
1. T.R.

2. Big Game

3. The Peerless Leader

4. The Genial Mr. Taft

5. The Kaiser and His Generals

6. The Popular Professor

7. Kingmaker from Vermont

8. Congenial Souls

9. The Woodrow Wilsons

10. Mac

11. Leaders of Democracy

12. President Wilson with Joe Tumulty at His White House Desk

13. Kaiser Wilhelm II

14. Papa Joffre

15. The Peacemaker in State

16. Colonel and Mrs. House

17. Page at the Court of St. James

18. The President’s War Cabinet

19. Mr. Ford of Detroit

20. The Beguiling Widow

21. The Faithful Physician

22. Roosevelt and Wood on the Warpath

23. Black Jack Pershing

24. The Republican Candidate

25. Vote for Wilson

26. Newton D. Baker

27. Briand’s Goodbye

28. The Dapper Von Bernstorf

29. Casualty

30. The Ingenious Nivelle

31. Dollar a Year Men

32. The Indispensable Destroyers

33. Sims of the Flotilla

34. “Lafayette, here we come”

35. Weekending with Sir Douglas

36. Through the Barbed Wire

37. The Loquacious Kerensky

38. Charles G. Dawes

39. Land Ironclads

40. Discussion behind the Lines (Albert Thomas, Haig, Joffre, and Lloyd George)

41. Clemenceau Had a Way with Americans

42. The German Triumvirate

43. Foch as Chief of Staff

44. The Service of Supply

45. Château-Thierry

46. The Ruined Forest

47A. Zero Hour

47B. Machinegunners

47C. Antiaircraft

47D. The High Command

47E. The Road Back

48. Lenin in Red Square

49. Trotski of the Red Army

50. The Tiger at the Front

51. The Savor of Victory

52. The President on Parade

53. Under the Arch of Triumph

54. Reviewing the Troops

55. Among the Crowned Heads

56. Acclaim of the Crowd

57. The Formal Round

58. The Only Man Who Came Out of the Peace Conference with Credit

59. The Senator from Massachusetts

60. Four Old Men

61. The General’s Return
