First published 1934
The Library of Congress has cataloged an earlier edition as follows:
Travers, P. L., 1899–1996.
Mary Poppins/P. L. Travers; illustrated by Mary Shepard.
p. cm.
Summary: An extraordinary English nanny blows in on the East Wind
with her parrot-headed umbrella and magic carpet bag and introduces her
charges, Jane and Michael, to some delightful people and experiences.
[1. Fantasy. 2. Magic — Fiction. 3. England — Fiction.]
I. Shepard, Mary, 1909– ill. II. Title.
PZ7.T68gMar 1997
[Fic] — dc21 97-223987
ISBN-13: 978-0-15-205810-4 ISBN-10: 0-15-205810-9
Text set in Old Style 7
Designed by April Ward
Printed in the United States of America