MARTIN LEWIS, born in Australia in 1881, was considered one of the greatest chroniclers of American urban life. His ability to capture adverse weather conditions and obscure light sources, coupled with a keen sense of composition and technical skill, made him one of America’s greatest printmakers of the twentieth century. Arriving in the United States in 1900, he was by 1909 living and working in New York City, and his earliest etchings date from 1915. He produced more than 147 drypoints, etchings, mezzotints, aquatints, and lithographs between 1915 and 1953. His first success was as a watercolorist, but he also worked in oil. He died in 1962.

Jacket: Bay Windows. Drypoint and sand ground, 1929.

Volume I: Arch Midnight. Drypoint, 1930.

Volume II: Relics [Speakeasy Corner]. Drypoint, 1928

Volume III: Glow of the City. Drypoint, 1929.

Volume IV: Late Traveler. Drypoint, 1949.
