Some people were wondering if this doesn’t contradict the information we get about Elves later, in Lords and Ladies, such as that they can only enter our World during Circle Time — besides, Elves would hardly be the type of beings to become actors, one should think.
The answer can be found in Lords and Ladies as well, however, on p. 229/165:
Ridcully: “Elves? Everyone knows elves don’t exist any more. Not proper elves. I mean, there’s a few folk who say they’re elves — ”
Granny Weatherwax: “Oh, yeah. Elvish ancestry. Elves and humans breed all right, as if that’s anything to be proud of. But you just get a race o’ skinny types with pointy ears and a tendency to giggle and burn easily in sunshine. I ain’t talking about them. There’s no harm in them. I’m talking about real wild elves, what we ain’t seen here for — ”