
This book is something of a labor of love, and a great many people have played a part in its publication, offering support, encouragement, and advice over the long period of its gestation.

Nocturnes might never have appeared at all had BBC Northern Ireland not approached me, shortly after the publication of my first novel in 1999, and asked if there was anything I might be interested in writing for them. I had always been fascinated by supernatural stories, ever since I was a young reader, and I was curious about writing for radio. It seemed to me that there was something very appealing about the thought of a voice reading a ghost story aloud to a driver alone in a car, or to someone curling up in bed before turning off the light. In the end, I wrote five tales for the BBC, which were broadcast on Radio Four in 2000 and read by a very wonderful actor named Tony Doyle, now, sadly, no longer with us. As I write, another five stories are scheduled to be broadcast in 2004. Nine of those tales are contained in this volume.

I owe an immense debt of gratitude to Lawrence Jackson, the producer of both sets of stories for the BBC. Lawrence was the first to read them, the first to offer suggestions on how they might be improved, and the first to reassure me when I felt my confidence in them flag. Without him, and without the willingness of the BBC to offer them a home, they would not exist in this form.

I am also indebted to Emily Bestler and Sue Fletcher, my wonderful and very faithful editors at Atria, and Hodder amp; Stoughton, respectively. Short story collections are difficult propositions for publishing houses, but from the very beginning both Emily and Sue were unstinting in their support for Nocturnes. To Emily, her associate editor, Sarah Branham, and to all those at Atria who continue to publish my books, I am eternally grateful.

Finally, I will always be thankful that I have found myself in the care of my agent, Darley Anderson, who must sometimes wonder at precisely what he has let himself in for by taking me on. His friendship has, quite literally, changed my life. I would be lost without him, and without his marvelous staff. To Darley, Lucie, Julia, Emma, Heather, and Elizabeth: thank you.

Finally, to my family, to Jennie, and to Cameron and Alistair: thanks for putting up with me.

