Moments Like These

That went well.” Homer sneered. He and Skye had moved to her office after Mrs. Idell had stormed away. “Just stick the little bugger in special ed. It would serve him and his mother right.”

Skye closed her eyes in an attempt to find her happy place, counted to ten, and bit her tongue, but she still blurted out, “Have I been talking to myself for the past four years? We can’t simply slap a student in special education. We need data to back up the decision. And it would not ‘serve him and his mother right.’ He needs counseling, which I’ve offered to provide on numerous occasions, and she and her husband need parenting classes, which you refuse to let me suggest to them.”

“Okay, okay, already.” Homer scowled. “You know I was only kidding.” He paused in his pacing and stared down at Skye, who was seated behind her desk. “You’re not usually this touchy. Something wrong?”

“No.” Skye blew out a lungful of air. “Everything’s fine. I’m sorry I lost my temper.”

“Good. We don’t have time for you to be having some sort of breakdown.”

“Right.” Skye kept a straight face. “The school year must go on.”

“Glad you’re on board.” Homer resumed his pacing, then spun on his heel and marched over to Skye. “Okay, here’s what we’ll do. Since you have such a bad history with the Idells, I’ll assign Jackie to be case manager. From now on she’ll handle all parent contact. You keep trying to pin down that damn psychiatrist.”

Skye frowned, a protest on her lips, then reconsidered. Homer had a point. She had never managed to establish a rapport with the Idells; it made sense to let Jackie try. “That’s a great idea.” Skye hid a small grin. Besides, if the new social worker failed, it would prove that it wasn’t only Skye with whom the parents had problems.

“Then it’s settled. I’ll have a talk with Jackie and bring her up to speed.” Homer stood. “She’s doing a fantastic job. I’m sure she can fix this mess, too.”

Homer scurried from the room before Skye could respond. She stared at the closed door for a second, then glanced at the wall clock. Her headache was nearing migraine level, and she had to be at the Promfest meeting in fifteen minutes.

She opened her bottom drawer and stared at its contents. Nestled side by side were a bottle of Aleve and a fresh package of Double Stuf Oreos—she had finished off the previous cookies last Friday. Would a pill or a cookie get her through the meeting without her head exploding?

Who was she kidding? She’d been eating a half dozen Oreos every afternoon this past week. Skye had ignored Jackie when she’d kidded Skye about being addicted. But now as Skye reached for the medicinal chocolate wafers with the oh-so-soothing cream center, she wondered if Jackie might be right.

No, Skye comforted herself. Of course not. Everyone knows that a balanced diet consists of a cookie in each hand. With that assurance in mind, she twisted the first one apart and licked the frosting out of the middle. Sighing, she felt herself relax for the first time since she’d arrived at school. After devouring five more of the healing cookies, she was ready to face the Promfest committee.

Annette Paine had complained about the picnic table–type seating in the cafeteria, so this meeting was being held in the home ec room. The chairwoman probably wouldn’t consider it much of an improvement. Although there were regular chairs, the room was crowded with sewing machines, stoves, washer/dryer combos, and refrigerators.

Actually, Skye didn’t think the queen bee would be satisfied with anything less than a suite at the Ritz-Carlton. Skye smiled meanly, thinking, Welcome to the world of public education, where the motto is “Thou shalt not spend the taxpayers’ money on comfort or decor.”

Although Skye arrived a few minutes early, nearly every seat was already taken. There were only two empty spots, and one was next to Zinnia Idell. Shit! Skye’s gaze moved to the other opening. Crap! That seat was next to Kurt Michaels—much more agreeable company, but potentially just as dangerous. Skye shook her head. She was being silly. Kurt probably flirted with all women. Still, Wally had thought there was something shady about the reporter, and his instincts were usually on target. She hesitated; there were no good options.

Before Skye could decide what to do, Annette moved to the front of the room and called the meeting to order. She shot Skye an irritated look, and Skye scurried over to the seat next to Kurt.

As she pulled in her chair, he gave her a teasing smile. “Good choice.”


“I hear Zinnia Idell would like to kill you.”

“How did you hear that?” Skye’s tone was irritated. Geesh, the whole brouhaha only happened half an hour ago.

“She got here fifteen minutes ago, and has been telling anyone who would listen how awfully you and the school are treating her.” Kurt kept his voice low as Annette asked for the last meeting’s minutes to be read.

“Great.” Skye slumped down, trying to become invisible. “No wonder they’re all looking at me funny.”

Kurt leaned closer and whispered in her ear, “Pretend you don’t notice.”

“Easy for you to say.”

“Anyway, I was saving this place for you.”

“Me? Why?”

“Because I wanted you to sit next to me.”

“Oh.” Skye stopped herself from smoothing her hair. Had she even combed it since that morning? “Sorry, I still don’t have any gossip for you, so I can’t pay my debt yet.”

“I’m a patient guy. I can wait.” Kurt flashed his dimples. “Something will come up.”

Annette moved on to the treasurer’s report, and Skye asked Kurt, “What are you doing here, anyway?”

“Same as last time. Looking for a good story.”

“Here?” Skye shook her head. “You know the definition of a committee, don’t you?”

He shook his head.

“A group that keeps minutes and wastes hours.” Skye grinned. “You write about this stuff and you’ll put your readers to sleep.”

“I’m not interested in the meeting per se, but the conversations before and after are usually good for a paragraph or two.”

“Oh.” Did that mean he was going to write about what Mrs. Idell had said?

“No.” As he had the day he fixed her tire, he seemed to read her mind. “I’m not putting Zinnia Idell’s ravings in my column.”

“Thank you.” Skye tuned her attention back to the meeting.

Annette was now exhorting people to work on the haunted house. Skye sank lower in her chair, attempting to avoid eye contact with the woman, but Annette’s stare had zeroed in on her. Skye was frantically trying to think of a good reason she couldn’t volunteer when the home ec room’s door flew open, and Jackie hurried in.

Annette snapped, “You’re late, Ms. . . . ?”

“I’m Jackie Jennings, the new social worker.” Jackie smiled apologetically. “I’m so sorry; there was a crisis, and the kids come first.”

“Yes, of course they do. Take a seat, Ms. Jennings.” Annette waited as Jackie sat next to Mrs. Idell. “I was asking for volunteers to be a part of our haunted-house fund-raiser.”

Jackie’s hand shot into the air. “I’d love to help.”

“Super.” Annette turned to Evie Harrison and handed her a clipboard with a pen attached. “Here. Make yourself useful and send the sign-up sheet around.”

As Evie complied with an exaggerated smile, Skye said to Kurt, “I’m amazed that Evie agreed to be Annette’s assistant. I thought she’d quit the committee after Annette forced her out of the chairmanship.”

“I asked her about that, and Evie said she was doing it just in case Annette couldn’t fulfill her duties. Evie wanted to be positioned to take over.” Kurt raised his right eyebrow a fraction. “She still has hopes of getting her daughter elected prom queen, and I’m going to find out what her plan is.”

“Interesting.” Skye teased, “I’ll keep my eye on your column for breaking news.”

Annette had been watching Evie pass around the haunted-house sign-up sheet, and as woman after woman waved it away, she glared and said, “My own husband will be taking time from his busy dental practice to play the role of Frankenstein, and my lovely daughter will be sacrificing her dance lessons in order to be the zombie cheerleader captain.”

Skye was surprised. Dylan Paine was her dentist, but she hadn’t realized he was Annette’s husband. They seemed like an odd couple—he was cheerful and easygoing, and she was intense and never seemed satisfied.

Annette continued, “Our newest committee member, Jackie, is a wonderful example, and our initial volunteers have done a magnificent job building the haunted house. Now it’s time for the rest of you to do your parts. We need ticket sellers, sound and light techs, actors, and people to perform a myriad of other little tasks. I expect everyone here to step up to the plate and take one of these jobs.”

Skye scowled at the mention of Jackie’s name. What in the heck was she doing here, anyway?

Forty minutes later, after announcing that their next fund-raiser would be the Christmas House Walk, making a wish list of business donations, and bullying everyone into agreeing that the Promfest colors would be baby blue and silver, Annette ended the meeting.

As the crowd surged toward the door, Skye made her way to Jackie and tapped her on the shoulder. “Hi, I’m surprised to see you here. Usually only one faculty member attends this type of committee meeting.”

“Uh . . .” Jackie blinked. “Well . . . Homer told me you hated this assignment, and, uh, I said I’d do it.”

“He didn’t mention that to me when I saw him right before coming here.”

“Oh.” Jackie edged backward. “Maybe I misunderstood. But I can’t back out now.”

“Sure you can.”

“I’m not going to.”

“Suit yourself.” Skye shrugged, walked away, and joined the line of people trying to exit.

Kurt materialized by Skye’s side, his thigh and arm brushing hers. “So that’s the new social worker everyone’s talking about.”

“That’s her.” Skye felt an unwelcome sizzle from his touch. “What are they saying about her?”

“She seems to have made quite an impression in a short time. People think she’s charming. They say she’s ready to do anything she can for you.” Kurt craned his neck. “What’s the holdup over there?”

Skye peeked around the group in front of them. “Annette is checking everyone against some list before they’re allowed to leave.”

“Good thing I’m not in a hurry.” A mischievous gleam lit his denim blue eyes.

“Yes. You should circulate.” Skye kept her gaze focused on the woman in front of her. “I’ll bet you’d overhear a lot of good gossip.”

“The only thing everyone’s talking about is what a pain in the butt Annette is being about Promfest. Everything has to be her way or the highway.” He gave Skye a sexy little grin. “But thanks for looking out for me. I kind of thought you didn’t approve of my writing, but maybe my delightful personality has won you over.”

“That must be it.” Skye attempted to infuse her words with sarcasm, but felt her cheeks flame. She looked away and was relieved to see that only one person stood between her and the exit.

“So, what are you doing after—”

Skye stepped up to the door, and Annette’s voice cut off whatever Kurt had been about to say. “Ms. Denison, I see you haven’t signed up to help with A Ghoul’s Night Out. You were doubtlessly distracted by the Star’s handsome new reporter when the sign-up sheet was being passed.”

Skye narrowed her eyes. What was Annette implying? “Well, I . . . uh . . . that is—”

“It’s probably an oversight,” Annette cooed. “After all, considering how magnanimous your colleague Jackie is being with her time, I’m sure you’ll want to be equally generous.”

Shoot! It hadn’t occurred to Skye that with Jackie volunteering so publicly, there was no way she could refuse to help without looking bad. “Right.”

“Super.” Annette smiled, revealing pointy canines. “Here’s the sheet.”

At the thought of being inside a haunted house, Skye’s heart raced and her pulse pounded. She took a deep breath and told herself it would be fine. She’d just make sure she signed up for something outside the actual building. She peered at the list. Nearly all the jobs had been taken. The only places with blanks were under “Cast.” Her options were either a witch or Countess Dracula.

She knew she’d never survive being closed up in a casket—the one time she’d hidden in a real one, she’d nearly hyperventilated—which left being a witch. Her pen hesitated above the blank line. Did she really have to do this? Then she recalled Homer praising Jackie: She’s doing a fantastic job. And what had Kurt said? She seems to have made quite an impression. Not to mention Annette’s earlier pronouncement: Jackie is a wonderful example.

Skye shook her head. She was being ridiculous. It had been twenty-eight years since her bad experience in a haunted house. As she often told the kids who complained about something that had happened long ago, it was time to get over it. She was too old to be afraid of things that went bump in the night. Taking a firm grip on the pen, she resolutely signed her name on the line next to Witch #3. Skye could only hope that she would be stationed near an exit.

Skye handed the clipboard back to Annette, and before she could step out the door, Annette trilled after her, “Rehearsals are seven p.m. Wednesday and Thursday. On Friday, the dress rehearsal is at six and we open for business at seven. Please be prompt.”

It was Friday afternoon, and Skye caught herself smiling as she sat at her desk, trying to whittle down the endless piles of paperwork that seemed to grow every time she left the room. Jackie was scheduled to be at the junior high for the rest of the day, and for once Skye had the office to herself. She thought of the Oscar Wilde quote, “Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go.” Clearly Jackie fell into the latter category, at least from Skye’s perspective.

Another positive was that the haunted-house rehearsals had been less awful than she had feared. And, while she wasn’t looking forward to the opening that evening, her dread had diminished. She was one of a trio of identically dressed witches who would pop out at different locations in the haunted house, giving the impression that a single witch was disappearing and reappearing.

The other two witches, Nina Miles, a parent whom Skye knew slightly, and Hope Kennedy, a teacher from the elementary school, were a lot of fun. Skye had been a bit embarrassed when their dresses had to be padded so all three of them would appear to be the same size, but neither Nina nor Hope had made a fuss. In fact, since they all appeared remarkably similar once they were in costume, they’d all had a good time fooling people. They even startled themselves—when one popped up unexpectedly on another, it was like looking in a mirror.

A Ghoul’s Night Out was being held in an old white stone building on an isolated corner at the end of Basin Street. The American Legion had occupied it for years, but had recently built a brand-new hall outside of town. After scoping out the witches’ assigned spots, Skye had managed to obtain the one closest to the door that opened onto the hallway were the restrooms were located.

Having done what she could to mitigate her anxiety, Skye had put the upcoming experience out of her mind. She was concentrating on a particularly difficult part of the report she was writing when her office door thumped open and Jackie and Justin strolled in, laughing.

Her concentration broken, Skye blurted, “What are you doing here?”

“Gee, I’m sorry. Did you need the room to yourself?” A creased formed between Jackie’s brows, but she quickly smoothed it out. “The parent didn’t show up for our appointment, so I figured I’d get some work done here. But I could go sit in the teachers’ lounge if it’s a problem.”

“Oh. No. That’s okay. You’re welcome to stay.” Skye bit her lip. What else could she say—that she wanted to be alone? She’d sound like a poor imitation of Greta Garbo. Besides, it wasn’t as if she were testing a student and could demand that Jackie give her privacy.

“Thanks.” Jackie turned to her companion, an enigmatic expression on her face. “Justin, tell Ms. Denison what you were telling me.”

“Hi, Ms. D.” Justin pulled a chair up to Skye’s desk. “We were just talking about the history of the building that the Promfest haunted house is using.”

“What about it?”

“I was doing some research for an article for the Scoop, and it turns out the old American Legion hall is really haunted.” Justin paused for effect. “Or at least, some people claim it is.”

“What do you think?” Skye asked cautiously, preferring to allow the students to come to their own conclusions.

“All I know is that a lot of people have heard or seen something creepy there, but you know how rumors fly in this town.”

Skye nodded and picked up her pen, not wanting to hear any more about the haunted building, especially right before she had to spend time alone in the dark there.

“Justin, tell her the whole story,” Jackie urged. “It’s such a hoot.”

“Well.” He looked a little uncomfortable, and nervously jiggled his foot. “From what I’ve heard, back in 1935, when the building was an opera house, the star, a beautiful woman with long black hair, caught her husband, the male lead singer, with the blond understudy and freaked out. She picked up an ax that had been a prop in one of their shows and chopped off the other woman’s head, then turned on her husband and buried the ax in his . . . uh, private parts.”

“Wow.” Despite not wanting to hear the story, Skye was enthralled. “I wonder why I wasn’t aware of that. I’ll have to ask my grandmother if she knows anything about it. She’s the right age.”

Justin shrugged. “Anyway, when the star came to her senses and saw both victims lying at her feet in a pool of blood, she couldn’t live with what she had done, so she climbed to the roof, tied a noose around her neck, and jumped off.”

“Oh, my.” Skye shook her head. “So now she haunts the building?”

“Ever since then, all three of them have been seen and heard. When the opera house closed, everyone thought that would be the end of it, but it wasn’t. In the 1950s the building became a dance hall, and strange things started happening again. Ladies claimed that when they looked in the bathroom mirror they saw a beautiful woman with long black hair wearing a white dress covered in blood.”

A shiver ran up Skye’s spine. “That sounds a lot like one of the scary games my friends and I used to play at slumber parties, where we stared into a mirror until we convinced ourselves we saw an evil spirit.”

“I’ve heard of that game,” Justin agreed. “But the men say that they’ve heard both crying and voices arguing.” He took a breath and added, “When the dance hall closed, the weird stuff stopped. Then in the 1970s the building was bought by the American Legion and it all started up again.”

“Of course,” Skye muttered.

“During the next twenty-five years, before the American Legion moved to their new place, the caretaker said he saw ropes dangling from the roof, but they disappeared when he went up to check. Both members and guests reported seeing bloody axes leaning against the wall in the woman’s bathroom, and a man saw a pretty blonde covered in blood, running down the hall outside the restrooms.”

Great, Skye mumbled to herself. In the exact location I so carefully chose. To Justin she said, “That should be an interesting article. Make sure you have some direct quotes to back up your story.”

Skye had managed to keep Justin from seeing how much his story had upset her, but as soon as he and Jackie left, Skye buried her head in her hands. Why had she ever agreed to be a part of A Ghoul’s Night Out? All the fears she had managed to suppress came rushing back. Sighing, Skye opened her bottom desk drawer and reached for the Oreos. As she bit into the crunchy chocolate, she wondered if there were enough cookies in the world to calm her down this time.
