

A. A. Zalizniak, 'Novgorodskie berestianye gramoty s lingvisticheskoi tochki zreniia', in V L. Ianin and A. A. Zalizniak, Novgorodskie gramoty nabereste (iz raskopok 1977-1983 gg.) (Moscow: Nauka, 1986), pp. 89-121.


Novgorodskaia pervaia letopis' starshego i mladshego izvodov (Moscow and Leningrad: AN SSSR, 1950), p. 106.


PSRL, vol. II (St Petersburg: Tipografiia M. A. Aleksandrova, 1908), col. 14.


E. N. Nosov, Novgorodskoe (Riurikovo) Gorodishche (Leningrad: Nauka, 1990).


Gramoty Velikogo Novgoroda i Pskova (Moscow and Leningrad: AN SSSR, 1949), nos. 1-3, pp. 9-13.


V L. Ianin, Uistokovnovgorodskoigosudarstvennosti (Velikii Novgorod: Novgorodskii gosu- darstvennyi universitet, 2001).


V L. Ianin, 'Kniaginia Ol'gai problema stanovleniiaNovgoroda', Drevnosti Pskova. Arkhe- ologiia. Istoriia. Arkhitektura (Pskov: Pskovskii gosudarstvennyi ob"edinennyi istoriko- arkhitekturnyi i khudozhestvennyi muzei-zapovednik, 2000), pp. 22-5.


V L. Ianin and M. Kh. Aleshkovskii, 'Proiskhozhdenie Novgoroda: K postanovke prob- lemy', Istoriia SSSR, 1971, no. 2: 32-61.


PSRL, vol. vi, vyp.i (Moscow: Iazyki russkoi kul'tury 2000), col. 176.


V L. Ianin and A. A. Zalizniak, 'Novgorodskaia psaltyr' nachala XI veka - drevneishaia kniga Rusi', Vestnik Rossiiskoi akademii nauk 71, 3 (2001): 202-9.


V L. Ianin, Novgorodskie posadniki (Moscow: Izdatel'stvo Moskovskogo universiteta, 1962), pp. 54-62.


V L. Ianin, Novgorod i Litva. Pogranichnye situatsii XIII-XV vekov (Moscow: Izdatel'stvo Moskovskogo universiteta, 1998).


Ianin, Uistokovnovgorodskoigosudarstvennosti, pp. 6-30.


V L. Ianin, Novgorodskaia feodal'naia votchina (Istoriko-genealogicheskoe issledovanie) (Moscow: Nauka, 1981), pp. 200-57.


Ianin, Novgorodskieposadniki.


Freski Spasa-Nereditsy (Leningrad, 1925).


B. A. Kolchin, A. S. Khoroshev and V L. Ianin, Usad'banovgorodskogo khudozhnikaXII v. (Moscow: Nauka, 1981).


A. A. Gippius, 'Kattributsiinovgorodskikhkratiroviikony "Znamenie"',Novgorodi Nov- gorodskaiazemlia.Istoiiiaiarkheologiia,vyp. 13 (Novgorod: Novgorodskiigosudarstvennyi ob" edinennyi muzei-zapovednik, 1999), pp. 379-94.


V L. Ianin, 'K khronologii i topografii ordynskogo pokhoda na Novgorod v 1238 g.', Issledovaniiapo istorii i istoriografii feodalizma (Moscow: Nauka, 1982), pp. 146-58.


V L. Ianin, 'Monastyri srednevekovogo Novgoroda v strukture gosudarstvennykh insti- tutov', POLYTROPON: k 70-letiiu V. N. Toporova (Moscow: Indrik, 1998), pp. 911-22.


Ianin, Novgorodskieposadniki.


Ianin, Novgorod i Litva.


Ianin, Novgorodskie posadniki.


V L. Ianin, 'Bor'ba Novgorodai Moskvy za Dvinskie zemli v50-kh - 70-kh gg. XV v.', IZ 108 (1982): 189-214.


E. A. Rybina, Inozemnye dvory v Novgorode XII-XVII vv. (Moscow: Izdatel'stvo Moskovskogo universiteta, 1986).


The second Sofiia Chronicle contains a warning from Iona, the archbishop of Novgorod, to the Novgorodians not to kill Vasilii II upon his visit there in 1460 because 'his eldest son, Prince Ivan . . . will ask for an army from the khan and march against you': PSRL, vol. vi.2 (Moscow: Iazyki russkoi kul'tury, 2001), col. 131. Although the khans had stopped sending forces to aid the Muscovite grand prince after 1406, the notion that the grand prince could theoretically call on such troops apparently still existed fifty-four years later.


See Donald Ostrowski, 'Muscovite Adaptation of Steppe Political Institutions', Kritika 1 (2000): 288-9.


V E. Syroechkovskii, 'Puti i usloviia snoshenii Moskvy s Krymom na rubezhe XVI veka', Izvestiia AN SSSR. Otdelenie obshchestvennykh nauk, no. 3 (1932): 200-2 and map. See also Janet Martin, 'Muscovite Relations with the Khanate of Kazan' and the Crimea (1460s to 1521)', CASS 17 (1983): 442.


Richard Hellie, Slavery in Russia 1450-1725 (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1982),

p. 15.


Ibid., p. 462, table 14.1.


Ibid., p. 395.


See my 'The Extraordinary Career of Tsarevich Kudai Kul/Peter in the Context of Relations between Muscovy and Kazan'', in Janusz Duzinkiewicz, Myroslav Popovych, Vladyslav Verstiuk and Natalia Yakovenko (eds.), States, Societies, Cultures: East and West. Essays in Honor ofJaroslaw Pelenski (New York: Ross Publishing, 2004), pp. 697-719.


On this point, see A. A. Zimin, 'Ivan Groznyi i Simeon Bekbulatovich v 1575 g.', Uchenye zapiski Kazanskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta 80: Iz istorii Tatari 4 (1970): 146-7; A. A. Zimin, Rossiia naporoge novogo vremeni (Ocherki politicheskoi istorii Rossii pervoi treti XVI v.) (Moscow: Mysl', 1972), p. 99; A. A. Zimin, V kanun groznykh potriasenii. Predposylki pervoi Krest'ianskoi voiny vRossii (Moscow: Mysl', 1986), p. 25.


PSRL, vol. v.i (Moscow: Iazyki russkoi kul'tury 2000), p. 103.


PSRL, vol. xv.2 (Moscow: Iazyki russkoi kul'tury 2000), cols. 476-7.


Sudebniki XV-XVIvekov, ed. B. D. Grekov (Moscow and Leningrad: AN SSSR, 1952), p. 19. The Sudebnik of 1550 begins similarly: 'In the year 7058, in the month ofJune, Tsar and Grand Prince of All Rus' Ivan Vasil'evich, with his kinsmen and boyars, issued this Code of Law': Sudebniki XV-XVI vekov, p. 141. The Sudebnik of 1589 (long redaction) includes


See my 'A "Fontological" Investigation of the Muscovite Church Council of 1503', unpub­lished Ph.D. dissertation, Pennsylvania State University 1977 (Ann Arbor: UMI, I977,AAT 7723262); and my '500 let spustia. Tserkovnyi Sobor 1503 g.', Palaeoslavica 11 (2003): 214-39.


He accused Zosima of being sympathetic to the heretics and of engaging in sodomy. The only contemporary evidence for Zosima's dismissal comes from the second Sofiia Chronicle, which refers simply to hisbeingan alcoholic and thereby neglectingthe Church: PSRL, vol. vi. 2, col. 341.


Iosif Volotskii, Prosvetitel', ili oblichenie eresi zhidovstvuiushchikh, 3rd edn, ed. A. Volkov (Kazan': Tipografiia Imperatorskogo universiteta, 1896), pp. 547, 287.


See my Muscovy and the Mongols: Cross-CulturalInfluences on the Steppe Frontier (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998), pp. 203-7.


N. A. Kazakova and Ia. S. Lur'e, Antifeodal'nye ereticheskie dvizheniia na Rusi XIV-nachala XVIveka (Moscow and Leningrad: AN SSSR, 1955), p. 385.


Iu. G. Alekseev and A. I. Kopanev, 'Razvitie pomestnoi sistemy vXVI v.', in Dvorianstvo i krepostnoi stroi Rossii XVI-XVIII vv. Sbornik statei, posviashchennyi pamiati Alekseia Andree- vichaNovosel'skogo, ed. N. I. Pavlenko et al. (Moscow: Nauka, 1975), p. 59; A. Ia. Degtiarev 'O mobilizatsii pomestnykh zemel' v XVI v.', in Iz istorii feodal'noi Rossii. Stat'i i ocherki k 70-letiiu so dnia rozhdeniia prof. V. V. Mavrodina, ed. A. Ia. Degtiarev et al. (Leningrad: Izdatel'stvo Leningradskogo universiteta, 1978), pp. 85-9; V. B. Kobrin, 'Stanovlenie pomestnoi sistemy', IZ 105 (1980), 151-2; V B. Kobrin, Vlast' i sobstvennost' v srednevekovoi Rossii (XV-XVI vv.) (Moscow: Mysl', 1985), pp. 92-3; and my 'Early pomest'e Grants as a Historical Source', Oxford Slavonic Papers 33 (2000): 36-63.


Kobrin, 'Stanovlenie', 180; and Kobrin, Vlast' i sobstvennost', p. 134.


See my 'The Military Land Grant along the Muslim-Christian Frontier', RH 19 (1992): 327-59; and 'Errata', RH21 (1994): 249-50.


For a list of steppe influences on Muscovy, see table 2 in Ostrowski, 'Muscovite Adapta­tion', 295.


Herberstein, Notes, vol. I, pp. 108-9.


It has been suggested that the dynastic crisis of the late i490s, in which a number of the Patrikeevs were arrested and disgraced, was the result of an attempt on the part of other boyars to reduce their power: Nancy Shields Kollmann, 'Consensus Politics: The Dynastic Crisis of the 1490s Reconsidered', RR 45 (1986): 235-67.


The estimate is N. P. Zagoskin's as reported in M. F. Vladimirskii-Budanov, Obzor istorii russkogo prava, 3rd edn. (Kiev: N. Ia. Ogloblin, 1900), p. 135, n. 1.


Dukhovnye i dogovornyegramoty, p. 362.


See Oswald P. Backus, Motives of West Russian Nobles in Deserting Lithuania for Moscow, 1377-1514 (Lawrence: University of Kansas Press, 1957), p. 98, where he provides thirteen reasons given in the sources for Lithuanian nobles going over to Muscovy between 1481 and 1500. The most prominent Lithuanians to join Muscovite service were the Gediminovich princes Fedor Ivanovich Bel'skii, Mikhail L'vovich Glinskii and Dmitrii Fedorovich Vorotynskii.


Oswald P. Backus, 'Treason as a Concept and Defections from Moscow to Lithuania in the Sixteenth Century', FOG 15 (1970): 119-44.


See my 'Troop Mobilization by the Muscovite Grand Princes (1313-1533)', in Eric Lohr and Marshall Poe (eds.), The Military and Society in Russia, 1450-1917 (Leiden: Brill, 2002), pp. 37-9; see also Craig Gayen Kennedy, 'The Juchids of Muscovy: A Study of Personal Ties between Emigre Tatar Dynasts and the Muscovite Grand Princes in the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries', unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Harvard University, 1994 (Ann Arbor: UMI, 1994, AAT 9520971).


D. P. Golokhvastov and Archimandrite Leonid, 'Blagoveshchenskii ierei Sil'vestr i ego poslaniia', ChOIDR 1874, kn. 1, pp. 71-2. This work, in the form of a letter addressed to Ivan IV is generally attributed either to Metropolitan Makarii or to the priest Sil'vestr.


For more on this 'ideological package', see my Muscovy and the Mongols, pp. 135-98.


A. L. Iurganov, 'Politicheskaiabor'bav30-e gg. XVI veka',IstoriiaSSSR, I988,no. 2:106-12.


See PSRL, vol. xiii (Moscow: Iazyki russkoi kul'tury, 2000), p. 104, left column.


The present design of the palace is a result of seventeenth-century renovations. See S. S. Pod"iapol'skii, G. S. Evdokimov, E. I. Ruzaeva, A. V Iaganov and D. E. Iakovlev, 'Novye dannye o Kremlevskom dvortse rubezhaXV-XVI vv.', in A. L. Batalov et al. (eds.), Drevnerusskoe iskusstvo. Russkoe iskusstvo pozdnego srednevekov'ia, XVI vek (St Petersburg: Dmitrii Bulanin, 2003), pp. 51-98.


Ivan later reproduced a similar spatial arrangement in his residence in Kolomna in 1577. See I. E. Zabelin, Domashnii byt russkikh tsarei i tsarits v XVI i XVII stoletiiakh, vol. iii: Materialy (Moscow: Iazyki russkoi kul'tury, 2003), p. 458 (first pagination).


See PSRL, vol. xiii, p. 104, left column.


On variousinterpretations ofPrince Iurii Vasil'evich's position towards the grand-princely family in the tendentious official chronicles, see PSRL, vol. xiii, pp. 77-8, 90. On Iurii, see also M. M. Krom, 'Sud'ba regentskogo soveta pri maloletnem Ivane IV Novye dannye o vnutripoliticheskoi bor'be kontsa 1533-1534 goda', Otechestvennaia istoriia, 1996, no. 5: 40-2.


SGGD, vol. i (Moscow: Tipografiia N. S. Vsevolozhskogo, 1813), pp. 451-2.


On Andrei's rebellion, see 1.1. Smirnov, OcherkipoliticheskoiistoriiRusskogogosudarstva 30- jokhgodovXVIveka (Moscow and Leningrad: AN SSSR, 1958), pp. 56-74; A. L. Iurganov, 'Staritskii miatezh', VI, 1985, no. 2: 100-10.


There is no scholarly publication of the results of the autopsy to date. The main results of the autopsy can be found in a popular article: Denis Babichenko, 'Kremlevskie tainy: 33-i element', Itogi, no. 37 (327), 17 September 2002: 36-9.


See Andrei Pavlov and Maureen Perrie, Ivan the Terrible (Harlow: Longman, 2003), p. 29.


M. M. Krom believes that the main reason for the crisis was the minority ofthe ruler. See his 'Politicheskii krizis 30-40kh godov XVI veka. Postanovka problemy', Otechestvennaia istoriia.,1998, no. 5: 13,15.


See N. S. Vladimirskaia (ed.), Orel i lev. Rossiia i Shvetsiia v XVII veke. Katalog vystavki. Gosudarstvennyi istoricheskii muzei, 4.04-1.07.2001 (Moscow: Gosudarstvennyi istorich- eskii muzei, 2001), pp. 56-7, no. 3.


See Nancy Shields Kollmann, 'The Grand Prince in Muscovite Politics: The Problem of Genre in Sources on Ivan's Minority', RH 14 (1987): 293-313.


PSRL, vol. viii (St Petersburg: Tipografiia Eduarda Pratsa, 1859; reprinted Moscow: Iazyki russkoi kul'tury, 2001), pp. 297-301; Pskovskieletopisi, ed. A. N. Nasonov, vol. i (Moscow and Leningrad: AN SSSR, 1941; reprintedDiisseldorfand The Hague: Briicken-VerlagGMBH, Europe Printing, 1967), p. 110; Sbornik Imperatorskogo Russkogo istoricheskogo obshchestva, vol. Lix (St Petersburg: Tipografiia F. Eleonskogo i K., 1887), pp. 33, 34, 37, 43-4, 66-7, 95. I am grateful to Charles J. Halperin for these references.


On Makarii, see Arkhimandrit Makarii (Veretennikov), Zhizn'i trudy sviatiteliaMakariia, mitropolita Moskovskogo i vseia Rusi (Moscow: Izdatel'skii sovet Russkoi pravoslavnoi tserkvi, 2002).


PSRL, vol. xiii, p. 450.


SeeKrom, 'Politicheskiikrizis', i3;A.L.Khoroshkevich,Rossiiavsistememezhdunarodnykh otnosheniiseredinyXVIveka(Moscow: Drevlekhranilishche, 2003), p. 65; Pavlov and Perrie, Ivan, p. 41.


See Hugh F. Graham, 'PaulJuusten's Mission to Muscovy', RH13 (1986): 44, 89; Jerome Horsey, 'Travels', in Lloyd E. Berry and Robert O. Crummey (eds.), Rude and Barbarous Kingdom. Russia in the Accounts of Sixteenth-Century English Voyagers (Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1968), pp. 279-80; Khoroshkevich, Rossiia, p. 275.


See David B. Miller, 'Creating Legitimacy: Ritual, Ideology, and Power in Sixteenth- Century Russia', RH 21 (1994): 298-302; Pavlov and Perrie, Ivan, pp. 34-6.


See Jaroslaw Pelenski, 'The Origins of the Official Muscovite Claims to the "Kievan Inheritance"', HUS1 (1977): 29-52; A. L. Khoroshkevich, 'Tsarskii titul Ivana IV i boiarskii "miatezh" 1553 goda', Otechestvennaia istoriia, 1994, no. 3: 23-42.


For earlier versions of the description of the coronation, see PSRL, vols. xiii, pp. 150-1; xxix (Moscow: Nauka, 1965), pp. 49-50. On the missing elements of the ritual, see A. P. Bogdanov, 'Chiny venchaniia rossiiskikh tsarei', in B. A. Rybakov et al. (eds.), Kul'tura srednevekovoi Moskvy XIV-XVIIvv. (Moscow: Nauka, 1995), p. 217; B. A. Uspenskii, Tsar' i patriarkh:KharismavlastivRossii. Vizantiiskaia model' i ee russkoepereosmyslenie (Moscow: Iazyki russkoi kul'tury, I998), pp. I09-I3 (includes a review ofthe historiography).


Daniel Rowland, 'Did Muscovite Literary Ideology Place Limits on the Power ofthe Tsar, 1540s-1660s?', RR 49 (1990): 125-55; Sergei Bogatyrev The Sovereign andhis Counsellors: Rit­ualised Consultations inMuscovite Political Culture, i3jos-ijjos (Helsinki: Finnish Academy ofScience and Letters, 2000), pp. 38-98.


Nancy Shields Kollmann, Kinship and Politics. The Making of the Muscovite Political System, 1345-1547 (Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1987), pp. 121-45,174.


See V D. Nazarov, 'Svadebnye dela XVI veka', VI, 1976, no. 10:118-20.


Carolyn Johnston Pouncy,' "The blessed Sil'vestr" and the Politics of Invention in Mus­covy, 1545-1700', HUS 19 (1995): 548-72.


E. B. Emchenko, Stoglav. Issledovanie i tekst (Moscow: Indrik, 2000), p. 246.


Emchenko, Stoglav, p. 242.


On the literacy of Vasilii III and Andrei of Staritsa, see V V Kalugin, Andrei Kurbskii i Ivan Groznyi. Teoreticheskie vzgliady i literaturnaia tekhnika drevnerusskogo pisatelia (Moscow: Iazyki russkoi kul'tury, 1998), pp. 138-9.


See I. Gralia(Hieronim Grala), IvanMikhailovViskovattyi:Kar'eragosudarstvennogo deiatelia vRossii XVI v. (Moscow: Radiks, 1994), pp. 136-8. Dmitrii died in an accident shortly after the crisis.


See Smirnov, Ocherki, pp. 194-202; S. O. Shmidt, 'Mitropolit Makarii i pravitel'stvennaia deiatel'nost' ego vremeni', in S. O. Shmidt, Rossiia Ivana Groznogo (Moscow: Nauka, 1999), pp. 239-45; Makarii (Veretennikov), Zhizn', pp. 143-54.


Uspenskii, Tsar', pp. 20, 109-13; Khoroshkevich, Rossiia, pp. 66, 186-8, 288-9, 348; A.S. Mel'nikova, Russkie monety ot Ivana Groznogo do Petra Velikogo. Istoriia russkoi denezhnoi sistemy s 1533 po 1682 god (Moscow: Finansy i statistika, 1989), p. 41.


David B. Miller, 'The Velikie Minei Chetii and the Stepennaia Kniga of Metropolitan Makarii and the Origins of Russian National Consciousness', FOG 26 (1979), 263-382.


D. S. Likhachev and Ia. S. Lur'e (eds.), Poslaniia Ivana Groznogo (Moscow and Leningrad: AN SSSR, 1951); J. L. I. Fennell (ed. and trans.), The Correspondence between Prince Kurbsky and Tsar Ivan IV ofRussin (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1955).


See Edward L. Keenan, The Kurbskii-Groznyi Apocrypha. The Seventeenth-Century Genesis ofthe 'Correspondence' Attributed to Prince A. M. Kurbskii and Tsar Ivan IV, with an appendix by Daniel C. Waugh (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1971). See also Charles J. Halperin's review article, 'Edward Keenan and the Kurbskii-Groznyi Correspondence in Hindsight', and Keenan's response, both inJGO 46 (1998): 376-415.


For a list of books from the tsar's private treasury, see 'Opis' domashnemu imushch- estvu tsaria Ivana Vasil'evicha, po spiskam i knigam 90 i 91 godov', in Vremennik Impera- torskogo Moskovskogo obshchestva istorii i drevnostei rossiiskikh 7 (Moscow: Universitetskaia tipografiia, 1850), smes': 6-7. The list is incomplete as it is part of an inventory of items that were missing from the treasury after the death of Ivan IV See G. V Zhari- nov, 'O proiskhozhdenii tak nazyvaemoi "Opisi domashnemu imushchestvu tsaria Ivana Vasil'evicha..." ', Arkhivrusskoiistorii 2 (Moscow: Roskomarkhiv, 1992): 179-85. On books donated and borrowed by Ivan, see N. N. Zarubin, Biblioteka Ivana Groznogo. Rekonstruk- tsiia i bibliograficheskoe opisanie, ed. A. A. Amosov (Leningrad: Nauka, Leningradskoe otdelenie, 1982), p. 22.


S. M. Kashtanov 'The Czar's Sinodik of the 1550s', Istoricheskaia Genealogiia/Historical Genealogy 2 (Ekaterinburg and Paris: Yarmarka Press, 1993): 44-67. The patriarch blessed Ivan's assumption of the title of tsar with some reservations in 1560.


S. M. Kashtanov Finansy srednevekovoi Rusi (Moscow: Nauka, 1988), p. 141.


See Razriadnaia kniga 1475-1598 gg., ed. V I. Buganov (Moscow: Nauka, 1966), pp. 127­230; G. S. Evdokimov, E. I. Ruzaeva and D. E. Iakovlev, 'Arkhitekturnaia keramika v dekore Moskovskogo velikokniazheskogo dvortsa v seredine XVI v.', in Batalov et al. (eds.), Drevnerusskoe iskusstvo, p. 126.


SGGD, vol. i, pp. 460-8.


SeeM. M. Gerasimov, 'Dokumental'nyiportret IvanaGroznogo', in Kratkiesoobshcheniia Institutaarkheologii ANSSSR 100 (1965): 139; Babichenko, 'Kremlevskie tainy', 38.


See L. E. Morozova, 'Fedor Ivanovich', VI, 1997, no. 2: 49-71.


Those lands and meadows that were not covered by surveys often remained nameless. See Kashtanov, Finansy, p. 28. Such objects with no names could not have a significant meaning for the local perception of an area.


Mel'nikova, Russkie monety, pp. 14-28.


On the local administration, see N. E. Nosov Ocherki po istorii mestnogo upravleniia Russkogo gosudarstva pervoi poloviny XVI veka (Moscow and Leningrad: AN SSSR, 1957); N. E. Nosov, Stanovleniesoslovno-predstavitel'nykhuchrezhdeniivRossii. Izyskaniiaozemskoi reforme Ivana Groznogo (Leningrad: Nauka, Leningradskoe otdelenie, 1969); Carol B. Stevens, 'Banditry andProvincial Orderin Sixteenth-Century Russia', in Ann M. Kleimola and Gail D. Lenhoff (eds.), Culture and Identity in Muscovy, 1359-1584 (UCLA Slavic Studies, n.s., vol. 3; Moscow: ITZ-Garant, 1997), pp. 578-9; Sergei Bogatyrev, 'Localism and Integration in Muscovy', in Sergei Bogatyrev (ed.), Russia Takes Shape. Patterns of Integration from the Middle Ages to the Present (Helsinki: Finnish Academy of Science and Letters, 2004), pp. 59-127. For a revision of the history of the vicegerent administration, see Brian L. Davies, 'The Town Governors in the Reign of Ivan IV', RH 14 (1987): 77-143; Pashkova, Mestnoe upravlenie.


See Horace W Dewey, 'The 1550 Sudebnik as an Instrument of Reform', JGO 10 (1962): 161-80; Peter B. Brown, 'Muscovite Government Bureaus', RH 10 (1983): 269-330.


On the sovereign's court, see Bogatyrev, Sovereign, pp. 16-26; Pavlov and Perrie, Ivan, pp. 23, 70.


Nancy Shields Kollmann, By Honor Bound. State and Society in Early ModernRussia (Ithaca, N.Y., London: Cornell University Press, 1999), pp. 166-7; S. O. Shmidt, Uistokov rossiiskogo absoliutizma. Issledovanie sotsiah'no-politicheskoi istorii vremeni Ivana Groznogo (Moscow: Progress, i996), pp. 330-80; Ann M. Kleimola, 'Status, Place, and Politics: The Rise of mestnichestvo during the boiarskoe pravlenie', FOG 27 (1980): 195-214. On Ivan's intrusion in mestnichestvo, see A. A. Zimin, Oprichnina (Moscow: Territoriia, 2001), p. 221; Pavlov and Perrie, Ivan, pp. 187-8.


A. N. Grobovsky, The 'Chosen Council' of Ivan IV. A Reinterpretation (New York: Gaus, 1969); A. I. Filiushkin, Istoriia odnoi mistifikatsii. Ivan Groznyi i'IzbrannaiaRada' (Moscow: Voronezhskii gosudarstvennyi universitet, 1998).


Boris Floria, Ivan Groznyi, 2nd edn (Moscow: Molodaia gvardiia, 2002), p. 50.


On A. F. Adashev, see D. M. Bulanin, 'Adashev Aleksei Fedorovich', in Slovar' knizhnikov i knizhnostiDrevneiRusi,vyp. 2: VtoraiapolovinaXIV-XVIv. (Leningrad: Nauka, Leningrad- skoe otdelenie, 1988), pt. 1, pp. 8-10; Filiushkin, Istoriia. On I. M. Viskovatyi, see Gralia, Ivan.


AndreasKappeler, TheRussianEmpire:AMultiethnicHistory(Harlow: Longman, 2001), pp. 24-32; M. B. Pliukhanova, Siuzhety i simvolyMoskovskogo tsarstva (St Petersburg: Akropol', 1995), pp. 177-90,199-202.


See Janet Martin, Medieval Russia, 980-1584 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, :995), pp. 354-5; Kappeler, The Russian Empire, pp. 33-6.


See Martin, Medieval Russia, pp. 355-7; Khoroshkevich, Rossiia, pp. 508-14.


See Maureen Perrie, The Cult of Ivan the Terrible in Stalin's Russia (Houndmills: Palgrave, 2001), pp. 89-92; Aleksandr Filiushkin, 'Diskursy Livonskoi voiny', Ab Imperio 4 (2001):



On the role of foreign policy in the establishment of the oprichnina, see Khoroshkevich, Rossiia, p. 416.


V V Kavel'makher, 'Gosudarev dvor v Aleksandrovskoi slobode. Opyt rekonstruktsii', in Iakob Ul'feldt, Puteshestviev Rossiiu, ed. Dzh. Lind and A. L. Khoroshkevich (Moscow: Iazyki slavianskoi kul'tury, 2002), pp. 457-87.


Accusations against boyars who disobeyed Ivan during his minority are prominent in the official account of the establishment of the oprichnina: see PSRL, vol. xiii, p. 392.


PSRL, vol. xiii, p. 392.


See Priscilla Hunt, 'Ivan IV's Personal Mythology of Kingship', SR 52 (1993): 769-809. Hunt believes that the concept of the tsar's power derives directly from Makarii's views, but the process of the formation of this concept could have been multi-phased.


On the Polotsk campaign, see Sergei Bogatyrev, 'Battle for Divine Wisdom. The Rhetoric of Ivan IV's Campaign against Polotsk', in Eric Lohr and Marshall Poe (eds.), The Military and Society inRussia, 1450-1917 (Leiden: Brill, 2002), pp. 325-63. On the Novgorod punitive campaign, see Floria, Ivan, p. 239.


For the historiography of the 1566 zemskii sobor, see Pavlov and Perrie, Ivan, pp. 131-2.


SGGD, vol. I, pp. 545-56. On the practice of swearing an oath of allegiance in Muscovite political culture, see H. W. Dewey and A. M. Kleimola, 'Promise and Perfidy in Old Russian Cross-Kissing', Canadian Slavic Studies 3 (1968): 334.


A. L. Iurganov 'Oprichnina i strashnyi sud', Otechestvennaia istoriia, 1997, no. 3: 52-75; A. L. Iurganov Kategoriirusskoisrednevekovoi kul'tury (Moscow: MIROS, 1998), pp. 382-98.


See Janet Martin, 'Tatars in the Muscovite Army during the Livonian War', in Lohr and Poe (eds.), The Military and Society, pp. 365-87.


A. A. Zimin, V kanun groznykh potriasenii. Predposylki pervoi krest'ianskoi voiny v Rossii (Moscow: Mysl', 1986), p. 27. For a review of the historiography see Pavlov and Perrie, Ivan, pp. 172-3.


A. A. Zimin (ed.), Gosudarstvennyi arkhiv Rossii XVI stoletiia. Opyt rekonstruktsii, vol. iii (Moscow: Institut istorii SSSR, 1978), p. 451.


A later piece of evidence suggesting that Simeon was crowned as tsar in i575 is not reliable, because from i575 till Ivan's death in i584 contemporary working documents refer to Simeon as grand prince. Only after Ivan IV's death was the title of tsar restored to Simeon. See PSRL, vol. xxxiv (Moscow: Nauka, 1978), p. 192; Razriadnaiakniga 1475-1598 g^ p. 363.


On the fiscal-military state, see Jan Glete, War and the State in Early Modern Europe. Spain, the Dutch Republic and Sweden as Fiscal-Military States, 15 00-1660 (London and New York: Routledge, 2002), passim; Chester S. L. Dunning, Russia's First Civil War: The Time of Troubles and the Founding of the Romanov Dynasty (University Park, Pa.: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2001), p. 19.


See the revealing records of an investigation held by Ivan in S. K. Bogoiavlenskii (ed.), 'Dopros tsarem Ioannom Groznym russkikh plennikov vyshedshikh iz Kryma', in ChOIDR 2 (Moscow: Sinodal'naia tipografiia, 1912), Smes': 26-33.
