A shriveled mouse thudded in front of Ivypaw. “Eat this.”
She looked up at the dark tabby ShadowClan warrior who’d thrown it, and sniffed. “Thanks.”
The warrior stalked away, around the bramble screen that half hid Ivypaw’s corner of the ShadowClan camp.
“I don’t know why they’re giving you food.” Starlingpaw scowled at her. “You were trying to steal ours.”
Ivypaw leveled a scornful look at the young ShadowClan tom who’d been ordered to guard her. “I crossed the border by mistake.”
“Yeah, right.” Starlingpaw turned away and resumed his watch.
Ivypaw rolled her eyes. Anyone would think he was guarding a LionClan warrior. “What exactly do you think I’m going to do? Attack the warriors’ den and take over the camp?”
Starlingpaw glanced at her. “Who knows what you’re planning? ThunderClan cats are known for being sneaky.”
“ThunderClan? Sneaky?” Ivypaw couldn’t believe her ears. ShadowClan cats were the sneakiest cats in the forest. She snorted. I give up. She wasn’t going to waste time talking to this mouse-brain. She settled onto her belly and began eating the mouse. As she gnawed at the stringy meat, she peered around the edge of the bramble, past Starlingpaw’s tail, and watched the ShadowClan camp begin to stir.
Two kits tumbled out of a small hole in the bramble wall. “Come on, Dewkit!” The bigger kit—a tabby tom—crouched down, waggling his tail.
“What?” His littermate—a gray she-kit—stared at him.
The tabby dashed across the clearing. “Race you to the dirtplace!”
“That’s cheating, Sparrowkit!” Dewkit pelted after him.
A third kit fell out of the brambles. “Wait for me!” She landed and stared after them, eyes wide.
“Don’t worry, Mistkit.” A tabby queen slid out behind her. “We’ll catch up to them together.” She headed after them, Mistkit trotting at her side. The kit’s pale gray pelt was as spiky as a pinecone. When they reached the far end of the clearing, they ducked into a tunnel and disappeared from view.
Cedarheart, the graying elder, stretched outside his den. Tallpoppy squeezed out from the brambles behind him and yawned. She looked at the gray sky. “Looks like more snow’s coming.”
Cedarheart shivered. “We’ll be eating snow before long.”
A pure-white she-cat was crossing the clearing toward a small pile of mangy-looking prey. Was that a dead frog lying on the top? Ivypaw shivered. The white warrior sniffed at it and carried a piece back toward her den. Ivypaw recognized Olivenose squeezing out.
“Do you want to share this?” the white warrior offered.
“Thanks, Snowbird.” Olivenose called back over her shoulder, “Do you want to share a vole, Owlclaw?”
Ivypaw chewed on her mouse, a little surprised to see that the ShadowClan camp worked just like ThunderClan’s. What did you expect? Mice and squirrels doing the work for them?
Rowanclaw ducked into Blackstar’s den and emerged a few moments later with the ShadowClan leader. They talked for a few moments before Rowanclaw lifted his chin and called to the Clan, “Let all those ready to hunt gather for patrol.”
Pelts swarmed around him. Ivypaw strained to recognize as many warriors as she could. The shapes and colors of these cats were so like ThunderClan, more than stunted WindClan or the fat, sleek RiverClan cats.
“Ratscar, Scorchfur, Snowbird, and Applefur.” Rowanclaw nodded to each one. “You will lead the hunting patrols today. Redwillow, you take the border patrol. Tigerheart, Shrewfoot, and Crowfrost”—he flicked his tail—“you’ll be coming with me.”
Tawnypelt flicked her tail. “The snow has drifted over the training ground,” she reported. “We need to find a more sheltered clearing, or else train in camp.”
Rowanclaw nodded. “If anyone finds a suitable training area, let me know. Until then, battle training will take place here.”
The kits burst out of the dirtplace tunnel.
“Is that strange cat still here?” Sparrowkit squeaked. “The one Tigerheart brought back last night?”
The warriors glanced at one another, surprised. Ivypaw stiffened as, one by one, the cats began to turn and stare at the sheltered corner where she was crouching. She wasn’t going to hide like she’d done something wrong to their precious territory. Puffing out her chest, she padded out from behind the brambles and met their gaze.
Rowanclaw took the center of the clearing. “Tigerheart found a ThunderClan apprentice inside our scent line last night,” he announced.
Pelts bristled behind him.
“Was she alone?” Ratscar demanded.
“The patrol didn’t find any other cats,” Rowanclaw answered. “No warrior scent has been found.”
“Are you sure?” Olivenose flattened her ears. “They could be trying to take more of our territory!”
“We’re not!” Ivypaw couldn’t stop herself calling out.
Starlingpaw turned on her, bristling. “Be quiet!”
Ivypaw scowled at him as Tawnypelt padded forward and turned to her Clanmates. “She’s just an apprentice.”
Rowanclaw sat down and wrapped his tail over his paws. “We’re holding her for now,” he meowed. “No doubt ThunderClan will look for her soon. Until then, she’s no threat.”
“Yeah,” grunted Starlingpaw. “No threat.”
Ivypaw fought the urge to cuff him around the ear.
Rowanclaw flexed his claws. “The patrols must leave,” he ordered. “We can’t waste hunting time.”
Ratscar, Scorchfur, Snowbird, and Applefur began to weave among their Clanmates, assembling their patrols. Within moments they were thundering through the brambles, out into the pine forest.
A tiny mew made Ivypaw turn. “Hey, Thundercat!”
Sparrowkit had leaped past the bramble screen and was facing her, back arched and fur on end. Ivypaw broke into a purr as Dewkit leaped out after him and Mistkit peeped, trembling, around the prickly stems.
“Can you fly?” Sparrowkit demanded.
Ivypaw blinked. “Fly?”
“The warriors said you flew down from the trees in the battle.”
“Oh, yes.” Ivypaw nodded. “All ThunderClan cats can fly.”
“Liar,” growled Starlingpaw.
Ivypaw shrugged. “It’s not my fault that ShadowClan kits have poppy seeds for brains.”
Sparrowkit raced at her, spitting. “No we don’t.”
Ivypaw ducked and snarled in his face, baring her teeth. The kit’s pelt bushed, and his eyes widened with terror. “Kinkfur! Help!” With a squeal, he turned and hared away. Mistkit and Dewkit went wailing after him.
Starlingpaw turned on her. “What did you do that for?”
“Sorry.” Ivypaw winced. “I didn’t think I’d scare them that much.” Her pelt burned. “I was just joking.”
“Those kits have been raised on tales about ThunderClan warriors who eat kits for fun!” Starlingpaw snapped.
Ivypaw stared at him. “Really?”
“They’ll have bad dreams for days.”
“Let me go and apologize,” Ivypaw offered.
The brambles rustled, and Blackstar stalked in. “You will apologize,” he growled. “But not yet.”
Ivypaw straightened up. Blackstar was huge. His one black paw was the size of her head. “I’m really sorry,” she mewed.
Blackstar’s whiskers twitched. “Don’t worry. We’re not going to put you on the fresh-kill pile yet.” His eyes seemed to glow. Was he amused? He scanned the corner she’d been held in, glancing down at the half-eaten mouse at her paws. “Sorry to keep you like this. Have you had enough to eat?”
“Yes.” Hastily, Ivypaw pushed the mouse toward him. “I don’t want to use up your food. Prey is scarce.”
Blackstar dipped his head. “I expect you want to go home.”
Ivypaw felt her eyes glisten. “Yes.”
“You’ll be back in your camp soon enough.” He gazed past her. “First, there’s a bargain to be struck. ThunderClan has something we need.” He turned and padded away.
Ivypaw watched him go, unease pricking her belly. “A bargain?” she echoed.
Starlingpaw shrugged. “Perhaps we’re going to swap you for food.”
Tawnypelt padded around the jutting brambles. “Are you all right?” The sympathy in the tortoiseshell’s mew made Ivypaw more homesick than ever.
“I’m fine.” She swallowed against the lump rising in her throat. “What do you want to swap me for?”
“Herbs,” Tawnypelt answered. “Littlecloud’s sick. We need catmint and tansy. Tigerheart told us that Jayfeather has been growing some.”
“Tigerheart?” Ivypaw was confused. But Tigerstar told me that ShadowClan knew about the herbs ages ago. That’s why they’d wanted to invade ThunderClan territory. Had Tigerstar lied?
“He overheard some ThunderClan warriors talking about it yesterday,” Tawnypelt told her.
No he didn’t! Anger throbbed in her ears. Dovepaw told him! How could her sister betray her Clan like that? Ivypaw stared around her prison. How could she betray me?
Tawnypelt padded closer. “Don’t worry, dear.” Her eyes were round. “I’m sure Jayfeather will happily give up a few herbs on your behalf. You’ll be home in no time.”
Ivypaw backed away, bristling.
“Would you like to use the dirtplace?” Tawnypelt offered. “You could stretch your legs. You must be stiff, holed up here.” She waved Starlingpaw away with her tail. “I’ll keep an eye on her.”
Tawnypelt took her across the camp. The clearing was long and wide. All the dens were neatly tucked away inside the camp wall. Ivypaw was impressed. It was perfect for practicing battle moves. Dawnpelt, lying near the edge, looked up from the frog she was chewing and scowled. Sparrowkit was huddling beside Kinkfur. Dewkit and Mistkit were nowhere to be seen. Cedarheart and Tallpoppy had made nests in the snow outside their den and watched her pass.
Ivypaw felt hot under her pelt. She was relieved to duck through the tunnel to the dirtplace while Tawnypelt waited in the clearing. The dirtplace was outside the camp wall, and Ivypaw wondered if she could slip away and make it to the border.
“Are you finished?” Tawnypelt called.
Ivypaw pushed the idea away. The forest was full of patrols that all knew the territory better than she did. She kicked snow over her dirt and headed back through the tunnel. “I want to apologize to the kits,” she told Tawnypelt as she emerged.
“What for?”
“I frightened them.”
Tawnypelt purred. “I thought Sparrowkit was looking a little quieter than usual.” She led Ivypaw across the clearing toward Kinkfur. As they neared, Mistkit squirmed out of the den and hid behind the tabby queen. Dewkit followed and ducked under Kinkfur’s tail.
Sparrowkit, trembling, lifted his chin. “You don’t scare me!” he growled.
A shriek ripped across the camp, and Flametail came racing through a gap in the brambles, wild-eyed and with his fur bushed up.
Tawnypelt bristled. “What is it?” She raced over to the terrified medicine cat.
“Darkness!” Flametail gasped. “Cold, sucking darkness.” The ginger tom’s eyes were black with terror.
Blackstar rushed out of his den. “What’s the matter?” He barged past Smokefoot and stared at the medicine cat.
Flametail’s gaze fixed on his leader. “There is a great darkness coming,” he hissed. “I’ve felt it, all around me. It will engulf ShadowClan like an endless wave and suck us down to our doom.”
Blackstar thrust his face closer. “What can we do?”
“We must prepare to fight. StarClan was right. We are alone, and we must fight for our lives!”
Smokefoot leaned forward. “Who? Who must we fight?”
Flametail shook his head. “I couldn’t see.”
“It must be the other Clans,” Blackstar snarled. “If StarClan says we fight alone, it must be them that we fight!”
Kinkfur trembled beside Ivypaw and swept her kits closer with her tail. The brambles shivered. Ivypaw turned to see Tigerheart pad into camp. Rowanclaw, Shrewfoot, and Crowfrost followed.
Flametail straightened up, calmness flooding his mew. “The greatest battle in the history of the Clans is coming, and we must prepare to meet it.”
Tigerheart’s broad shoulders stiffened. He glanced backward, catching Ivypaw’s eye. We are being prepared already, he seemed to say.
Ivypaw didn’t feel comforted. Flametail’s prophecy of doom had scared her; she wanted her Clanmates around her, and Firestar to decide which battles should be fought and which could be left for another day.
If the greatest battle ever was coming, Ivypaw wanted to be home before it arrived.