
I need to thank several people for their support and help while I wrote this. Barbara Kiely, Mary Melanson, Ann Mahoney, Mary Doyle, Judith O’Neill, and Terry Mullen Sweeney were all kind enough to read early versions of this and listen to me yammer on about everything and nothing (it’s a particular skill set I have). The Bunco Ladies helped me stay positive and kept my mind sharp (“Hey, are we on threes?”). I still haven’t figured out what I did to deserve my agent, Barbara Poelle, who is a Force of Nature, but when I do, I will light the appropriate candles. My editor, Toni Plummer, was wonderful and her edits always make my writing stronger. I owe a great big thanks to Cynthia Merman and her excellent copyediting; she misses nothing! Bridget Kiely was, as always, simply amazing. Her wit (which I continually steal) and her willingness to reread slightly altered scenes over and over again (“Is this better? Are you sure? How about this?”) never cease to amaze me. As a fellow Janite, her input was invaluable. My husband, Matt, patiently suffered through numerous conversations involving murder and mayhem and was invaluable in spotting certain (ahem) plot holes. My children, Jack, Elizabeth, and Pat, were just lovely and helped me keep it all in perspective. Thank you all!
