I sat at my desk, thinking, listening to the window air conditioner, and looking at the small painting of the dark jungle and small orchid. I knew that over my shoulder Charlton Heston and Orson Welles were looking down at me.
“Do what must be done,” Heston’s Vargas character said with conviction.
“Take care of your ass,” said Welles’s Hank. “No one else will, partner.”
I got up and changed into my best work clothes: an old, only slightly frayed pair of blue slacks, well-ironed; a colorful pink-and-white short-sleeved shirt, my best; and the most expensive item I owned, my black patent leather shoes with dark socks.
It took Ames McKinney less than ten minutes to get to me. I was back in the chair behind my desk when I heard his motor scooter come into the DQ lot and park below. I didn’t hear him climb the metal stairs to the second floor or hear his footsteps approach my door. Ames McKinney was polite, born seventy-three years ago, a child of polite, God-fearing Methodists in Texas near the Oklahoma panhandle. Ames knocked. I told him to come in. Ames had once been close to rich and had lost it all. He had trailed the partner who had cheated him to Sarasota, where the partner had changed his name and grown even richer, a steel pillar of philanthropy and high society.
I found Ames’s partner, and the two of them, in spite of my attempts to reason or threaten them out of it, had an old-fashioned shoot-out on the beach in the park at the far south end of Lido Key. Ames was the better shot. The former partner took a bullet in the heart. Ames served eight months for having an unregistered weapon and engaging in a duel, a law that still existed in Florida. Ames’s age and the evidence of what his former partner had done and my eyewitness testimony about the gunfight had kept the sentence reasonably short.
Now Ames lived in Sarasota, in a room with a bed in the back of the Texas Bar and Grill on Second Street. Ames’s job was to keep the place from being broken into at night and see to it that the owner Ed Fairing’s gun collection was maintained. Ames got the room, food, and a very small salary. It didn’t cost Ames much to live, but even shopping at Goodwill, the motor scooter needed gas, and once in a while a man needs a new toothbrush.
Ames came in, standing tall and lean in jeans and a long-sleeved shirt. The jeans were worn white in patches but clean and the shirt was a solid khaki that looked more than a little too warm for the weather. On his head was the battered cowboy hat he had putt-putted into town with three years ago. Once Ames must have been close to six-six. I figured age had brought him down a few inches. Age seemed to be the only thing that could bring Ames McKinney down.
“Have a seat,” I said.
Ames sat.
“How’ve you been?” I asked. “How’s Ed?”
Ed was Ed Fairing, owner of the Texas Bar and Grill and collector of antique guns that didn’t work, which were on display in the Grill, and the more modern kind, which were kept in a wall-sized cabinet in Ed’s office. Ed’s face was the color and texture of high-quality tan leather. His hair was clear, pure white and likely recently cut by himself or one of the four-dollar old-time places still trying to compete with First Choice and the other new chains and mens’ salons. Ed looked as if he had served shots of whiskey to Wyatt Earp and smiled when he poured a sarsaparilla for the rare teetotaler who wandered in. Ed, in fact, was from New Jersey and gave up a nine-to-five job in Manhattan to follow his dream of owning a saloon.
“Fine,” said Ames.
“Got something you can help me with,” I said.
“I’m here,” he reminded me.
“I’m looking for William Trasker, the county commissioner. You’ve heard of him?”
“Heard,” said Ames, taking off his hat and putting it on his lap the way his mother had taught him back when Hoover was president.
I filled him in on Trasker, Hoffmann, Hoffmann’s man Stanley, Reverend Wilkens, and Roberta Trasker.
“I make it clear?” I asked.
He nodded.
He patted his brass belt buckle. It was about four inches across, had an embossed little gun on it and the letters “FA” over the word “Freedom Arms.”
Ames reached down with his right hand, clicked something on the buckle, and the embossed gun popped off the belt and into his hand.
“Five shots, 22 caliber, single-action. Stainless steel,” he said, holding up the weapon. “Uses black powder or Pyrodex. Accurate, deadly at close range.”
“Where did you get that?”
“Freedom Arms, Freedom, Wyoming. No federal forms or record keeping. Ed just charged it on his credit card and it came three days later.”
My plan was simple. Go to Roberta Trasker, try to find out why she had backed away from getting her husband away from Kevin Hoffmann, and get her to go with us to Hoffmann’s to get William Trasker out of there and, if necessary, to the hospital.
With Ames riding silent shotgun, I drove to the Spanish-style house with the turrets on Indian Beach Drive. A blue-black Mercedes was parked in the driveway. I pulled up next to it and we got out.
There was a smell of rain in the air and the clouds were starting to come darkly together.
I pushed the bell button next to the door, with Ames behind me. There was no answer. I kept pushing. I tried the door. It wasn’t locked. I opened it enough to peek in and call out.
“Mrs. Trasker?”
There was no answer. I thought for a few seconds and went in, calling out, “Mrs. Trasker? It’s me, Lew Fonesca. Your door was open. I need to talk to you about your-”
She was lying on the white tile floor, splats of blood on her neck and chest. One arm was straight out, the other at her side. She had her head turned. She looked very dead. She looked very beautiful.
I heard Ames behind me clicking his little. 22 off of his belt.
I knelt at her side to be sure of what I was already sure of. She was dead. She was also pale and cold.
“I know her from someplace,” Ames said.
“Claire Collins,” I said, nodding at the picture on the wall. “She was in the movies.”
I was still on my knees. I wanted to tell her that I’d never forget her in that one scene with Glenn Ford. I wanted to ask her who had killed her and I wanted her to answer me. I stood up.
“What now?” Ames asked.
“We call the police,” I said.
I found a phone in an office at the back of the house. I didn’t think I should touch the one in the living room in case the killer had used it. The office smelled faintly of cigars, and it seemed to be the only room not a shrine to the memory of a Busby Berkeley 1930s musical. The furniture was all old wood and cracking brown leather.
I called the only cop I knew. He was in.
“Viviase,” he answered when they put me through.
“Fonesca,” I said.
“What now?” he said with a sigh. “Try not to tell me you found a body.”
“I can try, but I’ll fail. Roberta Trasker.”
“Wife of William Trasker?” he asked.
“Yes,” I said.
“You’re going to tell me she’s been murdered.”
“Yes,” I said. “She lives on-”
“Big Spanish house on Indian Beach Drive,” he said. “Been there. Don’t touch anything. Just sit somewhere far away from her body and wait.”
He hung up.
“Might be a good idea for you not to be here when the police come,” I said to Ames, who stood, cowboy hat in hand, looking down at the dead woman the way Henry Fonda had in almost any John Ford movie he had been in.
“I’ll stick around if it’s all the same.”
“It’s not,” I said. “You’ve got a record. You killed a man. You’re carrying a weapon. You’re not supposed to. You’d be right at the top of the suspect list if they found you here.”
“Suit yourself,” he said.
“You can catch a SCAT bus on the Trail,” I said.
“I’ll walk it,” he said.
“Sorry,” I said.
“We both are,” he answered, turning his eyes from the dead woman to the picture on the wall. “Handsome woman.”
“I’ll call you later,” I said.
“You know who did this?” Ames asked.
“Probably,” I said.
When Ames was out the front door, I did a quick search of the house. I found a gun in one of Trasker’s desk drawers. It looked as if it had never been fired. I found letters, papers, and shelves full of books, most of them best-sellers going back twenty years. I couldn’t bring myself to go through Roberta Trasker’s clothes.
“What are you doing, Fonesca?” Viviase asked me as I stood with my back to the bedroom door.
“Wondering,” I said, not turning.
“People,” I said, turning to face him. “Why so many of them want to turn the world into-”
“Shit,” Viviase finished. Viviase was a little over six feet tall, a little over two hundred and twenty pounds, a little past fifty, short dark hair and a big nose. It said, “Detective Ed Viviase” on the door to his office, but his real name was Etienne. He had a wife, kids, and a reasonable sense of humor. He probably knew a cop joke I could use. I wasn’t going to ask him.
“Come on,” he said, turning his back on me and walking into the hall. I could hear voices in the living room, knew that cops were taking pictures, being sure she was dead, trying not to contaminate the crime scene too much. I followed Viviase away from the living room and into William Trasker’s office. He sat in the leather chair at the desk. I sat in an upright chair of black wood, tan leather, and arms.
“So, what happened?” he asked.
“I found the body,” I said. “She was shot. She was dead. I called you.”
“What were you doing here?” he asked.
“William Trasker is missing,” I said. “I was trying to find him.”
“William Trasker is not missing,” Viviase said. “He’s at Kevin Hoffmann’s house. And you know it.”
He scratched the top of his head and looked up at me with his hands folded in his lap.
“I was getting to that,” I said.
“Hoffmann beat you to it,” said Viviase. “His lawyer called us, complained about you threatening him.”
“And he told you Trasker was in Hoffmann’s house.”
“Yes. Said he was too sick to move. Gave the name of the doctor on the case, said Trasker’s wife, who now lies dead in the other room, knew all about it and approved. So, I have an important question.”
“Why were you looking for William Trasker? And don’t tell me it’s privileged information. You’re not a private investigator. You’re a process server who gets himself involved in other peoples’ business.”
“Sometimes,” I admitted.
“Sometimes? You’ve come up with five dead people in the last three years.”
“I don’t want to get involved in other peoples’ business,” I said. “It just…”
“Happens,” he said. “I know. So, my question?”
“Why was I looking for Trasker? For a friend.”
“And your friend possesses a name?”
“Fernando Wilkens,” I said. “He wants Trasker found so he can vote on the Midnight Pass proposal on Friday.”
Viviase was shaking his head. To himself as much as to me, he said, “This hits the blotter, these names are going to jump out and be all over television and the papers.”
“Any cash, jewelry missing?” he asked hopefully. “And don’t tell me you wouldn’t know. You’ve gone over the place.”
“As far as I can tell, there’s nothing missing. Her purse is open on the table near the kitchen. I think you’ll find two hundred and six dollars in it. Jewelry box in the bedroom is full. I think it’s all real.”
“So, who killed her?”
“My vote? Hoffmann, to keep Roberta Trasker from changing her mind and getting her husband away from the Hoffmann house.”
“Trasker’s going to vote against opening the Pass?” Viviase asked, showing some interest.
“That’s what I’ve heard. Can we get Trasker out of there?”
“If he wants to,” Viviase said. “He can get up and go anywhere. He can dance naked under the moon on Holmes Beach, get drunk and make a fool of himself. He can watch a movie at the Hollywood Twenty.”
“Why don’t you ask him?” I said.
“I’ve got no cause to go into Hoffmann’s house,” he said slowly, as if speaking to an idiot. “If I just showed up, Kevin Hoffmann would turn me away and start pulling chains to make my life far less idyllic.”
“Don’t you think someone should tell Trasker that his wife is dead?”
He was listening.
“He may be well enough to give you some ideas about who might want his wife dead.”
“And he might let us know that he wants out of Hoffmann’s house. What the hell? Let’s do it.”
He got up and so did I.
“You want me to go with you to Hoffmann’s? Why?”
“Would you believe I like your company?”
“How about I want you there so Hoffmann can identify the man he says threatened him?”
“Okay, last try. You made Hoffmann nervous enough that he called his lawyer and had him put pressure on us. I’d like to see how nervous you can make Hoffmann.”
“Fine,” I said, following Viviase down the hallway. “But there’s something you should know.”
“Kevin Hoffmann’s date of birth.”