Chapter Eight

Gabe supposed the main problem with volunteers was that they were, by definition, not professionals. For a man who worked alone and knew the name and function of pretty much every power tool on the market, Saturday morning was a bit too chaotic. A couple dozen well-meaning people-many with children in tow-milled around with only a limited idea of what they should be doing.

Thankfully that lasted for only a short while before Quinn and Lilah herded everyone into the impromptu headquarters they’d set up in the town square gazebo. Even among the crush of bodies beneath the gazebo roof, Gabe was continuously aware of Arianne’s location. He could pick her voice out of the cacophony, could feel whenever she looked in his direction. He assiduously did not look in hers. She would say that he was avoiding her, accuse him of running away again in a more subtle form.

Damn straight he planned to avoid her! He was willing to build an entire pirate armada in return for Arianne not kissing him again. Because if she tried, he would succumb to temptation. He’d spent too many unguarded moments since Thursday night imagining the taste of her, the softness of her lips beneath his, her skin against his. He was reputed to be someone who gave in to baser instincts with no thought for consequences. If Arianne got too close, he’d end up proving his fabled lack of self-control.

In the center of the gazebo, Lilah and Quinn mapped out where everything would be-various midway games down Main Street, arts and crafts booths on the courthouse lawn, concessions scattered throughout, a large rock-climbing wall in the post-office parking lot.

A freckled boy sitting not far from Gabe leaned forward at the mention of the climbing wall. “I’m gonna do it this year!”

An older boy with similar features shoved the child’s shoulder. “You’ve been saying that for two years, Ben. Face it, you’re a big fraidy cat, scared of heights. You’re never gonna climb that wall.”

“I am, too, Toby!” But the youngster’s lower lip trembled.

Gabe sighed inwardly. Chin up, kid. Crying would only be taken as an additional sign of cowardice.

“Ben! Toby!” A woman with strawberry blond hair shushed them, and Lilah and Quinn began sending volunteers off with specific assignments. They’d restored order admirably well, and Gabe hoped he could get to work soon on erecting the plank platform, left more or less alone.

He hadn’t even reached the site Lilah had designated, the small gravel lot next to the library, before someone approached. Jack Allen. A sour taste rose in Gabe’s mouth. Jack worked as an administrator for the town of Mistletoe and was the younger brother of someone Gabe had beat to a near pulp in high school.

“Hey, Gabe,” Jack called.

He sounded a lot like his brother actually. Hey, Gabe.

As if it had been yesterday, Gabe could hear Duke Allen in his head.

Wait up.

Warily, Gabe’s sophomore self had turned, wondering if yet another person was about to insinuate that he was responsible for two deaths. Three, if one counted the mother he’d never known.

But Duke Allen had beamed at him. I know you’re taking a lot of flack, dude, but I’m on your side. Who wouldn’t have bagged Mrs. Templeton, given the chance? I gotta know, was she as hot in bed as I think?

The memory blurred after that, ending with the principal and vice principal separating them and the look of contempt in Jeremy Sloan’s eyes when he’d come to pick up his suspended son.

Gabe swallowed. “Jack.”

“Quinn said I should see you about the ladder?”

“What? Oh, the ladder. Yeah. Follow me to my truck.” Gabe had offered the use of his commercial-grade ladder, knowing it extended well beyond the ladders most people had at home.

“I couldn’t make the meeting the other night,” Jack said. “Zoning commission meeting ran late. But I wanted to add that I think the pirate ship idea is a nice touch. We appreciate your taking time out of your schedule to put it together so quickly.”

From someone else, the remark could have been snide, a pointed reminder that Gabe didn’t have much of a social schedule. But Jack was completely amiable. If he recalled Gabe’s regrettably lost temper in high school, he wasn’t holding a grudge.

When they reached the truck, Gabe said, “This ladder’s pretty heavy. Where are you headed with it?”

“Just around the corner, to Butler Street. We’re raising the big bingo tent and stringing up the speakers.”

The two of them carried the ladder together. Jack said that when he was done with it, he and someone else would bring it to Gabe, who would need it this afternoon.

Not five minutes later, Gabe was hailed again. This time by Tanner Waide. Gabe could guess what the man wanted to discuss. Arianne, what trouble have you got me into now? The idea of defending himself with the God’s honest truth-that she had made the move on him-was enticing, but he discounted it as ungallant. Besides, in his experience, people rarely believed that explanation.

“Tanner, what can I do for you?” he asked, slowing his gait but not stopping.

“I don’t need anything.” The man smiled, heightening his familial resemblance to Arianne. “Actually I came to say that if there’s anything you ever need…”

When Tanner broke off with a frown, Gabe found himself confused. “You mean, like assistance with the pirate ship?”

“Not exactly. Although I’d be happy to help.” Tanner rubbed his jaw. “This is more awkward than I’d intended, but I heard about the confrontation with Shane.”

Gabe sighed. Would Arianne’s brother believe him if he explained that he wasn’t looking for any trouble?

“I just want you to know we’ve got your back.”

“Excuse me?”

“David and me. If you want us to correct any misconceptions about how it went down. Or if you think Shane’s not getting the message about Ari not being interested, I’d appreciate your letting me know. I’ll have a chat with him.”

Gabe’s gaze went involuntarily to Tanner’s hand, and the other man noticed, chuckling.

“That wasn’t a euphemism for roughing him up. He’s known the family for years, and we owe it to him to try talking first if his behavior’s become inappropriate.” Tanner’s expression suddenly hardened. “Unless he ever lays a hand on my little sister, in which case I’ll dump his body in the river.”

If Shane hurt Ari in front of Gabe, Tanner would never get the chance to kill him. Gabe didn’t voice the thought-it seemed risky, given his history and the fact that three local police officers were helping with the huge canvas bingo tent. But some of the protective ferocity he was feeling must have shown in his expression because Tanner rocked back on the balls of his feet, looking satisfied.

“I see we’re in agreement,” Tanner said. “I’ll let you get back to work, then. But we’ll have a beer soon so I can give you advice.”

“Advice?” What had he done to make the Waides think they were his own personal consulting team?

“On how to manage my sister.”

“I don’t think that’s possible,” Gabe grumbled.

Tanner grinned. “You’re a quick learner.”

GABE PAUSED, WIPING his forehead with the back of his arm. He was mighty glad they’d asked for his help with the fall festival and not the July Fourth celebration. Even with the cool October air, he was working up a sweat. He set the hammer he’d been using across the top of his toolbox and reached for a bottle of water. It had long since turned lukewarm, but at least it was wet.

He stood and twisted off the lid, gratefully rehydrating.

“I feel bad that I didn’t think to bring you another bottle. You look like you’re about out,” Lilah observed as she emerged from a shaded trail between two buildings.

“That’s okay.” He crumpled the plastic to stick it in the recycling bin. “I’ll probably head for lunch soon anyway, so I can get something else to drink then.”

“Could you hold off on that lunch for another fifteen minutes?” she asked. “Jennifer Gideon just handed me the check from the PTA and the bouncy company is supposed to be delivering the ball pit back here. Can you direct them, let them know exactly where you need it?”

“Sure.” He smiled. “But if I pass out from hunger in the meantime, it’s on your head.”

She looked startled for a second and he wondered if she’d taken him seriously, but then she gave a little shake of her head. “After the diving pit is set up, why don’t you come to lunch with us? Tanner and I were talking about going for Mexican.”

“You do know I was kidding about the fainting?”

“That’s what I figured. I just thought it would be nice if you could join us.” She hesitated before adding, “Ari will be there.”

If he were a smarter man, that would be a reason not to go. Hadn’t he been thinking to himself that the more distance between them, the better? But…

He missed her smile. In retrospect, he’d been braced all morning for her to seek him out, to interrupt, and now that she hadn’t, the relief he should be feeling was tainted with disappointment.

“She’s trying to give you space,” Lilah said in a near whisper, glancing around as if nervous she would be caught betraying a confidence. “She’s afraid she comes on too strong.”

She does. So why wasn’t he happier that she was staying away?

“It won’t last,” Lilah predicted. “She’s trying to back off because she’s told herself she should, but it’s too contrary to her nature. The Waides are strong-willed.”

“Including your husband?”

Lilah laughed. “Especially my husband! Don’t let the aw-shucks twinkle in his eyes or easy smile fool you. You should have seen the full-court press I got when he moved back to Mistletoe. I was afraid he could break my heart again and wanted nothing to do with him.”

Gabe pointed to the wedding band she wore. “Looks like he wore you down.”

“Put that way, it doesn’t sound very romantic, huh?” She wrinkled her nose. “But trust me, even though I thought he was going to drive me crazy at the time, letting myself love him was the best decision I ever made.”

A truck parked at the curb and a couple of guys crunched across the gravel to ask if she was Lilah and if this was where the ball pit would go. Nodding, she introduced them to Gabe. He took it from there and she excused herself to go check on the progress with the bingo tent and midway facade.

“Think about that lunch offer,” she reminded him over her shoulder.

He grinned at her retreating back-Lilah was a bit like her relentless sister-in-law, she was just more understated about it.

Together the three men got the “mega pit” situated and inflated the base to determine whether this was going to work safely. When Gabe was satisfied that walking the plank would be a lighthearted fundraiser and not a short plummet into traction, he thanked the uniformed men and signed the paperwork saying that he understood the safety regulations and instructions for how to use the electric blower. They unloaded seven enormous bags filled with springy, multicolored balls. As he handed over the clipboard, he caught sight of a paint-smeared blonde and two kids in his peripheral vision.

Arianne. She was crouched down in the picturesque pathway that led between the buildings and back toward Main Street. Her hair was pulled back with some kind of clip, but long strands were blowing around her face as she crouched next to two kids. It looked as though she was mediating an argument between the two ginger-haired boys Gabe had seen in the gazebo earlier. Gabe started walking toward them even before he realized that was his intention.

“Everything okay here?” he asked. At least if he sounded as if he were trying to help, he wouldn’t have to admit to himself that, having finally seen her, he couldn’t stay away.

“It will be,” Arianne said. Her stern tone was full of warning, but Gabe wondered if the blue smear of paint across her left cheek detracted from her authority. “Right, guys?”

The youngest-seven, maybe?-nodded, sniffling, and the taller one kicked the dirt with his shoe as he muttered an unconvincing, “Yes, ma’am.”

“Why don’t the two of you go help Quinn clean paintbrushes?” she suggested. “Your mom said as soon as she’s done, she’ll take you to lunch at the Dixieland Diner. Play your cards right, there might even be milk shakes in your future.”

Their expressions brightening slightly at the implied bribe, they scampered off and disappeared around the corner of the bank.

“You think they’re really on their way to assist Quinn?” Gabe asked. Neither child had looked particularly eager to tackle that errand.

Arianne sighed. “Who knows? Toby and Ben are good kids, for the most part, but a handful for Fawne. Her husband is serving a tour of duty overseas. She’s here instead of on a base because she’s trying to help take care of her parents, and it’s a lot on her plate.”

Gabe stared off in the direction the boys had gone. “I don’t want them operating power saws or hammering a platform that needs to hold actual festival attendees without collapsing, but if I rack my brain, I might be able to come up with something they can do to help me.”

“Really? My hero.” Her radiant smile made him feel he was strong enough to stop a speeding locomotive. Or run faster than a speeding locomotive. Definitely something in the locomotive genre.

Embarrassed by the swell of pride he felt at her reaction, he downplayed his generosity. “It’s not that big a deal. Patrick and Lilah and Quinn deal with entire classrooms full of kids on a daily basis. Seems like a minor enough task for me to keep two of them out of trouble for an hour or so.”

“It will be a big deal to them,” she protested. “Getting to hang out with a big strong guy and build stuff when their own father is so far away, instead of trailing after their mom all afternoon? I know having them underfoot will probably slow you down, and you’re sweet to offer.”

Sweet? Gabe wasn’t sure whether to be amused by the unlikely adjective or vaguely offended.

“So, what have you been working on all morning?” he asked casually. “I assume paint was involved.”

He brushed his thumb over a smudge of yellow on the inside of her elbow. She trembled. He wished she hadn’t. Her natural responsiveness made her even more irresistible.

“Headless bodies,” she said.

Gabe raised an eyebrow at her unexpectedly gruesome answer. “I don’t follow.”

“Waide Supply donated large pieces of plywood and the school’s art teacher drew silly outlines. The kind you stick your head through for photo ops. A few of us have been painting them. She’s got one of a pirate captain to put near your ship.

“Speaking of which…” she said, sounding uncharacteristically shy.

It was endearing to see an alternate side of her, but made him realize he’d grown to genuinely like her brash confidence.

“Yes?” he prompted.

“How’s progress on your ship going?” she asked. “I’d be happy to round up some volunteers or even pitch in myself. Although, last time I offered, you questioned my construction skills. And I…didn’t want to be pushy.”

Her confession unbalanced him. Despite his previous complaints, it seemed inherently wrong that Arianne should try to be anything other than the strong, sexy, surprising woman she was.

“You are who you are.” It came out clumsily, not nearly encompassing how much he admired her.

“Is that your fatalistic way of saying I’m doomed to keep making the same mistakes?”

“No!” He cupped her chin, tilting her head up. “No, it’s my way of…” There were a half a dozen things he could tell her, except he couldn’t find the right words to articulate any of them.

Maybe he should try action instead.

His heart raced with the anticipation that had been escalating since she’d brushed her lips across his skin the other night. That whisper of a caress had teased at the corners of his imagination for the past two days, stoking an undeniable craving. Arianne’s lips parted, and her eyes closed as he bent toward her. For reasons known only to herself, Arianne seemed to believe in him, and he should probably repay that with a gentleman’s kiss, soft and slow-building. Respectful.

Instead, Gabe kissed her like the town bad boy he was. Hungry and hard, pressing his open mouth to hers and sinking into the warmth of her.

She clutched the front of his shirt. He wasn’t sure if she was trying to pull him even closer or holding on to him for balance. There was a bench behind them, and he moved them in that direction until the back of his legs bumped iron. Then he sat, tugging Arianne with him. She wasn’t quite in his lap, but so tantalizingly close that need roared through him.

Fragmented thoughts circled like distant birds high above, little more than indistinguishable M’s against the clouds. Public place. Shouldn’t. She deserves

But Arianne tunneled her hands through his hair and slid her tongue against his, obliterating the paltry objections his rational mind posed. She was soft and hot in his arms, and he let his hand drop from her shoulder to her blouse, over the fullness of her breast.

Push my hand away. One of them needed to be sane.

Arianne groaned his name and arched into him.

Hell, sanity was overrated anyway.

It took him a moment to realize that the feminine gasp he heard had not come from the beautiful woman kissing him.

Then Lilah’s voice boomed at them, unnaturally loud in the clearing. “You know what, honey? I just realized I left my keys over at the bingo tent. Would you mind going back to get them?”

Even though most of the blood had left Gabe’s brain, he had the wherewithal to gently push Arianne aside. She was straightening her paint-stained button-down shirt and looked nearly composed by the time Lilah reached them. Gabe kept his gaze averted, breathing hard. It would be a few seconds before he could function like a normal human being again.

“Sorry to interrupt,” Lilah said, sounding far too delighted to be truly penitent. “Tanner and I were coming to see if Gabe would join us for lunch.”

“You Waides,” Gabe drawled. “You just don’t give up.”

“One of our numerous fantastic attributes,” Lilah agreed. “Also, many of us are good kissers, but I see you’ve discovered that for yourself.”


Arianne’s squeak of protest left her sister-in-law unfazed.

“Couldn’t help myself.” Lilah chuckled. “Think back to how often you’ve teased me and Tanner over the years. Do you know how many times you walked in on us necking back when we were teenagers?”

“Of course I know. Seeing my brother in a hot clinch?” Arianne exaggerated a shudder. “Those incidents scarred me for life.”

If Lilah hadn’t found an excuse to send her husband away before he’d gotten an eyeful, Gabe had a feeling he would currently be maimed for life. Not fully meeting her eyes, he offered a heartfelt, “Thank you.”

He could hear the smile in her voice. “So, about lunch?”

A frigid, ice-cold shower sounded like a much better idea than sitting next to Arianne for the next forty minutes, trying to act as if he didn’t want to drag her off to bed while her brother watched from the other side of the table. “Um…”

Arianne covered his hand with hers. “Please, Gabe?”

He felt himself drowning in her eyes and didn’t mind. Who needed air? “All right. But I need to do something about the balls first.”

Arianne’s eyebrows shot up, and Gabe gave a strangled laugh. “For the pit. Remember? Big container people are going to walk into? The company delivered our supplies, and aside from the base, I don’t want to just leave everything out.”

“Of course.” Her face pinkened, and she busied herself with reclipping her hair. “I knew what you were talking about.”

“I need to get my toolbox, too.” Would all seven bags even fit in his truck? “We’re going to need a good-sized storage space to keep all the bags. Unless we want to divvy them up among us?”

Lilah shook her head. “No, even with the advance prep, next Saturday will be hectic. Keeping everything together will make it go more smoothly. We can store the balls in the guest room at my house. We only use it when we have-”

“Sweetheart?” Tanner called. “I didn’t see your keys.”

She turned with a guileless smile that made Gabe think she deserved an acting award. “Sorry about that, hon. They turned out to be in my pocket.”

Tanner narrowed his eyes, well aware that his wife wasn’t a ditz but not pressing her for a better explanation. “Well, I’m starving. Are we ready to go or what?”

“Just about,” Gabe said, standing. “Can you help me carry some bags to my truck? They aren’t too heavy, just cumbersome. Once we get those and my tools secured, we can go.”

“Anything to speed this along,” Tanner said affably, following Gabe toward the clearing that spilled out into the gravel lot.

“We’ll be along in just a second,” Lilah said, tossing a friendly arm around Arianne’s shoulders. It occurred to Gabe that he was about to be the topic of conversation. From years of habit, he bristled at the idea. He liked flying below the social radar. Then you should refrain from publicly mauling the daughter of a community pillar.

As he came around the corner of the library, Gabe noticed that his ladder was propped against the back of an antiques store opposite them. It had probably been returned from the front of the lot because the path between buildings was too narrow to maneuver well, thank God, or Gabe and Arianne-There was a split-second delay between seeing the fifteen-foot ladder and realizing that there was a kid climbing it.

Ben. The little boy who was afraid of heights.
