Principal thanks go to the writer’s group that, I understand, has been named “Hal’s Pals” by Harlan Ellison. They have listened, suggested, criticized, encouraged. The membership has been rather variable over the years, but Sherry Briggs, Mona Wheeler, Greg and Anne Warner, Tania Ruiz, Matt Jarpe, and Wendy Spencer have all had their say in this particular Enterprise (pun inappropriate but intended). I don’t keep a log of the meetings and hope I haven’t forgotten anyone. If I have, I apologize; I do notice that as the years go by the insulation is getting frayed.
Other fans who have listened at conventions to a chapter here and a chapter there and have added their comments can’t be named here because I don’t know most of their names, but I am most grateful to them also.
Hal Clement
Milton, Massachusetts
March 2003