Thanks to so many generous people who shared their knowledge and themselves: savvy Kathleen Knox and her seeing-eye dog Thai; Ron Hideshima, invaluable Access Technology Instructor, of the Living Skills Center for the Visually Impaired; Bill Simpson, Donna and the caring staff at Rose Resnick Lighthouse; the Tuesday group; Steven Platzman; Grace Loh, her insight, Jean Satzer, above and beyond, Dot Edwards who lived it and shared, toujours James N. Frey, Ron Huberman, San Francisco DA’s office, Dr. Eddie Tamura, his expertise, Mike Hakershaw, soul soeur Marion Nowak, Dr. Terri Haddix, and all bookseller amies.

In Paris: mercis to Anne-Françoise Delbegue, her wit, warmth and Bastille guidance; the Residence St. Louis, Carla, Kathleen and Marcus Haddock et Sarah, Martine, Gilles, Lesley, Gala; Brentano’s on Avenue de l’Opera; Isabelle et Andi; officer Cathy Etilé and Commandant Michel Bruno of the Commissariat Central du 12ème arrondissement who answer toutes and more.

Linda Allen for her support; deep thanks to Laura Hruska who encourages risks . . . big ones; Shuchan, my son, and Jun who puts up with it all.
