Dear Father,
The barbarians are at the gate.
It was inevitable, of course. And I have no fear that they will locate me. But I shall have to exercise greater caution when procuring patients. I must assume that the Justice Department will shut down EROS, or that the company will shut itself down for legal reasons. Of course the list makes that academic. I must remember to thank Turner properly.
Or will they shut it down? Perhaps Jan Krislov will resist. It could become quite a cause celebre. Another battle in her crusade for electronic privacy. Someday I’ll have to show her just how private her little universe really is.
My God, such noise from the basement. I should never have let Levy catch sight of the O.R. He should quiet himself, or I’ll be forced to send Kali down to quiet him.
But first things first. I need new patients, and I suppose my next move depends on the FBI. Will they enter the digital forests of the night? Or will they simply try to fence me out?
No matter.
I shall burn all the brighter now.