Detroit, one year after New York

Jerry Grantland, wearing a buzz cut, dark business suit, and yellow power tie, entered the CookRight culinary supplies store and made his way to a display of carving knives arranged in a glass showcase.

He was standing studying the knives, his forefinger touching his chin, when a sales clerk approached. He was a chubby man about forty, stuffed into a cheap gray suit and wearing a cheaper white smile. He moved around behind the counter so he could open it should Jerry decide he wanted to examine the merchandise further.

Then his expression changed, and his magnified blue eyes widened behind rimless glasses.

"You sure remind me of somebody," he said. A tentative kind of recognition entered his eyes. "That television personality that used to be on the news commenting on local murders. The one who got into some kinda trouble. Why, she could be your sister."

"If I had a sister," Jerry said, and bought a knife.
