"Ooohoohohohhhh!" Monica groaned. Her arms were all the way back and up now. Monica's body trembled with pain. Snapping and popping sounds vibrated through her shoulders. The woman screamed again and again, her mind flashing between thoughts of her daughter being violated by Jack, and thoughts of her own plight. The pain was awful, perhaps the worse she had had to endure under his reign. Jack kept pulling up, telling her awful stories about how hot Arlette had been, how she had cried when he'd finally stuck his prick into her after having beaten and bound her much as he had done to Monica.

"Yaggghghhhh!" the blonde screamed. Another pull, another foot, and Monica found her body swaying an inch off the floor. Curling her toes, she couldn't touch the concrete. He had hauled her up all the way, her muscles twisting and straining, the nerve endings parting from the pressure of her body pulling down. The frantic woman twisted to the left and right, her wrists popping, her shoulders threatening to tear loose from her arms. And all the while, those awful chains rattled, clattering from the jerky movements her body made.

"Nothin' but a fuckin' hunk of meat. And you shouldda seen the way she was jumpin' and jerkin' around when I stuck my prick into her," Jack sneered, attaching his end of the chain links to an eyehook in one of the basement pillars. "Man, she couldn't keep down… just like you, baby, she just kept movin' around and around, beggin' me for more."

He was almost pressing his face against hers, sneering at her, watching with unholy glee as his awful words destroyed her pride.

"Oh, no, no, not Arlette… oh, God," Monica groaned, feeling her life collapsing into a pile of ruin all about her.

"Maybe you two can take turns – you know, alternate days or something – or maybe both of you come here, you know? Yeahhhh, that'd be even better," Jack said, running his fingers through his hair.

"Stop it! You animal! Oh, God, God, you'll pay for this!" Monica screamed, feeling the circulation being cut from her wrists.

"You gonna do somethin' to me, baby? Like that?"

Jack pushed her body backward, letting it go and laughing as she swayed from front to back. That movement made the crushing weight against her wrists even worse. Her arms felt as if they were going to pull free from her body, and another bone-shattering shock of agony raced up and down her spine. Monica's face alternately blanched and turned red, her fingers clawing wildly at the cuffs and her toes curling until they cramped. This was awful, the worst it had been. And Jack was getting more and more excited!

"You gonna call the cops on me or somethin'? That wouldn't be real smart." Jack moved his fingers up and down her shivering thighs, smoothing the backs of them over her flesh, then turning them around suddenly and sliding them through her thick cunt bush. Monica trembled. In spite of the killing agony of the chains pulling her body up over the floor, she gasped at the sensations his fingers could draw from her cunt. His hands were rubbing over her swollen cuntlips, the knuckles barely brushing over her clit. Monica threw her head back in utter abandon, feeling shamed at her own lust, embarrassed at her weakness. No, she couldn't fight him, couldn't fight the raging feelings in her that were controlling her. The pain, the bondage, the sneers, even the knowledge that this horrible man had done things to her own daughter added to the excitement coursing through her veins now. Sucking in a ragged breath, Monica felt her body grow strangely light as more pulling pain shot through her arms. Yes, he could do to her anything he wanted. The more he hurt her, the more she loved it! She had finally come around completely to Jack's twisted way of sexual thinking!

"Uhhhhhhh…" she moaned.

Reaching around, the big stud grabbed a handful of her cunt hair, yanking back, pulling and tugging until he tore it from her pussy. The fires of a thousand hells raced through the woman's cunt as she snapped her head from side to side. The chains rattled as her body swayed, tears springing to her eyes. She tried folding one leg over the other to protect herself. But Jack simply knocked them apart, slapping her thighs hard, then grabbing her knees and swinging Monica back more than before. As her body swung forward and stopped, the woman thought surely her shoulder sockets would crack under the pressure.


Monica kept screaming, her body swinging less and less until it finally came to rest. She sagged in her bonds, her head bent down, her hair nearly covering her tits. Jack stared at her, then walked over to that metal cabinet to the right.

"Oh, please, let me go… please…"

"Why? I ain't fucked you yet, baby. And that's the whole end to this… fuckin'. But this is just the foreplay. There's lots more to go."

"Oh, no, noooooo!"

Twisting her wrists in the cuffs, Monica felt her shoulders popping once more. Her flesh alternately chilled and burned. What a horror, what a terrible horror he was forcing her to endure. And now he was coming back with something in his hand. What on earth was it? Shaking the hair from her eyes, Monica strained her vision, focusing in on what appeared to be small, brightly colored cylinders grasped in his fingers.

"I've got something here that's gonna warm you up… something that'll take you by surprise, baby, because I don't think you ever thought anybody could do something like this."

Firecrackers! He had firecrackers in his hand!

"No, no!" she screamed.

Jack smiled more broadly at her cries, the corners of his mouth twisting up, fine wrinkles lining his face. His eyes almost sparkled as he took one green and white cylinder, twisting it around and around between his fingers, then stretching out his arm and holding it up to Monica's face. The woman sniffed. Gunpowder! Yes, she could smell it! The aroma was overpowering! Monica snapped her head back, her long hair brushing over her shoulders as she begged Jack yet once again to stop this madness before he killed her. "Why should I kill you, bitch? You're too much fun. But this is gonna be real good… real nice havin' you blown up at both ends." With that, the big man walked around to a position behind Monica, bending down and grasping her asscheeks with both hands. "Your daughter's got a nice ass… not as big and round like yours, but real nice… kinda pink and pretty," Jack taunted, hearing the woman crying out in indignation at the remark.

"I'll get you for that! Oh, God, Jack, I swear I will!" Monica cried through her tears as she felt his fingers sliding into her asscrack. He was spreading her open back there, sticking his tongue into her crevice, then tickling her shitter with it. It wasn't enough that he was hurting her. He had to degrade her at the same time, drag her through the gutter while whipping her.


Monica felt the cylinder twisting between her asscheeks, pressing past her sensitive pink shitter lips and edging into her bowels. Then another slipped in, pressing against the second. Two firecrackers jammed into her spit-slicked asshole! Monica groaned, rubbing her knees together, wondering how much damage they would cause when they finally exploded!

"Now for the best part," Jack muttered, walking around to the front.

Monica eyed two red and white cylinders left in his hand, the white wicks curling out of the top ends. They would tear her cunt apart. They would cripple her for life! Bawling in terror, Monica again twisted her body helplessly on the restraining chains, the cuffs cutting cruelly into her wrists.

"No, no, no!" she shouted.

"Oh, yeah, baby, my bitch! It's gonna happen. It's gonna happen whether you want it or not. And the way your cunt's creamin', you can't tell me you don't wanna have those damned things in you."


In spite of her protests – or perhaps because of them – Jack jammed one firecracker into her pussy, watching her face wince with terror and pain. He twisted it around and around, sliding it through the juicy crack until it rested at the bottom junction of her cuntlips.

"The way you're juicin' I hope you won't put out the Goddamned fire."

The second one went in, harder than the first. It was a little longer, the papered sides tickling her cunt walls itchily! Monica drew her knees up slightly, letting her legs come back down when Jack slapped her thighs at that protective movement.

"Uh… ughhhhhh…" she whimpered. This time, Jack slipped the firecracker up until it was touching her clit. The woman cried out, her body shuddering at that contact. Her cunt was stewing, broiling with lust.


Reaching into his shirt pocket, the big stud fished out a lighter. Monica watched as sparks flew and a blue flame appeared. She trembled, her eyes widening, sweat beading on her forehead and trickling down from her stretched armpits. He was moving it toward her ass. In a second, she heard the sharp crackling sound of the small white fuses burning.

"God, oh, God, no, no, take them out! Oh, God, Jack, I'll do anything, just take them out!"

He said nothing more, moving around to the front and lighting the bottom firecracker. Monica jerked and swayed, tugging at the bonds, feeling her spine curling so much she thought it would snap in two. The woman could smell the burning wicks, could hear the fuses crackling as the sparking fires edged closer and closer to those dreadful firecrackers! The flames were teasing her flesh, pricking her cunt and asshole like thousands of tiny hot needles.


The dual fires were approaching now. The heat became stronger and stronger, the fires leaving small singe marks on her ass and cuntlips. Monica cringed and held her breath as she waited for the final explosions. Pulling maniacally on the chains, she caught sight of Jack smirking cruelly at her. There was nothing she could do. Tensing every muscle in her body, quivering as the heat sliced into her cunt and shitter, the terrified woman waited for the inevitable.

It came with a vengeance. The room was filled with a double explosion. First came the firecrackers stuffed in her ass. A waterfall of fire rushed into her bowels, sending the woman arching forward, her body jerking and bouncing on the chains as the explosion ripped past her asshole lips, puckered them inward, then burned her bowels. It was as if she were given an enema of lava.


Then the firecrackers in her cunt exploded. Thousands of tiny, fiery knives sliced into her cunt as both cylinders went off. The force and agony of the blast smashed the woman back. She jerked her hips and ass, the fires and explosions scalding the woman. With another cry, Monica jerked, then fainted, her body hanging limply from the chains. But this moment would pass. Jack was not about to let her escape her fate. As the cylinders smoldered between her asscheeks and cuntlips, the man was about to splash water on Monica's face when he heard creaking above him. Someone was in the kitchen. His face turned upward, its blankness turning quickly into a knowing smirk. Yes, this would be an interesting day, better than he had thought it would be the moment Monica had crossed his threshold.
