Emily and Traci schemed all night, thinking of ways she could avoid the Huns. Emily finally suggested they tell Don, Greg and several of the other boys who knew them a part of the truth – that the bikers were out to get both of them and had even tried accosting Traci. They'd be watched out for, and still Traci's secret would be kept. And, of course, if Traci wanted to go back to the bikers she could do so voluntarily. The choice was hers. Emily and she giggled all night about the endless possibilities of sex with that gang. And as dawn drew near the blonde teen was still unsure as to what path she should take. Avoiding the Huns was the wisest thing to do. But, oh, how her pussy ached for adventure!


Back at Traci's home Hilda spent an equally restless night. All the gin in the world couldn't blot out the act she'd committed with the animal. As she lay half drunk in her bedroom watching television until two in the morning she kept thinking of that Doberman lying downstairs, his wonderful tongue licking his fur, that strange knobby cock soft between his hindquarters. She'd sip more gin and groan, feeling her pussy burning, crossing her legs and trying to blot the sensation from her mind. No, she wasn't going to do this again. Twice, twice she'd let the animal have his way with her! What kind of slut was she turning into? Most of the whores on Santa Monica Boulevard wouldn't dream of doing what she'd done for money! And she'd done it willingly, freely!

The broken dreams she had all night were terribly erotic and perverted. Men with cocks of all sizes and shapes were fucking her, forcing her to suck them off. And then in the middle of it all a pack of dogs would surround her, their jowls dripping with saliva, their eyes rolling with sexual frenzy while their knobby cocks stuck out long, strong and red.

Hilda awoke with a start at seven. She was sitting straight up in bed, her gown clinging damply to her flesh. Her nipples were erect, poking against her sheen gown while her cunt burned achingly. She put one hand to her forehead and rubbed it comfortingly, closing her eyes and sucking in a deep breath. How long was this going to last? How long could she keep going on like this before she broke?

Swinging her legs over the edge of the bed, Hilda glanced at her clock, wondering when Traci was going to come home. It sounded as if the girls were probably going to have an all-night gab session. That usually meant her daughter would be in around noon. Well, that would give her time for… for what? Her life was a desert, empty, barren, a complete void. The dog was the only thing that had added something colorful to it.

Hilda stopped, staring at herself in the mirror. Her gown was opened down the front, revealing her lithe, attractive body. Why shouldn't she be attractive? She'd done her best to keep up, although God only knows why. Her tits were firm, high-riding, not at all sagging or marred by purple stretch marks. Tracing her fingers over her belly and firm thighs, Hilda felt suddenly terribly alone and abandoned. A dog. Was that going to be her one big fling in life?


It was Rex, scratching at the door. He's sensing my restlessness, she thought to herself, running her fingers through her hair. A feeling akin to desperation ran through her mind.

"No, I can't… I won't!" she said, holding her head with both hands. It was awful, terrible. She couldn't do this a third time. No, no, she couldn't.

But the gown was sliding off her shoulders, fanning around her feet as she stretched out one hand and opened the door.

"God help me!" she whispered, backing away as the big Doberman sprang in, his tongue hanging invitingly out one corner of his mouth.

Hilda backed away, backed to the bed where she knew the animal was going to take her again. How could she be doing this again and again? Now there was encouragement on her part as she sat on the edge of the bed, her cunt so hot and excited that it was wetting down the mattress.

"Good dog," she gasped, ruffling his fur with her shaking fingers.

Hilda moved her fingers over her drenched cuntlips, feeling her hot juices dripping down her ass. Rex lurched forward and started eating her pussy. His nose moved up and down through her slit, forcing the inner petals apart, stretching her cunt mouth. It was what she'd been wanting for all these years… a lover doing this sort of thing. Of course, she had no idea that her lover would be a Doberman!


Hilda moaned loudly, writhing her shoulders now against the mattress. She was draped across the bed, the soles of her feet shuffling over the carpeting while her thighs hunched up to the big dog. She felt his paws moving against her thighs. It was last night all over again. Only this time she was stone sober. She knew what she was doing, encouraged it!


The animal growled, letting his teeth nip along the puffed, slick outer lips of her pussy. The feeling nearly knocked her unconscious. It hurt her a little, hurt in a way that made Hilda grind her ass up for more. The tug of fear and embarrassment she'd felt earlier wasn't enough to make her push the dog away. She humped her back for him, encouraging the animal, making him growl for more. His neck hairs bristled with the wildness both of them felt. Once again he growled, tossing his head.

"Fuck… fuck…"

Her body responded fast to the sloppy, hurried friction of the big dog. Rex rolled his eyes up, studying Hilda's reaction. He knew when his tonguing became too frenzied, when it threatened to drive her over the brink of orgasm too quickly. Oh, it was just like having a human lover. Hilda's mind blurred, the difference between dog and man melting away.

Oh, what was he doing? Her eyelids fluttered open as she raised her head and saw the animal taking hold of her cuntmound and shaking it gently between his powerful jaws. The fangs barely sank in… just enough for her to raise her ass off the mattress and scream for more.

More? Did she dare? Could she possibly let him do more for her? Glancing up heavy-lidded at the animal she saw a photo of herself and Traci. Her daughter, her only daughter. What would the girl think of her stiff, super-moral mom now? Hilda laughed, her laughter quickly turning to a groan as another shot of sexual delight tore through her clit.

"Oh hell…"

Her head was spinning. She knew she'd entered a new world only a few hours ago. But she'd done it so fast, without any regrets. Could she let the animal… fuck her?

The thought brought a whimpery gasp from her throat. She grabbed the dog's fur tightly. Yes, she wanted a cock, a real cock inside her.

"Rex, here…"

Hilda was on her hands and knees now, her nostrils flared wide, her mind wild in rut. The bed groaned under their dual weight. Hilda looked over one shoulder, wiggling her ass, strings of drool hanging from her mouth. Yes, yes, to have a cock – a good, hard, long cock sliding in and out of her cunt. It was what she needed, what she lusted after. What did it matter if it belonged to a dog?

"Here, Rex, here…"

She felt paws scratching at her ass, a tongue lapping up and down her slot. Didn't he know what she wanted, her ass riding high in the air, prancing for his cock?

Then she felt him mounting her, his forelegs sliding along her sides, finally wrapping around her belly. Turning her face to the left, she saw the two of them in the dresser mirror. It was grotesquely exciting. The two of them – woman in heat, on hands and knees, her tits hanging so far down they touched the wrinkled topsheet while the dog covered her body like a fur coat. His black forelegs tightened around her chest, contrasting with her white flesh. Behind her legs his hindquarters pranced nervously, moving around so he could get better leverage. Hilda felt something terribly hot and slick rubbing up against her thighs. His cock! The thought raced through her mind, bleaching out all thoughts except fucking. She babbled, crooning to the animal as if he could understand. She had her back arched down, her ass thrust out to make it easier for the dog to fuck her. A thrill filled her chest, making her mouth dry. Her long, blonde hair hung down, splashing over her knuckles. Her shapely ass moved and dipped. Yes, fucking, fucking, that was what the two of them were going to be doing!


She sobbed, wondering for a moment if she could go this far. As she gasped and gagged, Hilda felt something slip into her cunt. She felt the dog's forelegs tighten, his hindquarters tremble while he let out a long, low growl and nestled his head in the valley between her shoulder blades. He was fucking her, actually fucking her! That dark, red cock was entering her.


He was in, driving his cock all the way into her cunthole. Her mouth opened, drool oozing out in long strings. He whimpered, pumping his narrow doggie hips up and down rapidly, all those spikes and knobs touching every aroused nerve ending in her cunt, it seemed. Her seepy, velvety lining oozed more juice, wetting down the Doberman's hairy, tight little balls.

Hilda gasped, feeling wild, free, a slut, loving the sensation of being a slut. She tossed her head back and forth, her hair tangling luxuriously around her neck.

"Fuck me, fuck me…"

Humping her ass back she growled as loudly as the dog fucking her. Her arms trembled, threatened to collapse, then finally let go. Her ass was still high, prancing for more as the dog fucked deeper and deeper. He was climbing her, his cock making squishy, sexy noises as it trenched deep into her steamy wet cunthole. Oh, it had been so long since she'd been fucked. Oh, what had she been missing! Chilly flashes of sexual heat tore through her body. She was soaked, frothing with butter. She'd never been so wet. Her mind was a kaleidoscope of sexy images. She wanted to fuck every way there was to fuck with every man she could get hold of. Oh, how swollen and hot her clit was!


The dog howled, holding tightly onto her while he shot his wad into her. Hilda cried out, her mind blowing apart as a core of white-hot delight shot through her cunt. Cumming, cumming with a dog! The two of them yelped and wailed as the bed rocked and groaned.

When it was over Hilda managed to scramble off the bed, leaving the dog curled up on the mattress and licking himself.

"A dog…" she said, staggering into the bathroom, holding her head with one hand as she turned on the shower. "Oh, Lord, Lord…" Hilda sat on the toilet seat as she turned on the shower. What had all her careful plans driven her to? She was a dog's mistress! The thought didn't sicken her. It only made the woman realize that something terrible was wrong with her life. I'm going to go out, she said firmly to herself as she flipped on the shower control and stepped under the rushing warm water. Her cunt slackened under her careful soapy massage as she turned and let the spray wash her body clean. Hilda had sacrificed enough for Traci. She'd given her daughter too much already, perhaps. Well, now it was her turn to live. No, she wasn't going to keep this up, taking on some animal when… when there were men out there. The thought excited her as she worked soap into her pussy, feeling those same hollows and bumps Rex's tongue had washed over earlier.

"Go to hell," she shouted above the shower as she heard the dog scratching against the bathroom door. It was going to be a different life for her now.

Just outside the home Emily and Traci were walking up the drive.

"You think your mom's going to be upset?" Emily asked, her bravado from the previous night having softened considerably.

"Naw, I don't think so. But I'd better get in and get washed up."

"Remember, we decided to tell Don and the others about those bikers. I don't think…"

"I know, I know," Traci said, biting her lower lip. They had both decided that the Huns should be avoided. The girls thought they could convince the boys to try "different" things with them, thus experimenting without running the risk of danger.

"I'll see you later," Emily said, waving her hand and moving away.

Traci watched as her friend disappeared around the corner. Yes, it was going to be a whole different life for her now. Staring up at the house she wondered if she could keep it from her mother. Well, she'd give it a shot.


It was the far away sound of motorcycles speeding up the main street two blocks up. Could it be the Huns? Her flesh crawled – but was it with terror or excitement? Traci rubbed her arms briskly, almost running into the house. Oh, it was going to be so hard to keep her activities secret from her mother. Hilda was so stodgy, so damned moral. Well, maybe she could train her mother to accept a more liberal outlook on life.

"I'm home, Mother," Traci called out as she skipped into the living room.

Yes, she'd have to train her mother. But surely, having Hilda even talk about sex would be hard. Well, she'd give it a try!
