Nightingale let go of the railing. For a moment he seemed to be frozen in time and then gravity got to work and pulled him down. He twisted around, his hair whipping in the wind, ignoring the fear and focusing every fibre of his being on Sophie and what he had to do.

The bricks of the terrace wall flashed by his face and then he was looking down at Sophie, her face turned to the left, the doll in her hands clutched to her chest.

He saw Hoyle, one foot on a plant pot, the other over the railing, his right hand outstretched as he jumped.

The doll slipped from Sophie’s fingers and it span through the air.

Nightingale’s stomach lurched and he grunted as his hands flailed towards the girl.

Hoyle opened his mouth to scream but all Nightingale could hear was the wind rushing past his ears.
