I would like to thank the following people for their help with this book:
Bengt Nordin and Maria Enberg for their encouragement and unstinting commitment. Nina Wadensjö and Petra König for their open-mindedness and enthusiasm. Rolf Svensson for his ability to control reams of paper, among other things. My mother, Anna-Maria, and father, Björn, for detailed information about Linköping and the surrounding area.
I would also like to thank Bengt Elmström, without whose common sense and warm-heartedness there would probably never have been any books at all.
I owe my greatest debt of thanks to my wife Karolina, who has been absolutely invaluable to so many aspects of Midwinter Sacrifice. What would have become of Malin Fors, her family and colleagues without Karolina?
My main focus has always been on what is best for the story. For this reason I have taken certain liberties, albeit small ones, with police procedure, the city of Linköping, the geography of the surrounding area, and the people who live there.
Mons Kallentoft
21 March 2007