
FIRST, I WANT TO thank my friend and editor Joe Blades. My life and work have been enriched by his editing genius and continuous support.

Also at Ballantine, I thank Gina Centrello, Kim Hovey, and Cindy Murray, as well as Tamu Aljuwani and the rest of the trade show and library folks—and Brenda Conway and everyone else in Ballantine’s fabulous sales force.

My appreciation also goes out to my agents, Robert Gottlieb and Matt Bialer, for their guidance and their enthusiastic efforts on my behalf—and to all the booksellers who have been so generous to me: Scott Perry, Dee Hausam, Steve and Joanie Stephenson, Cynthia Jackson, Kristin Ferguson, Ann Thrasher, and many others at bookstores all across the country.

Special thanks should go to my criminal law expert, Arlene Joplin, for reviewing the manuscript, advising me on many issues, and making me aware of several real-life instances of “end-runs” around the Constitution’s double jeopardy protection not unlike the one portrayed in this book. I also thank my friend Dave Johnson for keeping me up-to-date on the latest developments and techniques at the police department. And I must thank my wife, Kirsten, who also read the manuscript and advised me to take out all the boring parts.
