A big thanks to Hanne Adler-Olsen, Henning Kure, Elsebeth Wæhrens, Søren Schou, Freddy Milton, Eddie Kiran, Hanne Petersen, Micha Schmalstieg, and Karsten D. D. for their invaluable and thorough critiques. Thanks to Gitte and Peter Q. Rannes and the Danish Center for Writers and Translators at Hald for providing the peace and quiet I needed during crucial periods while writing this book. Thanks to Peter H. Olsen and Jørn Pedersen for inspiration. Thanks to Jørgen N. Larsen for research, to Michael Needergaard for factual information about the effects of pressure chambers, and my thanks to K. Olsen and Police Commissioner Leif Christensen for correcting issues in the book related to police matters. Finally, a big thanks to my Danish editor, Anne Christine Andersen, for an exceptional collaboration.
