As always, to Natasha Kern, my literary agent.
To Ed Stackler, a young editor of the old school, one of the last in a business that doesn’t have time for it anymore. Many thanks to Elaine Koster for wise guidance.
Special thanks to Stephen King.
To Michaela Hamilton for pinch-hitting, Peter Schneider for creative thinking, Hank Doliner on general principles, and the team at Dutton/Signet for their expertise and commitment.
Special thanks to Oriana Green, for contributions too numerous to list here, thank God.
Special thanks to Robert and Frances Royal.
Special thanks to “woodyq.”
I owe a great debt to Lou Jacobs, D.O., for generously sharing his insights and experience in neurological surgery.
For general medical assistance: Jem' lies, M.D., Michael Bourland, M.D., Tom Carey, M.D., John White, M.D., Tom Weed, M.D.
Forensics: Natalie (Raven), the published works of John Douglas, Robert Ressler, Ann Burgess, and Allen Burgess. For miscellaneous assistance: Robert Savant, D.V.M., John McGee, D.D.S., Keith Rayburn, Jim Easterling, Beverly Halpern, Geoff lies, John Lanzon, Robert Hag, Mary Lou England, Noah Archer, M.D., Trish Archer, Finley Hootsell, John, George, and Win.
Thanks to the members of CompuServe and America Online, who helped in myriad ways, especially Pat Reinken and Emery Werberg.
I am especially indebted to the works of Joseph Campbell, Camille Paglia, Steven Levy, Jeffrey Burton Russell, Carl Jung, Neil Finn, Toad the Wet Sprocket, and Sting.
Readers: Courtney Aldridge, Betty lies.
As always, thanks to Madeline for patience, and to her grandmothers for keeping her off my lap long enough to get it done.
All mistakes are mine.