Page references in italic refer to illustrations)
Aborigines, Australian 27, 144, 341, 342
Académie Française, Paris 101, 121
Académie Royale de Médecine 26, 31
Acanthostega 132–3
ACE (gene) 328
acheiropody 114, 114–15, 125, 126
achondroplasia 154–6, 155, 157, 161, 167,175, 185
acromegaly 207, 265
Addison, Joseph: The Battle of the Pygmies and the Cranes 182
adrenal glands 263, 264–5
Afzélius, Bjorn 57–8
ageing 299, 300–4, 313–14; and cells 319–23; disorders 319, 323; and free radicals 314–15, 316–18; mortality rates 329–31; and skin 318–19; see also longevity
AIMs see Ancestry Informative Markers
Ainu, the 268
Aka, the 183, 186–7
Akadimoo (pygmy) 181, 183
albinism/albinos 14, 245, 250, 251, 252, 253–5, 258, 259–60
Aldrovandi, Ulisse 9, 11; Monstrorum historia 4, 6, 8, 273
allegory 5–6, 7, 84–5
alopecia see baldness
ALS see amytrophic lateral sclerosis
Alzheimer’s disease 300, 326–7
American National States Rights Party: Thunderbolt article 110
amino acids 89, 158
amytrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) 316
Ancestry Informative Markers (AIMs) 339–40
Andaman Islands: negritos 183–4, 184 341,346–7
anencephalic children 51–2
Angela and Amy (conjoined twins) 60
‘anticipation’ 298
apartheid (South Africa) 262–4
apical ectodermal ridges 113, 114, 115–16, 126–7
APOE (apolipoprotein E) gene 300, 326, 327, 328
Aquinas, Thomas 33
aristocracy, British 308–9
Aristotle 9, 10, 241; The generation of animals 32–3, 35; Historia animalium 199, 282; On length and shortness of life 307–8
arms 110–11, 112–13, 127–8; missing 111–12, 118–20, 119, 128
Arnold (Chinese sailor) and his descendants 137–8, 140
aromatase 239–40, 241–2
Artemis Ephesia 290–3, 291
Ashberry, Mary 155
Augustine, St 70
auricles, supernumerary 84, 84–6, 85
Auschwitz 148–9, 150–2
Ava, Burma 273–6
Bacon, Francis 10, 48; Novum organum 10–12, 13
Bagydaw, king of Ava 273, 274, 275
baldness 280–4; female 283
Barbin, Herculine (Abel/Alexina) 217–22, 229, 236, 237,238,243
Bateson, William: Materials… 85, 86–7, 123
bearded women 238, 239, 268, 283
beauty 348–53, 355–6
Belgian blues (cows) 157
Bell, Alexander Graham 304–5, 306, 309
Beowulf 105
Bhudas 287
Birds: feathers 8, 280; sex chromosomes 231; and teeth 288; see also chickens
Birkett, J.: ‘Congenital…auricles on the sides of the neck’ 85
Blafards 251, 253, 258
blastopores 38, 39, 40, 41
Blixen, Karen 17
Boaistuau, Pierre: Histoires prodigieuses 6, 28, 29
Boas, Franz 243, 342, 343–4
Bobey, John Richardson Primrose 258
Bonaparte, Napoleon 47, 164, 195
bone(s) 138–40, 140, 160; excess 140–4; growth of 144–6, 153–4; missing 137–8, 140; see also arms; legs
bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) 139–40, 141, 144, 280; BMP4 42, 44, 102
Bontius, Jacob: Orang (in Historia naturalis Indiae Orientalis) 249, 250
Borboutin, Isalina 173
Boruwlaski, Joseph 170–5, 172, 176, 177
Bosch, Hieronymus 67
Botticelli, Sandro: Mars and Venus 85
Brandenburg, Electress of 170
Brandt, Alexander 284–5
Brazilians: acheiropodic 114, 114–15; and beauty 352, 356
BRCA1 (gene) 300
breasts 286, 287; cancer gene 300; extra 289, 289–90, 292
British aristocracy, height of 210–11
Browne, Sir Thomas 30, 35; Pseudodoxia epidemica… 8, 91; Religio medici 9, 313
Buffon, Georges-Louis Leclerc, Comte de 17, 31, 170, 189, 350; Histoire naturelle…21, 57, 251, 252, 253, 255, 256, 257–8
bumblebee bats 190
Burckhardt, Jacob 311
Byrne, Charles 178, 178–9, 207, 265
Caesar, Julius 283
Cafarelli (castrato) 200
Cain 71, 105–6
calf, cyclopic 73
caloric restriction 311–13, 314, 325
Camper, Petrus 340, 341, 350
cancers 299, 300, 302, 314 321: and growth 204–7
Cantimpré, Thomas à: De naturis rerum 70–1
Cape Malays 137–8, 140
cardiovascular disease 326, 328, 330–1; see also heart attacks
Carracci, Agostino: Arrigo Peloso, Pietro Matto e Amon Nano 269–70, 270, 273
Carracci, Annibale: Omnia vincit Amor 85
cartilage 139, 140, 156, 158
castration/castrati 199–201; see also eunuchs
catalase 317
cats: toes 121
Cazotte, Marc (‘Pepin’) 103, 119, 119–20
CBFA1 (gene) 140
cells 35, 36, 41–2, 82–3, 126, 319–21; suicide of 116–17, 207
Chacrelats 249, 251
Chadwick, Edwin 211
Chair-Allah-Luigi 186–8, 187
Charles I, of England 9, 10
Chesnet, Dr 221–2
chickens: embryo experiments 47–8, 59–60, 77, 113, 117, 122–3, 124, 280; and teeth 288
childhood mortality rates 329–30
Chinese, the 201, 210, 268, 350
cholesterol 234, 326
chondrocytes 139, 140, 153–4, 156, 158
chordin 44, 102
chromosomes 13, 230–3, 317–18
cilia 58, 59
Cleopatra xv
‘Cleppie Bells’ 106–9, 115
clitoris, the 225–8, 227, 229; of pseudoher-maphrodites 221, 236, 237, 239
Cloetens, Elsje 298
clones 322–3
club-feet 109
collagens 158
collections, teratology 11, 12–13, 61–2, 65–6, 72, 78, 120, 143; see also Vrolik, Willem
Colloredo, Lazarus 53
Columbus, Renaldus 91, 225–6, 228
‘condensations’ 127–8, 139
consanguinous marriages 356
Cornaro, Luigi 295, 310–11; Discorsi della vita sobria 309–11
Cotter, Patrick 178
Courier Français 26
Cracow, Monster of 6–7
craniometry see skulls
Crawfurd, John 273, 274, 275, 286
cretins/cretinism 194–6, 197, 198, 352; myxedematous 195, 195
Cro-Magnon man 191
Cushing’s disease 263–4
Cuvier, Baron Georges 26, 46, 101
Cyclopes 68–9, 70, 70–1
cyclopia/cyclopic children 67–9, 71–3, 72, 74, 74–5, 78–9, 83
CYP26A1 (gene) 80, 82
Daru, the see Taron, the
Darwin, Charles: The descent of man 267, 286, 287, 349–51; The variation of animals and plants under domestication 131–2
de Camio Scipion, Via?eslav Michailovi? 122
‘Derbyshire neck’ 197
dermis: and hair 278–80
Devonian swamp-beasts 132–3
Devonshire, Duke and Duchess of 174, 177
DHT see dihydroxytestosterone
diabetes (type 2) 339
diet: and growth 209–11; and longevity 309–13, 325
digits (fingers; toes) 117, 121, 122–4, 128; extra see Polydactyly; fused 128,141; missing 128; webbed 117
dihydroxytestosterone (DHT) 238, 244, 284
Disorganisation (mouse mutant) 96–7
DNA 13–14, 40, 80, 314
dogs 121, 206–8, 287
‘Dolly’ (Sheep 6LL3) 322–3
Down’s syndrome 317–18
Dutch, the 141, 209–10, 298, 312, 353
Duverney, Joseph-Guichard 30, 31
dwarfs/dwarfism 169–75, 176; see also achondroplasia, pituitary dwarfism, pseudoachondroplasia, pycnodysostosis
dyenin 58
ears 81; see also auricles
Eastlack, Harry Raymond 141–3, 142, 143
ectoderm 37, 278
ectodermal dysplasia 387
ectodysplasin 287, 288
ectrodactyly 107–9, 108, 111, 115
Ecuador: dwarfs 176, 190
Efe, the 183, 327
Eisenhower, Dwight D. 281
‘Elephant Man, the’ see Merrick, James
embryos, human 18, 31, 32, 94–5; development of 35–7, 40–4, 49–51, 58–9, 93–4, 112–13, 127–8, 228–9, 237–8, 260, 276–8
Emin Pasha 180, 180, 185
Empéraire, Achille 159
ems (gene) 99
endoderm 37, 50
Eng and Chang (Siamese twins) 33, 45
epidermis: and hair 278–80
epigenesis/epigeneticists 31, 32, 47
estradiol 203, 239
estrogen, male 202–3, 239, 240
estrone 203, 239
eugenics programmes 282–3, 305
eumelanin 253, 265, 266
eunuchs 199, 201–2, 203, 282–3
eyelashes, extra 96
eyeless (gene) 99
Fabricius 9
Farinelli (Carlo Broschi) (castrato) 199–200
Farnese, Cardinal Odoardo 269
feet: club 109; missing see acheiropody; webbed 117; see also digits
Ferris, Jeffrey 298
Feunet, Jean-Pierre: Lefabuleux destin d’Amélie Poulain 159
fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) 41, 116–17, 118, 120, 126–7, 154–7, 280
fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP) 141–4, 142, 143
fingers see digits
fish: cyclopic embryos 73; gills 86; and Hox genes 130; lobefinned 129–30; Medaka/scaleless 287–8; opercular bones 100; rays 129
Fontana, Lavinia: Tognina Gonsalvus 271–2
FOP see fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva
Ford, Gerald 281
‘Frau Welt’ 5
Frederick II, of Austria 11
Frederick II, Archduke of Tyrol 271
free radicals 314–15, 316, 317, 318
Freud, Sigmund 226
Frey, Julia 164
fruit flies (Drosophila) 74, 87–8, 92, 98–9, 101; caloric-restricted 312–13; and longevity 306–7, 315–17
FY gene 339
Gasseling, Mary 122–3
gastrula/gastrulation 36–7
Gegenbauer, Carl 132
Gehrig, Lou/Lou Gehrig disease 316
Genara (pygmy queen) 181
genetic variety 336–40, 345; disappearance of 346–7; in skulls 340–5, 342–3, 347
Geneviève (albino) 251, 252, 253, 254
genitalia 223–9; ambiguous 235–6, 240; see pseudoher-maphrodites; effect of chromosomes on 230–3; malformed 14, 128; of spotted hyenas 241–2
genome, human 15–16, 41, 42, 95, 101, 116
Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, Étienne 46–9, 62, 99–102
Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, Isidore 26, 47, 48, 169, 170;
Geranomachia (war of the pygmies) 182, 184
Gérard, Marie/Germain 236
gigantism, pituitary 178, 178–9, 207, 265
‘glass bone disease’ see osteogenesis imperfecta
goats: with extra auricles 84, 86; without forelimbs 112
Gobineau, Arthur, Comte de 262
Goethe, Johann von 49
goitres 196, 197, 198, 352
Goldschmidt, Richard 147
gonadotropin 303
gonads 18, 234; see also testes
Gonsalvus, Arrigo 269–71, 270
Gonsalvus, Petrus 271, 272, 272–3, 284, 285
Gonsalvus, Tognina 271–2
Gould, Stephen Jay 344, 346
Goya, Francisco de 119
Gratton, George Alexander 258, 259
Greek mythology 28, 68–9, 109, 181–3, 242; see also Artemis Ephesia, Homer
Greek vases 167, 184–5
‘growth hormone’ 146, 175–6, 189, 203–4, 207, 212
growth rates, human 188–9, 202; and cancers 203–7; see also height
Guanches, the 271
Guéneau de Montbeillard, Count Philibert 189
guevedoche see Salinas
Guilbert, Yvette 161, 164
guinea pigs: digits 121, 122
Gumilla, José: Orinoco illustrado 258
H-Y antigens 232
hair 276–80, 281–2, 286, 287, 288; loss of 280–4; see also hairiness, red-haired people
hairiness/hirsutism/hypertrichosis lanuginosa 268–76, 270, 272, 277, 284–5, 286
Haldane, J.B.S. 298–9, 300, 301, 302
Hamburger, Viktor 147
Hamilton, James 282–3
Hands: ectrodactylous 107–9, 108, 111, 115; missing see acheiropody; see also digits
Harvey, William 9–10; De generatione animalium 10, 51
heart attacks 16, 300, 329
hearts, extra 95–6
‘hedgehog’ genes 41, 74–5; ‘sonic’ 74, 75–7, 76, 124–5, 284
height 188–9, 211–13; of eunuchs 201–2, 203; and longevity 208–9; and poverty 209–11; and testosterone receptors 235; see also dwarfism, gigantism, ‘growth hormone’, pygmies
Hensel, Brittany and Abigail (conjoined twins) 60–1
Hephaestus 109
hermaphrodites 222, 242; see pseudoher-maphrodites
Hermaphroditus Asleep (after Poussin) 215
Hesiod: Theogony 68
Hindus, toothless 286, 287
Hirst, B.C., and Piersol, G.A.: Human monstrosities 5, 46, 74, 79
hirsutism see hairiness
Hkunungs, the 192
Hoefling, Rita 263–5
Hoefnagel, Georg: Petrus family 271
holoprosencephaly 73, 74, 75
homeobox genes 89–90, 95
homeosis/homeotic genes 86–92, 97–9
Homer: Odyssey 68, 78, 181, 182–3
Homo erectus 191
Homo neanderthalensis 191
Homo sapiens 247, 293
Homo troglodytes 249, 249–50, 251
homologies/homologues 100–1, 102; and genitalia 223, 225, 228, 229
Hopi Indians: albinism 255
Hormones: melanocyte-stimulating 265–6; and sexuality 243–4, see also estrogens, testosterone; see also ‘growth hormone’
Hottentots 350
Hox genes 92–4, 98, 126, 128, 129–31
Hufeland, Christian: Markobiotik 311
Humiecka, Comtesse de 171
Hunter, John 179, 206
Hunterian Museum, 66, 178, 179, 206, 259
Huntington, George 298
Huntington disease 297–9, 300, 301, 303
Husserl, Edmund 45
Hyde, William: descendants 304–5
hydrogen peroxide 317
hyenas 240–2
hypertelorism syndrome 77
hypertrichosis lanuginosa 269–76, 270, 272, 277, 285, 286
Ibo, the: albinos 254
Ichthyostega 132–3
insulin-growth-factor (IGF) 189, 190, 203, 204; in dogs 206, 207; in nematode worms 324–5
Inuit, the 341, 342
iodine 196, 197, 198
‘Irish Giants’ 177–8; see Byrne, Charles
isotretinoin 80
Istanbul: eunuchs 201–2, 203, 282
Janin, Jules 26, 61
Jarawas 347
jaws 341
Johnson, Dr Samuel 182, 281
Joseph and Luka (conjoined twins) 60
Jost, Alexandre 233–4
Julius II, Pope 3, 4
Kaiser Wilhelm Institute, Berlin 146–7
Kakurlakos 249, 251, 253
Kartagener’s syndrome 56–8, 57, 60
Katie and Eilish (conjoined twins) 60
Kaunitz, Prince 171
Keibel, Franz: Normentafel…93
Keith, Sir Arthur 179
Khoisans 341
Kiutzu, the 192
Kobelt, Georg Ludwig 227, 227
Kongbaungs, the 273–4
Kruk, island of 209
kyphosis 201
labia majora and minora 229
Laloo (Indian boy) 53
lambs, cyclopic 73–4
Lamy, Maurice 164
Landriot, Monsignor J.-F 221
Landucci, Lucca 3, 4
lanugo 285
legs 110–11, 112–13, 127–8, 139, 144; missing 112, 118–20, 119
lemurs: armpit breasts 290
Lenz, W. 118
Leonardo da Vinci xv; (attrib.) Cyclopia 72, 72
Leydig cells 234, 235
Liceti, Fortunio: De monstrorum natura caussis et differentiis 1, 6, 8, 63, 71, 72
limbs see arms; legs
Linnaeus, Carl 340; Fauna svecica 290–1, 291, 292–3; Systema naturae 247–50, 249, 262
Lisbey (a piebald) 258, 259, 259–60
Lisu, the 192
lobe-fins 129–30
longevity 304–5, 306, 308–9; and diet 309–13, 325; in fruit flies 306–7, 315; and height 208–9; and human genes 325–9; in nematode worms 323–5; and reproduction 307–8, 309
lungfish 129, 130
Luther, Martin 7
Lycosthenes, Conrad: Prodigiorum…(The Doome…) 6
McBride, William 118
McLaughlin, Margaret 106–7, 108–9
Madison, James 211
Magdeleine (a piebald) 258, 259
Magellan, Ferdinand 347
malaria 339, 352
mammary glands 287; see breasts
Mangold, Hilda (née Pröscholdt) 37–9, 44–5
Mangold, Otto 44, 146
Mani, Giovanni 186–7
Manoiloff, E.O.: ‘A rare case of hereditary hexadactylism’ 122
Maphoon 275–6, 277, 286
Margaret, Duchess of Parma 271
Maria Teresa and Maria de Jésus (conjoined twins) 60
Marie Antoinette 172
Marie Sabina (a piebald) 255, 256, 257–8, 259
Marie-Theresa, Empress 171
Maroteaux, Pierre 164
Maupertuis, Pierre-Louis Moreau de 31, 122
Mead, Margaret 243
Medawar, Sir Peter 40, 302, 303, 306
Medici, Catherine de 170
Megasthenes 69
Meibomian glands 96
Melanchthon, Philipp 7
melanocyte-stimulating hormone receptor (MC1R) 265–6, 267–8, 345
melanocytes 253, 260–1, 266
melanotropins 265–6
Mengele, Josef 147–8, 149, 151–2, 153
mermaid syndrome 78–82, 79
Merrick, James (‘the Elephant Man’) 205, 205–6
mesoderm 37, 39–40, 50, 92, 139, 278
messenger RNA 89
Mexican hairless dog 287
mice: boneless 140; caloric-restricted 311–12; and deletion of Hox genes 94, 131, 133; Disorganisation 96–7; dwarf 189–90; effects of age 322; with extra nipples 290; hair follicles 280, 282, 284; marsupial 308; ‘mermaid’ 79–80, 81–2; myostatin-defective 157; piebald 260; polydactylous strains 122; size and longevity 208; sonic-hedgehog-defective 75–6, 76, 125; telomerase-defective 321–2; telomeres of 322
Miniscalchi-Errizo, Count 187
miscarriages 354, 355
mitochondria 314
molecular switches see transcription factors
Molionides brothers (conjoined twins) 28
monozygotic (identical) twins 33–4
monsters 6–8, 9, 30–1; see also Ravenna, Cracow
Montaigne, Michel de 29, 236
‘moonlighters’ 317–18
Moreschi, Alessandro 201
‘morning after pill’ 94
morphogens 40, 75, 81, 82, 83, 123–4
mortality rates 329–31
Moskovitz, Yoshko 150
Mpho and Mphonyana (conjoined twins) 60
MTHFR (gene) 328
Mustapha, Domenico 200
myostatin 157
Naingvaws, the 192
Naples: Capodimonte Museum 269
neck auricles/ears/lobes 84, 84–6, 85
negritos, Andaman Island 183–4, 184, 341, 346–7
‘Nelson’s syndrome’ 264–5
nematode worms 102, 323–5; and longevity 312, 315–16, 324–5
neural crest cells 260–1
neural tube 50, 51, 66, 93, 94
neurons 42, 297, 317
newt embryos 38–9, 45
nipples, extra 289, 290, 304
noggin (protein) 40–2, 43, 141
Nsévoué (Aka pygmy) 186, 188
nucleotides 13, 298
Nungs, the 192, 194
nutrition see diet
O’Briens (‘Irish Giants’) 177–8
Onge, the 346
osteoblasts 138–9, 140, 144, 154, 160
osteoclasts 160, 161
osteogenesis imperfecta 158–9, 159, 161
osteopetrosis 160–1, 164
osteoporosis 160, 164, 299
osteosarcoma 206, 207
‘ostrich-footed people’ 110
Ovid: Ars amatoria 281; Metamorphoses xiii, 68, 69, 204–5
Ovitz, Elizabeth 148–53, 152
Ovitz, Rabbi Shimshon Isaac 149
Ovitz, Shimshon 151
‘P’ (protein) 254
Pakistan: consanguinous marriages 356
Pan Raping a Goat (statue) 83–5, 84
Papua New Guinea 191, 351–2; the Sambia 236–7, 238, 244
parapagus diprosopus 53
paraquat 314–15
parasitism 53–4, 66
Paré, Ambroise 236; Des monstres et prodiges 6, 7, 28
Parodi, Ritta and Christina (conjoined twins) 23–4, 24, 25–7, 33, 47, 48, 49, 52, 53, 54, 55, 55, 60, 61–2
Pearson, Karl: A monograph on albinism in man 245, 249, 259, 259–60
penis, the 129, 223, 227, 228, 229, 236
‘Pepin’ see Cazotte, Marc
peptides 158
Pepy II 183
Peter the Great 170
Petrucciani, Michel 159
phaeomelanin 253, 266
phocomelia 118–20, 119
piebalds 255, 256, 257–61, 259
pigs 121; ‘Ditto’ 77, 78; without eyeballs 80
pituitary gland 175, 197, 198, 209; and dwarfism 175–6, 198, see also Boruwlaski, Joseph; and gigantism 178, 178–9, 207, 265; tumors 179, 207, 264–5; see also ‘growth hormone’
Pius X, Pope 201
Plato: The symposium 242, 348
Pliny the Elder: Historia naturalis 69, 182, 248, 254, 347
Polo, Marco 71
Polydactyly (extra fingers and toes) 111, 121–2, 123, 123, 124–5, 131–3
polymastia see breasts, extra
polymorphisms 16–17, 327–8
Polyphemus (Cyclops) 68–9
preformationism 31–2
‘primitive streak’ 36
Pritchard, Captain B.E.A. 192
progerias 319, 323
prognathism 341, 342
Pröscholdt, Hilda see Mangold, Hilda
Proteus syndrome 204–6, 205
pseudoachondroplasia 149, 152, 153, 154, 158; see also Ovitz, Elizabeth
pseudohermaphrodites 222, 234, 235–6, 238–9, 241, 244; see also Barbin, Herculine
Ptah-Pataikoi 154
PTEN 204
pycnodysostosis 163, 164, 175
pygmies 180, 180–8, 184, 187, 189, 190–2, 327; see also Taron
Quatrefages, Armand de: Crania ethica 333, 342–3; The pygmies 183, 187
rabbits: foetal studies 233–4
race(s): and balding 280; fabulous 69–71, 109–10; and skin colour, see apartheid; see also genetic variety
Ravenna, Monster of 3–6, 4, 8
red-haired people 14, 265–8, 345
retinoic acid 80–2
ribs, extra 91–2, 97
Riebeeck, Jan van 298
‘Ritta-Christina’ see Parodi, Ritta and Christina
Roberts’s syndrome 5, 6
Rodriguez, Clara and Altagracia 60
Röse (German dentist) 342–3
Rossetti, Dante Gabriel: La Ghirlandata 345
RU486 (‘morning after pill’) 94
Rudolf II, Emperor of Austria 11, 271
Ruhe, Jacob 122
salamanders 132, 144–6
Salinas, Dominican Republic: guevedoche 236, 237–8, 243–4
Sambia, the 236–7, 238, 244
Saunders, John 113, 117, 122–3
Scarry, Elaine 348
Schweinfurth, George August 181, 186, 188, 190; The heart of Africa 188, 254
sclerostin/sclerosteosis 141, 300
scrotum, the 225, 229, 263; see also testes
Selk’nam, the 347, 348
Senesino (Francesco Bernardi) (castrato) 200, 200
Serres, Étienne 26, 61; Recherches d’anatomie…24, 26, 47, 49, 52, 52–3
Sex-determining Region on Y see SRY
‘sex-reversed females’ 231–2, 233
‘sex-reversed males’ 233
sexual organs see genitals
sheep: ‘Dolly’ (cloned) 322–3; with extra nipples 304
Shwe-Maong 274–5, 276, 284, 285, 286
Siamese twins see twins, conjoined
Siebold, Carl von 284–5
sirenomelia 78–82, 79, 83
situs inversus 55–6, 58
skin 42, 278; colour 8, 253, 260, 261–2, 265, 268, see also albinism, apartheid, piebalds; wrinkled 318–19
skulls 137, 140–1, 144; shapes and measurements 340–5, 342–3, 347
snakes 97–8
SODs see superoxide dismutases
somites 92, 93, 98
‘sonic hedgehog’ gene 74, 75–7, 76, 124–5, 284
SOST mutation 300
South Africa: apartheid 262–4; Cape Malays 137–8, 140; extra-bone mutation 140–1; Huntington disease 298; sclerosteosis 300
Soviet leaders: and balding 281
Spallanzani, Lazzaro 145
Spemann, Hans 37–8, 39–40, 44, 45, 147
spina bifida 51–2, 58
‘split-hand-split-foot’ syndrome 108, 108–9
SRY (Sex-determining Region on Y) 232–3, 234, 328, 329
Stanislaus, King of Poles 172, 174
Stendhal (Marie Henri Beyle) 219, 356
sterility 240
Strauss, Johann, the Younger 111–12
Sun Yaoting 201
sunlight: and skin 318–19
superoxide dismutases (SODs) 315–16
SOD1 mutations 316–18
Swammerdam, Jan 227
sweat glands 286, 287, 288
Sweden: mortality rates 329, 330, 331
synpolydactyly 128
tadpoles: and retinoic acid 81
Taron/Daru 192, 193, 193–4, 195, 198
Taverne, M. (Burgomaster) 257–8
teeth 286–7, 288
telomerase 320–2, 323
telomeres 320–1, 322–3
teratology 8, 26
teratomas 54
testes/testicles 202, 203, 222
testosterone 203, 234, 235, 237–8, 239, 244; and baldness 282–4; effects on hyenas 241, 242
thalidomide 118–21
thanatophoric dysplasia 66, 135, 156–7
Thibaut-Francesco 186–8, 187
thyroid gland 196–7, 198
thyrotropin 197–8
thyroxine 197
Tierra del Fuego: the Selk’nam 347, 348
Times, The 35
Tintoretto, Jacopo: Luigi Cornaro 295, 310
toes see digits
tongues, over-large 157
toothlessness 286, 287
Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri de 161–5, 163, 267
transcription factors (molecular switches) 88–9, 95, 125, 126, 140
transforming growth factor-betas (TGFß) 41
Treffan, Comte de 172
Turlepreton 132–3
twins, conjoined 23, 27–35, 29, 45–6, 46, 48–9, 53–4, 55–6, 60–1; see also Parodi, Ritta and Christina
Twitty, Victor Chandler 144–7, 153
two-toed people 109–10
Tyson, Edward 182–3, 250
ultraviolet light 318–19
United States of America: eugenics programmes 282–3; heights 209, 211–12, 213; presidents 211, 213, 281; skulls 343–4
Unthan, Hermann (‘The Armless Fiddler’) 111–12, 114
vagina, the 223, 224, 224, 225, 229
Verschuer, Otamar, Freiherr von 147, 148
vertebrae, human 91–3, 98
Vesalius, Andreas: De fabrica 223–4, 224, 225
vestibular bulbs 226–7, 227
Victor Emmanuel II, of Italy 187
Vigenère, Blaise de: Les images Philostratus 70
vitamin A 80
Vrolik, Willem: anatomical collection 65, 66–7, 78, 90–1, 156; Tabula…67–8, 72, 73, 119, 119–20, 135, 156
Wadoma, the 110
Werner’s syndrome 319
Wigtown, Scotland 106, 107, 115
Wilding, Alexa 345
Williams, George 302, 303, 306, 307
Wilson, Margaret 106–7, 108
Winckelmann, Johann Joachim 350
Wright, Sewall 122
wrinkles 318–19
X chromosomes 230, 232, 233
Xiphopages 48
Y chromosomes 230–3
Yanomamo tribe 191
Zhang Deyi 268
‘zone of polarising activity’ (ZPA) 123, 124, 126
Zulu albinos 245, 254