The sound of the helicopter drifted across the open beach.

“Airborne tow truck to haul away our Nighthawk?” Paul suggested.

Joe scanned the horizon for the source of the clatter; he spied a black speck in the distance. “Not a heavy-lifter, by the sound of it. Something faster and more maneuverable.”

“Help maybe?”

“Even less likely,” Joe said. He could hear Urco’s men running around and making preparations. “But if it preoccupies our captors, I’ll take it.”

Joe considered whether this might be the moment to break free, but Emma’s return with two guards at her side quashed the idea.

“On your feet,” one of the guards said, waving a pistol.

Joe stood wearily. Paul did likewise.

The black speck continued to grow larger, and descend, as it came closer. It crossed the lake at two hundred feet and passed over the beach, whipping the tall grasses behind them into a swirling frenzy. It continued on, landing higher up on the plateau, several hundred feet away.

“Are we done standing at attention,” Paul asked, “or are we going to do something?”

Surprisingly, Emma replied, “Urco wants you and Joe to carry the containment units up to the plateau.”

“And if we go on strike?” Joe said.

“Please,” Emma said. “Just do as he asks.”

Joe could see the strain on her face. He also noticed that she stood behind the two guards, not in front of them. As if they were taking orders from her.

Reluctantly, Joe held out his hands. The man pulled a knife, slid it between Joe’s wrists and pulled upward. The zip tie broke with a sharp snap. So much for all his work weakening the plastic. No doubt, he’d have to start again.

Paul’s restraints were cut free as well and the two men followed Emma into the grass and up toward the Nighthawk. Urco’s men followed a few steps behind.

“You’ve earned their trust pretty quickly,” Joe whispered. “Tell me there’s a reason for that.”

“There is,” she said. “I’m doing whatever I can to avoid disaster.”

She went on to explain the situation as quickly as possible.

“You know it’s going to end badly,” Joe said.

“There are degrees of badly,” she said. “But it’s the lesser of two evils at this point.”

Joe understood her reasoning, but he wasn’t buying in. The lesser of all evils would be if they could escape, subdue or kill this madman and secure the mixed-state matter. A long shot, but he still intended to pull it off.

They entered the clearing, rounded the nose of the Nighthawk and found Urco standing in front of the containment units.

He pointed to the first unit. “You two will carry that one up to the helicopter on the plateau. Ms. Townsend will carry the fuel cell. I trust you understand what happens if you drop it.”

“Don’t worry,” Joe said. “Though it might help us to keep our footing if you gave us our boots back.”

“Help you to escape, maybe?”

Joe shrugged. It was worth a try.

He and Paul were handed gloves. They set themselves on either end of the first containment unit and grabbed the handles. Joe could feel chilled air coming off the frosted pipes as soon as he got close to them.

“Ready,” Paul said.

“Up,” Joe replied.

They lifted simultaneously. The unit was hefty, but the weight was distributed evenly and the lifting bars were well positioned. They picked it off the ground with ease and were directed toward the freshly cut pathway.

Joe was at the front of the unit, walking backward and looking over his shoulder to see where he was going. Paul was at the back. Emma walked beside them, lugging the portable fuel cell and keeping the cords from getting tangled.

They arrived at the top of the path a minute later. Four of Urco’s men stood there waiting, surrounding the helicopter at various distances. Three held assault rifles, one held a shotgun.

Urco walked past them and began conversing with a petite woman. Even from a distance, Joe could see her physique was well muscled.

“That’s the woman who attacked us at La Jalca,” Emma whispered. “She said her name was Daiyu.”

Joe could see why she’d turned out to be such a handful.

After a nod from Urco, Daiyu walked over to inspect the containment unit. Like him, she had armed men at her disposal. One stood in the helicopter and two others were on the ground with her. They carried short-barreled submachine guns, held at the ready to spray everyone and anyone with a hail of lead.

“A hard bargain is being struck here,” Paul noted.

“So much for honor among thieves.”

“And this is what we’ve been after all this time?” Daiyu said, running a finger across the frost on the outer casing. “How am I to be sure there’s anything in this metal box?”

“You could open it up and look inside,” Urco suggested. “Though your brain cells will be vaporized before they process anything you might see.”

Daiyu cut her eyes at him. “My country does not play games.”

“I know more about your country than you might,” he said. “I know your orders from Zhang are to take possession of the containment units and leave the diamonds without confrontation. I receive fifty ounces of them now, and another fifty upon your scientists confirming that the antimatter is stored inside. If you want to haggle, we can do that, but every minute on the ground here increases all of our risks. So if you have an issue, state it; otherwise, take possession and close the deal or turn it down and leave.”

She glared back at him, the fury barely suppressed in her eyes. “If you’re lying, I will hunt you down personally.”

“You would never find me,” he said. “But, have no fear. You’re getting what you asked for. To make sure I get what I want, Vargas will travel with you.”

“Acceptable,” she said. “Have them load it up and bring the second unit. The sooner we get out of here, the better.”

Joe and Paul were urged forward. The pilot helped them lift the unit into the helicopter and then secured it to the floor. Emma made sure the fuel cell and the power cords were strapped down tightly.

That done, they moved off to collect the second unit and they carried it back at double speed.

Joe’s initial reaction to Emma’s cooperation hadn’t changed, but the sooner the Chinese agent and her gunmen left, the quicker he could get back to planning an escape. And by taking one of Urco’s most intimidating henchmen with them, the Chinese had unknowingly helped out.

With the second unit loaded aboard, the black helicopter powered up and took off. Even as it left, he and Paul were given a new order: loading another of the containment units into the back of an old Toyota Land Cruiser that Emma was slated to drive.

Emma strapped the unit and the fuel cell down tightly. “I’ll contact Urco as soon as the unit is safely airborne,” she said. “He’s promised to release you at that point.”

Joe knew that wouldn’t happen. And from the sound of her voice, Emma knew it, too.

“I’d say wear your seat belt,” Joe replied. “But I’m assuming you’ll be driving carefully.”

She offered a sad look, closed the door and waited as another of Urco’s men climbed in the passenger side to make sure she did as she was told.

Joe stepped back as the engine came to life. Still under guard, he and Paul watched as the old Land Cruiser moved off down the dirt road that led south.

Three of the eight containment units were gone, four remained in the Nighthawk and one sat in the clearing, awaiting another purchaser.

Perhaps more importantly, two of Urco’s men were gone. Two of the biggest and strongest.

As he and Paul were led back to the beach under guard, Joe glanced at the sun. It was falling toward the horizon now. The time to act was soon.
