Chapter 1
From the diary of John Churchmouse, historian and recorder of Redwall Abbey in Mossflower country.
We are close to the longest day of this season, the Summer of the Golden Plain. Today I took up my ledger and
quill to write. It was cool and dim in the quiet of my little study indoors, With a restless spirit I sat, quill in
paw, listening to the merry din outside in the sunlit cloisters of our Abbey. I could no longer stand the solitude,
that happy sound of revelry drew me outside, yet there was still my recorder’s duties to catch up with. Taking
ledger and quill, I went out, up the stairs to the top of the outer wall, directly over the Warrior’s Cottage,
which is the gatehouse at the threshold of Redwall Abbey.
What a glorious day! The sky, painted special blue far the summer, had not a cloud or shadow anywhere,
the hot eye of the sun caused bees to drone lazily, while grasshoppers chirruped and sawed endlessly. Out to the
west, the great plains stretched away, shimmering and dancing with heat waves to the distant horizon, a
breathtaking carpet of kingcup and dandelion mingled with cowslip; never had we ever seen so many yellow
blossoms. Abbot Mordalfus named it the Summer of the Golden Plain. What a wise choice. I could see him
ambling round the corner by the bell tower, his habit sleeves rolled well up, panting as he helped young
woodlanders to carry out forms for seating at the great feast, our eighth season of peace and plenty since the
Otters swam lazily in the Abbey pond, culling edible water plants (but mostly gambolling and playing.
You know what otters are like). Small hedgehogs and moles were around the back at the east side orchard. I
could hear them singing as they gathered ripening berries or collected early damsons, pears, plums and apples,
which the squirrels threw down to them from the high branches. Pretty little mousemaids and baby voles
tittered and giggled whilst choosing table flowers, some making bright posies which they wore as hats.
Frequently a sparrow would thrum past my head, carrying some morsel it had found or caught (though I
cannot imagine any creature but a bird eating some of the questionable items a sparrow might find). The
Foremole and his crew would arrive shortly to dig a baking pit. Meanwhile, the bustle and life of Redwall
carried on below me, framed at the back by our beloved old Mossflower Woods. High, green and serene, with
hardly a breeze to stir the mighty fastness of leafy boughs, oak, ash, elm, beech, yew, sycamore, hornbeam, fir
and willow, mingled pale, dusty, dark and light green hues, the varied leaf shapes blending to shelter and frame
the north and east sides of our walls.
Only two days to the annual festivities. I begin to feel like a giddy young woodlander again! However,
being historian and recorder, I cannot in all dignity tuck up the folds of my habit and leap down among the
merrymakers. I will finish my writings as quickly as possible then. Who knows, maybe I’ll stroll down to join
some of the elders in the cellar. I know they will be sampling the October ale and blackcurrant wine set by from
other seasons, just to make sure it has kept its taste and temperature correctly, especially the elderberry wine of
last autumn’s pressing. You understand, of course, that I am doing this merely to help out old friends.
John Churchmouse (Recorder of Redwall Abbey, formerly of St. Ninian’s)