Merylo cleaned up before visiting the Sandusky Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Home. He still wasn’t planning to identify himself as a police officer. At the same time, he doubted he could persuade the proprietress to speak to a bum in an unkempt beard and filthy clothing.
He waited until he saw Doc leave the building, dressed in what appeared to be the same suit he had worn the day before. As soon as the man was out of sight, Merylo walked up the front steps. He knocked on the front door of the gabled two-story white house. Only a few moments later, a woman wearing a plain print dress opened the door.
“Are you Mary McGovern?”
“Yes. Can I help you?”
“Name’s Peter Smith, ma’am. I work for the Board of Examiners.”
She held the door only partly open between them, just enough to allow them to speak. “Who?”
“The Board of Examiners, ma’am.” He paused. “The folks who are going to decide whether the good doctor will have his license to practice medicine reinstated.”
“Oh dear. Oh dear me.” She opened the door the rest of the way. “Please come in.”
Mary showed Merylo into the front sitting room. He took a somewhat worn davenport while she took the armchair catercorner to it.
“I was afraid something like this might happen. I knew that he had lost his job, of course, but I had hoped he might find another one somewhere. Even in this awful Depression, people still need doctors, right?”
“That’s right, ma’am. But we have to make sure those doctors can be trusted.”
“Of course you do.”
“Let me tell you first of all, Mrs. McGovern, that this conversation will be held in the strictest confidence.”
“Thank you.”
“By the same token, I expect you to keep our little visit secret, too. You can’t tell anyone-not even the doctor.”
“Well, if you say so.”
“We don’t want to give him more to worry about without cause.”
“Oh, no. Of course not.”
Merylo pulled a notepad out of his jacket pocket, flipped to an empty page, and began to read. “The doctor was committed to this institution as a result of his alcoholism, is that correct, ma’am?”
“That’s my understanding.”
“Is your establishment subsidized by the state?”
“No, we’re private.”
“So the doctor is a wealthy man?”
“Actually, a relative is paying the costs. A wealthy cousin.”
“Does the doctor have a job?”
“Not that I know of. He’s been looking, but, well, I guess his colleagues at City Hospital have said some rather nasty things about him.”
City Hospital? He worked at City Hospital?
The same place Edward Andrassy once worked.
“Do you know what they were saying?”
“I’ve heard that he came to work intoxicated on more than one occasion. And that he sometimes flew off the handle, which, bless my soul, I can’t even believe. He’s such a kind, gentle man. At least, when he hasn’t been… you know.”
“Of course.”
“I even heard a rumor that he became violent and threatened a man in the hospital with a… a… oh, what do you call those little knives doctors use?”
“A scalpel, ma’am?”
“Yes. That’s it exactly. A scalpel. But I can’t imagine it. Perhaps the incident was exaggerated.”
“Perhaps so.”
“I’m sure he was just a little rocky. Men are sometimes, you know, when their home life is disrupted so dramatically.”
“His home life?”
“You know about his wife, don’t you?”
“I don’t believe I do.”
“Oh goodness. Then you need to. His wife divorced him. Just up and left.”
“Poor man.”
“Said the most awful things about him. Accused him of hideous things. Cruelty. Violence. Unnatural acts.”
Merylo worked to maintain a straight face.
“Said he tried to… force himself on her. And not in the usual way. If you know what I mean.”
“I think I do.”
“But I just can’t believe that. He’s an educated man. You can tell that every time he speaks. So intelligent.”
What was it the alienist had tried to tell them?
“It must’ve been hard on him, seeing his marriage break up like that. And she took the children away from him. Just about the same time he lost his job. Who knows what that might do to a person? He has no close family now. None at all. Had three brothers-every one of them is dead.”
“His only living relative is that cousin, and he’s never once come around to visit.” She lowered her voice to a whisper. “To tell you the truth, I think he may be a bit embarrassed. A man in his position probably doesn’t want to be associated with a scandalous relative.”
“No doubt. Can you help me understand the doctor’s schedule?”
“How do you mean?”
“Well, my understanding was that he has been institutionalized here.”
“And yet, he seems to be able to come and go as he pleases.”
“It isn’t a prison. We’re here to help him, to whatever degree he’ll let us. We have classes, get-togethers with everyone staying here. Times when everyone can share their troubles. Learn from one another. We’ve modeled our program after that new organization they started up in New York. You know the one. Alcoholics Anonymous.”
“Does he attend these classes?”
“Sometimes.” She hesitated. “Not that often.”
“Is he still drinking?”
She looked down at her knitted hands. “Not here. But… he does disappear at times. Sometimes for more than a day.”
“Where does he go?”
“I have no idea. I’ve asked, but he wouldn’t tell me.”
“You think he goes off to binge?”
“I hope not. But given his background…”
“Perhaps he goes to visit his cousin.”
“Oh, I very much doubt that. Congressman Sweeney may be willing to foot the bill, but I don’t think he would want his cousin dropping by his mansion.”
Merylo’s lips parted.
He rose to his feet. He had to get back to Ness. As soon as possible. “Thank you for your cooperation. And please remember what I said. Mum’s the word. We don’t want to jeopardize Dr. Sweeney’s chances for reinstatement.”
“No. For all his troubles, he really is a very kind man. So thoughtful.”
“Well, I have to file my report. If you’ll-”
Merylo was interrupted by an ear-splitting cry from outside the house.
“What in-?”
Merylo jammed his notepad into his back pocket and raced out the front door. Standing not ten feet away, just beyond the picket fence, he spotted a woman, one hand pressed against her terror-stricken face.
As he approached, Merylo realized it was the same woman he had seen before, when he was masquerading as a vagrant, the one Dr. Sweeney had assisted. Her arm was still in a sling.
“What is it? What’s wrong?”
The woman’s hand trembled. She tried to speak, but couldn’t force anything out. Finally, she just pointed.
Merylo whirled around. There was a dog on the sidewalk, a cocker spaniel.
He did not appear to be rabid. He wasn’t growling or making threatening noises.
Perhaps because there was something in his mouth.
“You ladies go inside the house. Now!”
They obeyed. As soon as they were gone, Merylo slowly approached the canine.
“C’mon now, pooch. Let’s see what you’ve got.”
Good God-was it what he thought it was?
Merylo had never been good with dogs. Never cared for them much. He was more of a cat person, not that he would ever admit that to any of his fellow police officers.
He crouched down and held out his hand. “Come on, doggie. Come on. Give papa the bone. Hear me?”
The dog gave his head a little shake, then opened his mouth.
Part of a human leg dropped out of his jaws.