Starting a fire during the winter growing up in Alaska. I always carried the beaver-skin fur hat my mom made for me on my coldest deployments.
Meeting my first SEAL. Notice my sweet SEAL shirt, which I promptly took off and never wore again.
My swim buddy and me in our hotel room waiting for the call to go board the U-Haul. Taken during the Ketchikan exercise.
Divers and safety boat off the pier in Ketchikan, Alaska, a short distance from where a killer whale had had its breakfast that morning.
Me during my first HAHO, or high-altitude high-opening, jump trip with my ST6 squadron, just before my parachute cutaway.
A tandem jump during a training evolution. HAHO jumps require oxygen, and at night NODs are mandatory.
Epic fail! If you look close, you can see the skid marks on the ground behind me.
Hair Missile and handler on an Afghanistan deployment.
Hair Missile during one of our missions in Iraq.
Training off the coast of Virginia. Most units never have assets like this. We had a “big deck” aircraft carrier and a TF 160 helicopter.
Me running and gunning during some training when I was at ST5.
Training with our four-by-fours and side by sides.
Afghanistan. The MiG is a reminder of when Russia fought there for years as well.
Afghan partner forces.
A buddy and me about to head out on a freezing-cold winter mission in a snow-swept valley.
Me and my MP7 flying home from the mission with the house rigged to blow.
The Delta guys and me after we almost landed on the wrong house.
My team just before the mission in the Evolution chapter. Always watch the shoes!
Phil and me taking a break before some training. Phil is not only a good friend but a mentor.
The morning after the rescue of Captain Phillips.
An Emerson Knife that I carried on the UBL raid and donated to charity. The money raised went to a fallen teammate’s family.
Me trading books with Gene Wentz, the author of Men in Green Faces. It was the first SEAL book I read, and it set me on my track to become one.
My camo uniform when I returned from the UBL raid. The blood on the upper left is where the bullet frag entered my shoulder.