
As usual, I got a lot of help.

My gratitude to the kind, talented people at Dutton, especially Carole Baron and Brian Tart, and to my agent, Lynn Nesbit.

Jane Davis, Elyse Morgan, and Al Silverman continue to support me in ways that are personal as well as professional. I’ve said thanks. I’ll say it again, knowing it’s not enough. Nancy Hall, once more, brought her critical eye to the process.

If I wore one, I’d tip my hat to Virginia Danna and Darrell C. R. Olson, Sr. Call it courage, call it blind faith, but they paid good money to charity to have their names used for characters in this book. I think I’ll just call it generosity. Norm Clarke, on the other hand, was a draftee. His gracious, one-of-a-kind introduction to Las Vegas and his willingness to let me give him an important role in the story were much appreciated.

Robert Greer, who does more things well than anyone I’ve ever met (other than perhaps his late wife, Phyllis), provided some consultation about one of his many specialties. And although I’ve long been indebted to them for pushing the swing, the Limericks-Jeffrey and Patricia-deserve some fresh credit for one of this book’s small secrets.

Xan, Rose, and my mother, Sara White Kellas, continue not to be surprised that I’m able to do this. They believe, and what is better than that?

