No Man’s Land has benefited from a lot of input and I’d like to thank and acknowledge everyone who has helped me on the journey.

First and foremost I want to thank everyone who has ever participated in a creative writing class at the Writers’ Studio. You’ve been instrumental in maintaining my love and passion for fiction.

A special thanks to Joanne Symonds for all her help at the Writers’ Studio and for having my back when I had to really focus on getting the final edits done.

I feel very fortunate to have had Elizabeth Cowell as my editor. She understood my characters and what I was trying to do with the story, and never settled for anything less than the best I was capable of, for which I am very thankful.

Elizabeth and proof-reader Kevin O’Brien were painstaking in picking up inconsistencies and errors. Any mistakes that may remain are solely my responsibility.

Finally, I wish to thank my partner in life and at the Writers’ Studio, Kathleen Allen. She is responsible for giving the story heart and emotional depth. Most importantly, she dedicated herself to making the novel as good as it could be. I literally couldn’t have written this book without her and am very blessed to have her in my life.
