
Gratitude for technical advice to:

Robert Ankeny, Staff Writer, Detroit News

Roy Awe, Investigator, Attorneys' Grievance Commission

Olga Bachmann, Ph.D., and Rudy Bachmann, Ph.D., Clinical Psychologists

Ramon Betanzos, Professor of Humanities, Wayne State University

Sister Claudia Carlen, I.H.M., Archivist, Archdiocese of Detroit

Detroit Police Department:

Robert Hislop, Commander, Major Crimes Division

Sergeant Mary Marcantonio, Office of Executive Deputy Chief

Thistleton Robertson, P.O., Organized Crime Division

Barbara Weide, Lieutenant, Homicide Section

Jim Grace, Detective, Kalamazoo Police Department

Sister Bernadelle Grimm, R.S.M., Samaritan Health Care Center, Detroit

Sister Elizabeth Harris, H.V.M., Director, Women ARISE

Margaret Hershey, R.N., Pulmonary Care Unit, Detroit Receiving Hospital

Timothy Kenny, Deputy Chief, PROB, Wayne County Prosecuting Attorney's Office Noreen Rooney, Editor, TV Listings, Detroit Free Press

Andrea Solak, Principal Attorney, Grants and Legislation, Wayne County Prosecuting Attorney's Office

Werner Spitz, U.M.D., Wayne County Medical Examiner

Any technical error is the author's
