Dmitry Glukhovsky METRO 2034 Translated from the German version by Metro2033Artjom, Lieutenant Shwa, and cardboardtheory

Metro2033Artjom’s annotations:

This is the translation of the German version of Metro 2034 into English. English is not my first language. This translation is as closest to the German Version is it gets. Some sentences had to be changed so that the grammar would make sense. They still incorporate the message of the sentence.

I didn’t get paid translating this book and neither did I want to earn money with this translation.

Dmitry Glukhovsky is the author of Metro 2034 and all rights are reserved to him. No copyright abuse/infringement were intended.

Have fun reading.

(Please report any mistakes to me, by chapter-page-line, to my YouTube channel Metro2033Artjom)

Oh and before I forget, if something is written in brackets and is underlined than it is one of my notes.)

LieutenantShwa (youtube channel) has volunteered to edit the translated text.

Give him your thanks for taking time out of his day to ensure the quality of this translation.
