Rhonda had hoped she would arrive during the day. She hated driving at night. But she had had trouble starting her car, and the mechanic didn't arrive for nearly an hour after she had called. Tightening her grip on the wheel, she guided her big car down the highways, wincing at all the headlights and wishing she had postponed driving until the next morning.

No. She had promised Cori she would be there that evening, and be there she would.

Carefully, Rhonda had chosen her wardrobe, being sure there would be no telltale marks her daughter or Jim would notice. She blushed thinking about what she'd done, remembering that violet wand and how the electricity had heightened her arousal. No. She would think of that later. She eased her big car onto the narrow road that ran past her brother-in-law's home.

There would be nothing wrong, Rhonda thought as she pulled up in front of the brightly lit house. It looked cheery enough. There was nothing forboding about it. As she stepped from her car and brushed her hair back, Rhonda was certain she would find everything normal. Then she would return to the city and call Jack and…

Her pussy winked shut at the thought of what would happen. She felt her clit rising now, her cuntlips folding over one another and frictioning deliciously as she walked to the front door.

"Yeah, hi, Rhonda. Come on in."

Jim looked pleased enough. The TV was on, although neither of the girls were around. They were probably upstairs, she thought.

"Is Cori around?"

"Oh, yeah. Cindy, too. They're downstairs. Want something to drink?"

"Uh, no, no thanks. I came up here mainly to see Cori."

Jim shrugged, opening a beer and pouring out half a glass. He drank it, then turned around and shut off the television.

"You know, I was thinking about those mining certificates my brother had before he died. You know the ones?"

Rhonda looked at him quizzically, feeling her heart start to beat.

There was something in that gaze, something in that look that reminded her of Jack, of Gus, of the whole crew back in the city. No. That was foolish. Jim wasn't that way. She pushed the thought from her mind for the moment, focusing in on what he was saying.

"Yes. In fact, I was looking at those papers the other day. I was going to throw them out."

"You didn't, did you?" Jim looked almost sick.

"No. They're still at home. I thought I could use them for decoration of some sort. I don't know."

"Well, I thought I'd go back up to Denver and look at those mines. If I had those certificates, I'll bet they'd let me in a lot easier. It'll be a kind of retirement hobby of mine."

"But they're worthless. Doug told me that before he died," Rhonda protested.

"Don't matter. I like goin' out for lost causes. So, why don't you just sell 'em to me? I'll give you a good deal."

Rhonda looked at her brother-in-law suspiciously. Something was up, and it wasn't just those certificates in her bureau drawer.

"Well, let me think on it. I'll let you know… ow! What are you doing to me, Jim?"

He had run out of patience, jerking one hand forward and holding her arm tightly.

"I want those damned certificates, and I want them now! Where the fuck are they?"

He was twisting her arm around, bringing it behind her back and pressing the wrist against her spine as he pushed his face against hers. Rhonda could smell the beer on his breath, an odor that made her wince. He was pushing her down onto the floor, keeping up the pressure, shouting and yelling terrible things at her while still demanding to know where the certificates were.

Rhonda kept quiet, suddenly thinking of her daughter and fearing the worst. Jim stopped, pushing her down onto the floor and running his fingers through his hair. Rhonda lay there trembling, drawing herself away from the big man. Her daughter was here, her Cori. If Jim had done this to Rhonda, what had he done to Cori? And where was Cindy? A rush of horror went through her.

"Where is she? Where's Cori?" Rhonda whispered as she got up, feeling her hair stand on end when Jim just grinned back at her and rubbed his cock-bulge.

"Your daughter's a real fine fuck. You know that, baby? And I'm gonna find out about you now."


Rhonda threw herself at her brother-in-law, her fingers curled, scratching at his face. Startled at first, he grabbed both wrists and threw her back, sending the woman crashing against the wall behind her.

Striking her head hard against the plaster, Rhonda fought to stay conscious. Her legs felt like rubber, but she braced herself against the wall and kept screaming the same question about her daughter.

Jim came at her, cocking one hand back, then bringing it down hard against one side of her face. Rhonda screamed, feeling the hot, stinging blow of his fist against her jaw. Her head snapped to one side, her mind in chaos as her body twisted around and crumpled to the floor.

She felt him straddling her body once more, gripping her dress from behind and tearing it away from her body.

Jim stopped, laughing at her.

"So, looks like somebody else has been fuckin' around with you. Look at all those marks!"

"I… I fell," Rhonda said, blushing.

"Yeah, sure. Well, in that case, you won't be so clumsy here, will you?"

He pulled her up from the floor, tearing her dress from her body. Rhonda backed away from him, covering her bra and panties with both hands. She knew he could see the dark cuntal vee under the sheer nylon of her briefs, something that was exciting her brother-in-law. Again, she whispered about her daughter.

"You wanna see Cori? You gotta give me some pleasure first, bitch."


"Over here."

He led her to one end of the living room, forcing her back down onto the floor. Drawing her hands behind her head, Jim fished out a fourteen-inch length of clothesline, twisting it around her wrists just below the chafe marks and securing it with a double slipknot. He laughed at her, shaking his head as he examined the various stripes and wounds on her flesh.

"Somebody really knows what the fuck they're doing with you," he remarked, tying the rope to one leg of the heavy sofa behind her. "I'd like to meet the guy. Maybe we can exchange ideas. You know, kind of like pen pals and all that shit."

"No! Oh, no, you're… ohhhh!"

"Hurting you? That's why I'm doin' it, bitch!"

He was smiling down at her almost kindly, securing the line, then running his hands up and down her half-naked body. He reached around, pulling out a small knife and releasing the blade. Rhonda looked at the horrid thing, her eyes widening as he brought it down to her bra and cut the straps, then pressed the flat of it against her nylon-covered cunt. She could feel the cold steel pressing against her pussy, feel her cuntlips start to shiver. Against her will, she pissed on herself, wetting down her panties while soaking her thighs.

Jim laughed, shaking his head while pulling her wet panties from her thighs. "Couldn't hold it back, could you?"

Rhonda turned her face from him, horrified at having disgraced herself that way. Jim lay the knife down, then reached in his back pocket and pulled out a pack of matches. He struck one.

"You know, you'd be surprised to see what kinds of reactions I get with something like this," he began, holding the blue flame in front of her eyes. "It's not the best thing I've got. But man, you wouldn't believe the really great kind of fun I can have with something as simple as this."

Rhonda sucked in a deep breath, watching as he brought the flame up to her right nipple. She was sweating, her body glistening with a perspiration sheen as Jim moved the fire from one nipple to the other, letting it drop to within a quarter of an inch from the turgid nubs. She felt her nipples tingling and stiffening.

"Yeah, you're into this as much as I am, but I bet you don't like to admit it."

Rhonda squirmed uncomfortably, wriggling her ass against the carpeting as she felt the burning warmth prick her right nipple. Jim waited, then brought the flame down against the thick nub.

"Aiyeeeee!" Rhonda screamed, arching her spine. He was burning her alive, searing her nipple with that awful fire. Her tits rolled and jiggled against one another while Rhonda jerked her body away from the awful pain. Jim swore, shaking the match out. He had burned his fingers. Flipping open the box, he took out another match, lighting it then moving it down to her tits. Rhonda stopped her shouting, watching him with mounting terror. No. No. He had to stop. He couldn't keep her going this way!

But Jim moved the flame down, this time touching the bottom of it against her right calf. He moved the fire along quickly enough not to burn her flesh too seriously. Rhonda jerked her legs open instinctively, her mouth a tight scar as she watched him with rounded eyes. The line of flame was moving closer and closer to her cunt. With a whispering crackle, the first few curly hairs of her cunt burned. The smell of singeing hair added to the smell of his beer, making the woman gag at the smell of it.

And the pain was horrible. The heat felt as if he had dumped blazing coals into her pussy. Rhonda shuddered, arching her spine again, wallowing her shoulderblades against the carpeting until they reddened from the friction. She could feel the tears flowing over her cheeks while she begged him again to stop.

But Jim kept moving the fire over her pussy, watching the blonde hairs blacken and burn back to her swollen cunt flesh. Pussy sweat dotted her cuntal curls, oozing over her flesh, failing to ease the burning pain aching through her pussy. Jim saw the slickness coating her cuntlips and smiled more grimly than before, bringing the flame down, down until it was nearly touching her clit. He shook out the fire, giving the woman a reprieve.

Rhonda yammered for mercy, tugging at the line holding her bound to the sofa behind her, her body twisting and turning while Jim struck a third match, this time bringing the fire down to her cunt without hesitation. She screamed, the agony racing through her like wildfire. He had touched her clit with the fire, watching as she bounced her ass against the floor and rolled her thighs up. Drumming her legs over the carpeting, Rhonda shouted and screamed, her voice echoing through the big house.

With a final gush, her pussy extinguished the flame with the thick heavy juices. Rhonda ground her teeth together, grunting and moaning, sobbing her agony as Jim threw the matches onto the sofa. "Up and around!" he barked, his big hands gripping her hips and twisting her over until Rhonda was on her knees.

Her arms were twisted painfully against one another. But that didn't frighten her. Jim took that knife again, bringing it up against the side of her throat and pressing it into her flesh.

"Your daughter liked this a lot. She screamed for more before I finished with her."

"You're lying!" Rhonda screamed back, tears flowing from her eyes.

"You just watch, bitch. You just watch, and you'll find out about that little slut you've got… and yourself, too."

For a moment Rhonda feared her brother-in-law would slice her throat.

Then she remembered she hadn't told him about where the certificates were hidden. Neither, apparently, had her daughter. They were safe for the time being, she thought, feeling the icy trail of the knife against her flesh. And then Jim brought the blade down against her cunt, rocking it down, pressing the sharp tip harder against her clit. Rhonda gasped. The pressure on her cum center made a shock as sharp as the knife itself shoot through her. She arched her spine, presenting her cunt eagerly to Jim's stare.

"Yeah, you're just like your fuckin' daughter. Both whores," he muttered.

The repeating touch and chill of the blade sent streamers of delight through the woman. Rhonda became acutely conscious of the tiny slits on her cuntlips, slits Jim cut with the tip of his knife. She found a hotter, more intense lust flowing out from her pussy. Rhonda fought with herself, trying to keep her mind intact while her body was racing out of control.

Rhonda's pulse was racing like mad. Her slit cuntlips were on fire. And there was Jim, teasing her more than ever. He dragged the tip back, back, stinging a groove down to the edge of her cunt mouth, then back again until the buzzing, spinning flashes of delight grew worse and worse. And then in another moment she saw him pulling his jeans down, shoving his hard cock forward, the salty drop of pre-cum oozing from his piss slit setting the tiny cut in her clit on fire. It burned like acid, and yet at the same time excited her all the more. Rhonda rolled her hips forward, and his cockhead lodged in her cunt hole.

"Man, I've always wanted to fuck you, baby. Always fucked your sister and kept thinkin' of you. And now I've poked mom and daughter, too!"

Rhonda could have screamed. But the perverse delight soaring through her kept her from doing anything but grunting with delight. The long, thick cock slipped into her cunt hole like a greased set of fingers.

Once Jim's prick went halfway into her dripping fuck-hole, he let go of her hips and shifted his grip to her pendulous tits. His fingers dug into her tits and kneaded at them. Rhonda felt an aching heat burst in her nipples, telegraphing even more lust into her tormented cunt.

How Rhonda loathed the man fucking her. But still, she couldn't help but hunch against him even harder. The whole length of his prick was in her pussy now, stretching her fuckchannel, churning around inside her cunt.

"Uh, no, no!"

The teeth clamped on the nape of her neck made Rhonda throw her head back. She raised herself on her arms a little, swiveling her ass around. She had to feel that release now. Nothing could stop her from wanting it. Jim's belly slapped loudly against her ass, the wiry hairs of his cock bush scratching her asshole. The itching, burning sensation in and around her ass drove her crazy. Rhonda shoved back against her brother-in-law's pounding prick, wiggling her ass.

"Man, oh man!"

Jim clawed at the sensitive rims of her nipples. Rhonda sobbed and grunted, the combination of the stretching and gouging against her body driving her higher and higher. She cursed and gasped, her head rolling as she clawed at the carpeting below her. The tearing pain of the ropes against her wrists added to the delight. She forced her big-tipped tits against his clutching hands once more, loving the feeling, enjoying having him fuck her this way. And then the great blast furnace of heat stoking in her cunt exploded, sending floods of pussy juice searing over her shrinking clit.

Rhonda let out a howl, tugging at the restraints, beating her ass against Jim's groin as she felt him starting to fire load after hot load of cum into her cunt. He growled and struck her, biting down against her once more as she came and came and came.

Oh God, she thought as her climax slackened, what has become of my daughter? Has she endured the same thing?
