DREW FOUGHT THE URGE TO SMILE AT THE LOOK Carolina gave him. Man, she was fierce and determined to not show that she gave a shit about him, while her body and her eyes betrayed her, just like they had back in college.
If there was one thing he could do and do well, it was read a woman’s body language, and Carolina was all tight with tension and nerves. She always had been around him.
And he’d been a class-A douchebag back then, had taken advantage of a young woman who’d had an obvious crush on him, had used her and discarded her in the dickhead way young guys did. He still felt like shit about it all these years later.
“I’m not here to seduce you, Lina,” he said, though when he’d walked through her front door and seen her again, she still managed to gut punch him like she always had. She was even more beautiful now than she’d been back then. Her light brown hair was cut chin-length and framed her face, and her stunningly sharp blue eyes, as always, just about struck him dead.
“I can’t believe you agreed to do this. It doesn’t seem like it’s something you’d be remotely interested in doing.”
He caught the edge of anger in her voice. “How would you even know what interests me? Maybe I like fashion.”
She let out a snort. “I highly doubt that. You seem more like the bar-brawling, beer-swilling, sweatshirt–with-a-logo-on–it-wearing, sports-watching type to me.”
“Hmmm. I have been guilty of all those things. But I also like to dress well. See, you don’t know me at all, Lina.”
She looked away. “Stop calling me that.”
“Because it’s not my name.”
He moved closer, breathing in the subtle scent of her perfume. “Because it reminds you of that night.”
She stepped away. “No, it doesn’t.” She lifted her head and gave him a look that showed her pain. “You’re trying to piss me off.”
Now it was him who took a step back. “No. I’m really not. I just want to be friends.”
She laughed. “We can’t be friends, Drew.”
Maybe she hated him because of what he’d done. He’d always managed to stay friends with the women he slept with. He was nice to them and never lied to them. He never made promises he didn’t intend to keep. Hell, he never made promises. He’d never promised Carolina anything that night, either. But maybe she’d heard something he hadn’t said. Or maybe he’d said something that night he couldn’t recall saying.
“This isn’t a good idea.” She closed up the boxes of food.
He stopped her, laying his hand over hers and forcing her to turn and look at him. “What’s not a good idea?”
“This. You and me.”
“Working together?”
“Anything . . . together.”
“Come on, Li—Carolina. You need this for your work, right?”
She shrugged. “I can get models.”
“Oh, but you need me. I’m a hot commodity.”
She shot a look at him. “Modest as always, aren’t you, Drew?”
“Well, you know me.”
“Yes, I do know you.”
He figured if he could joke with her, tease her like he’d always done, she’d snap out of this sad, reflective mood. Mad Carolina he could deal with. The sad one he couldn’t handle.
“Come on. It’ll be just like old times. Only you get to tell me what to do. You can even be mean to me. It’ll be like payback. Think of all the fun you’ll have ordering me around.”
She straightened and cocked a brow. “Why do you want to help me? Surely you have better things to do with your time. Like playing a hockey game, or picking up some woman.”
“Not really. Annoying you has always been one of my favorite things to do.”
“Yes. I remember that well.”
“Think of it as a nostalgia trip, then. And besides, I come cheap. I won’t even charge you for my time, seeing how I’ll get all that free publicity.”
“How generous of you.”
“I know, right?”
She took a deep breath and let it out. “Fine. We’ll do this.”
“And can you get me tickets to see some of your games?”
Now it was his turn to give her the once-over. “I didn’t know you liked hockey.”
“Now who doesn’t know much about whom? I actually do like hockey, Drew. Plus I want to study your lines while you skate.”
“Huh. Okay, sure. There’s a preseason game tomorrow night against Denver. Do you want to come to that one?”
“Tomorrow night? Let me check my calendar.” She went over to her desk and grabbed her phone, doing some scrolling with her thumb. “What time is the game?”
“Seven thirty.”
“Yes. That’ll work. I should be finished up by then.”
“Okay. I’ll have a ticket set aside for you. Are you going to bring someone?”
She looked up from her phone. “No. It’ll just be me.”
“You can pick up the ticket at the box office. Just give them your name.”
“Thanks. This will really help with my designs.”
She looked around. He hated to admit he found her discomfort amusing, but he did. If she was uncomfortable, then it meant she felt something. And he wanted her to feel something.
For him. About him.
“So . . . you’d like me to leave.”
She lifted her gaze to his. “I didn’t say that, but I do have work.”
He stepped over to her, deliberately getting close. “You should just say what’s on your mind, Carolina.”
She didn’t say anything, but her eyes said it all. Confusion, that slight irritation that always made him smile, and then her eyes darkened, a flash of desire she tried to hide before she moved away.
But he’d seen it, and it made him tighten.
He took a deep breath. “Hey, I can take a hint.” He grabbed his jacket and put it on.
“Thanks for coming over,” she said as she walked him to the door.
“I’ll see you tomorrow night at the game.”
“Sure.” She held on to the door and gave him a stiff smile. “Good night, Drew.”
“Night, Carolina.” Before she could shut the door in his face, he brushed a brief, soft kiss across her lips, taking in her slight gasp of surprise. “Don’t work too hard.”
He turned and walked away and she shut the door.
He smiled as he pushed the elevator button.
Yeah, he got to her. Surprisingly, she got to him, too. He’d always enjoyed teasing her. After all, she was Gray’s little sister. Until she’d become more than that in one night that had rocked his world.
She’d thought he’d walked away as if she hadn’t meant anything.
But she’d meant a lot more to him than she would ever know. And that had scared the shit out of him. That one night with her had brought out feelings he hadn’t been ready to deal with. Not when he’d had a new career ahead of him and his entire life had been about to change. He couldn’t have handled falling in love all those years ago.
Now? Now was a different story. Now he was settled, with a good career and a stability in his life he hadn’t had before.
Except Carolina wouldn’t give him the time of day.
He aimed to change that.