Writing can be a lonely pursuit, but not when you have friends who are willing to share their expertise. Ellery Adams (also known as J.B. Stanley) acted as my first reader and gave me some terrific input. Not only is Hank Phillippi Ryan an award-winning author, she’s an award-winning TV reporter and she has once again graciously helped with my description of TV stations and reporting. My pal Pat Remick always makes time to give me pointers on New Hampshire local color. Michelle Sampson, another source of local color, also “lent” me her beautiful Victorian house as the setting for the Sheer Comfort Inn.

It helps to have author friends to commiserate with, too. My thanks to my Cozy Chick blog pals, who are a constant source of support: Leann Sweeney, Ellery Adams, Deb Baker, Heather Webber, Kate Collins, and Maggie Sefton. Catch us at

As always, I cannot forget my wonderful editor, Tom Colgan; his assistant, Amanda Ng; and my agent extraordinaire, Jessica Faust.

And thanks to all of you, my readers, for traveling with me on this amazing ride.

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