackson growled, sounding like the man she wanted to hear, with the edge in his voice she’d missed. “Very, very bad things, Chloe girl.”

She shivered, squirming as a rush of wetness soaked her panties. When he talked to her like that she wanted to drop to her knees and give him whatever he wanted. For a moment she imagined that—on her knees, sucking his cock, out in the open. Before she’d have been mortified for considering it. Now? It made her tingle in all the right places.

Her skin felt as though it was on fire, calmed only by Jackson’s touch. She wanted to feel his hands all over her, the rough pads of his fingers working their magic. He seemed to know exactly what she needed, provoking responses in her she never thought existed. Even now, with a heated kiss, she was ready for whatever he wanted to give her.

“How bad?” she whispered, goading him. “Tell me.”

“Fuck that.” The words came out as a desperate snarl. He yanked her by the hair, forcing her away, gazing into her face. “I’ll show you.”

Oh God.

She brought a hand to his ass, shocked to feel his pocket vibrating. Before she could consider the cause Jackson lowered her to the ground. Even though he was obviously aroused he was gentle with her, bracing her back with his arm. Her thick coat cushioned her shoulders as he lowered himself over her, the hard ridge of his cock nestled at the vee of her thighs, his hips forcing her to spread her legs. Her nipples puckered, straining against her bra. A steady pulsing settled over her clit, making her remember how he’d put his tongue to use when he’d gone down on her.

Going on instinct, she rolled her hips, creating a delicious friction. Their tongues danced, darted away and returned, touching as they kissed. Each breath she took was strained, her lungs feeling as though they were shutting down. All she needed was a little bit more and she’d fall over the edge. Her newfound sexuality didn’t want to be contained. She’d been hovering on the brink all morning, eager for a repeat of their shared evening together, walking on pins and needles.

“Rock against me.” He brought his hands to her waist, guiding her movements, dragging her cleft along his denim-clad shaft. “Rub that hot pussy of yours against my cock. Take what you need.”

Shamelessly, she did, grinding her mound against him. Heat rolled over her, beads of sweat forming on her brow despite the cool weather. She clawed at his leather coat, burying her nails in the material, wishing it was his skin instead. Smells penetrated the air—Jackson, the earth, the alluring fragrance of pine. Burying her face in his neck, she reached for what she wanted, rubbing her pussy against him. Fiery sensation swarmed her, building and intensifying.

So close…

One hard thrust and she cried out, shaking as she came, her eyes clamped shut. She gyrated against him, keeping the glorious electric currents flowing as long as possible, trembling as the world rotated on its axis. Strangely the orgasm wasn’t enough. She felt empty inside, her vaginal walls flexing. She needed Jackson above her, surrounding her with his body, filling her with his cock.

“Don’t worry, we’ll get there,” he rasped, as though he’d read her mind.

He unzipped her jacket and cupped her breasts, thumbing her nipples. Her head fell back, small twigs and leaves snagging in her hair, sharp edges poking at her scalp. Somehow the unexpected and harsh sensations made the moment more real, more animal. Apparently foreplay would have to wait.

She wanted Jackson. Now.

His button fly didn’t give her any trouble, parting like a breeze when she tugged at the fastener. He lifted up, giving her access, aiding her in her task. She knew it wouldn’t take much to reveal his straining erection. He hadn’t bothered with underwear. A couple well-timed yanks and his cock would be free. Once he removed her jeans nothing would stand in their way. She’d urge him to take her hard and fast, needing to feel him plunging into her over and over again.

Realization poured over her and her fingers stilled.

“Condom,” she blurted, startled when his silken flesh slapped into her hand, reminding her of how stupid she’d almost been again. She’d forgotten that all-important element of sex before. She couldn’t risk doing so a second time.

Jackson looked at her, confusion in his eyes. “What?”

“We need to use condoms. I’m not on the Pill.”

“You don’t have to worry about that.” He pinched her nipples, causing her to gasp, passion and sexual hunger attempting to overcome reason. “Trust me.”

She’d trust him with just about anything…but not that. The ramifications were too severe. The cost too high.

“I do,” she disagreed, denying her traitorous body, feeling his cock prodding her thigh. She steeled herself not to respond when he circled his fingers around the pointed peaks covered by her clothing.

“It’s not your time to conceive. I’d know.”

“You expect me to believe that?”

“Of course I do.” He rose above her, his irises like bottled whiskey tempered by fire. “I am part wolf, baby.”

No arguing that.

He was equal parts animal and man—a perfect and sinful combination.

Unexpectedly his pocket buzzed again, teasing her fingers through the thin layer of denim. She frowned, manipulating her hand and making out the shape of a phone. She was about to ask who was calling when everything changed—throwing her off balance, confusing the hell out of her. She didn’t have a chance to brace herself. Jackson suddenly disappeared, leaving her gazing at the open sky feeling cold and bereft.

Who knew he could move so fast?

She hadn’t even seen him pull away.

Flipping onto her stomach, she tried to look in his direction. Where had he gone and why? A loud snarl pierced the air, horrifying in a way. When she finally saw Jackson her breath caught, sexual heat swiftly turning to alarm.

He was crouched a few feet in front of her, his hands steady on the ground, resting his weight on his toes. She couldn’t see his face but the tense line of his shoulders told her something was off. He was focused on something in the distance she couldn’t see.

“Jackson?” she asked cautiously, unnerved by his behavior and the awareness that bloomed inside her. He was putting himself between her and what he perceived as a threat.

“Don’t move,” he commanded, his voice deeper than usual, and she felt his power slam into her to reinforce his will. “Stay there, Chloe. That’s an order.”

There was no time to question him. He leapt from his crouch, moving so quickly that he vanished into the line of trees in a blink. She held her breath, heart pounding in her chest, palms stinging from the pine needles that had dug into her skin. Seconds ticked by. She wanted to stand but couldn’t. Despite willing her limbs to move, she stayed exactly as he’d left her. Something inside her obeyed Jackson’s command, taking it as gospel.

What the hell?

A loud snarl came from the trees, then another. She heard Jackson, growling something she couldn’t make out. Silenced followed.

She waited, her stomach uneasy.

What had he found out there?

Werewolves weren’t supposed to be frightened of anything. Judging by Jackson’s behavior he’d been more than concerned about what he’d sensed—he’d been pissed. She hadn’t thought anything could rattle the man. Knowing something had the power to put him on alert like that, taking him from a demanding lover to a hard-edged wolf, made her nervous.

Loud snapping sounds—branches breaking under force—interrupted the soft melody of nature. She watched, unable to do anything else, eyes lingering on the space between two trees. More snaps followed and she realized the noises were footsteps. Then she heard Jackson’s deep baritone. He was speaking softly, a warning, evident by his tone. When he appeared he was holding another man—a completely nude one, at that—by the back of the neck.

“You’re one stupid son of a bitch.”

“I can’t tell my Alpha no,” the man responded, walking as though he wasn’t embarrassed by his lack of clothing. “I only came to confirm the rumor. I didn’t mean you any harm.”

“The hell you didn’t,” Jackson snarled, giving the man a firm shake. “You came to spy on me—on my fucking mate—with shitty intentions.”

“I didn’t—”

“Andy, shut the fuck up before you piss me off. I’m trying real hard not to kill you. I’ve got enough shit to deal with without your blood on my hands.”

Although his state of undress didn’t bother Andy, his first glimpse at Chloe did. His green eyes widened, becoming saucers as he stared at her. It was as though he comprehended something he hadn’t before, putting two and two together. She wasn’t sure what he was seeing or why he looked so spooked. He lowered his gaze, swallowing so hard she saw his Adam’s apple bob.

“It’s okay, baby,” Jackson said, tearing her mind from the man. “Go ahead and get up. You’re safe.”

Just like that, whatever spell had kept her in place was broken. She considered giving Jackson a piece of her mind. Who the hell was he to bring her to heel? She was a person, damn it. Not a pet.

After she rose to her feet, however, she thought better of it. Blood tricked from slices in Andy’s skin, created by Jackson’s claws. She studied the vicious-looking things, shocked by how long and sharp they were. When she’d gotten a glimpse of his fangs when they’d had sex, she’d been turned on.

This made her feel something else entirely.

A stampede coming from behind her got her attention, forcing her to rip her eyes from the claws at Andy’s throat. She turned in time to see the man from the parlor—Declan—running like the devil was on his ass. He slowed when he saw them, his face a mask of agitation. He continued crossing the distance, fury radiating from him, his eyes a bright shade of gold.

“I see I didn’t make it in time.” He lifted his hand, revealing a phone. “Next time, answer your fucking cell.”

“Tell me what you know,” Jackson instructed without an apology, within a few feet of her now, forcing Andy to walk slightly in front of him.

“Gavin found out I was asking questions.”

“How?” Jackson knew Gavin would notice Declan sniffing around, but he hadn’t counted on the Alpha doing so that quickly.

“Some of his business acquaintances overheard me at the diner. When I visited Gavin’s bar, I managed to eavesdrop on a conversation before I was told to leave. Gavin spread the word that something was going down. He sent your friend there,” he pointed at Andy, “to see what was what. I tried to call and warn you but you didn’t have the courtesy to answer your goddamn phone.”

“So he doesn’t know?”

Declan’s gaze darted over to her. “Not yet.”

There was a hidden meaning in that look.

“Know what?” she asked, determined to know what he was hiding, ready to take control of her life and everything involving it.

Jackson’s expression changed. Despite the distance between them she felt the shift in his mood. Her stomach churned, bile rising to her throat. She didn’t know if what he intended was bad or good.

He looked at Declan and said, “Go inside and call the pack. Tell them to meet us at the shop in an hour. It’s time to strategize.”

“You got it.” Declan went from annoyed to almost eager. He rushed away, running from them almost as fast as he’d approached.

Jackson crossed the remaining feet, keeping Andy away from her. He reached out with his free hand and wrapped an arm around her waist, bringing her against his side. Lowering his head, he breathed into her ear, his soft exhale caressing the shell.

“How much do you want to know?” When she tried to speak, he interrupted, “Think about the question before you answer. Make sure you’re ready to go there.”

It was like jumping without a safety net. He’d answer her questions even if she didn’t want to hear certain things. She’d be going in blind but would surface wiser for it. Whatever was happening was important. If the pack was coming, she didn’t want to be a weak link. She wanted to be an equal. She’d been honest when she said worrying about what was to come wouldn’t help her. It would only delay the inevitable.

Turning her head so her lips brushed his jaw, she replied softly, a sharp edge of anticipation spiking through her, “Everything. I want to know everything.”
