
The author wishes to express particular gratitude to Sonny Mehta for his commitment, as a publisher, to the vision of the writer. Warm thanks also to Sarah Burnes for her insights and for staying on the case, and to Molly Friedrich, whose unstoppable enthusiasm for the manuscript made everything possible. Boz Graham of CAA and Walter Teller of Hansen, Jacobson, Teller, and Hoberman provided expert advice, and the keen editorial talent of Sandi Gelles-Cole was essential throughout.

Two dear writer friends provided more steady encouragement than anyone deserves: thank you to Robert Crais for showing the way, and to Dan Wakefield, generous of soul, for his undaunting faith, wisdom, and good fellowship — in many ways the godfather of this book.

Deep appreciation is also expressed to the comrades and conspirators who read early drafts or otherwise contributed: Deborah Aal, Michelle Abrams, Seth Freeman, Janice Forman, Lauren Grant, Nicholas Hammond, Janis Hirsch, Robert F. Iverson, M.D., Evan and David Levinson, Milena and Jorge Pardo, Gerald Petievich, Julie Waxman, Harry Winer.

And to those whose courageous spirits illuminate every word: Maria Zambrano and Maria Florencia Fernandez.

An enormous debt is owed to the experts who gave freely of their time and knowledge: Carla Gates, George K. Ganaway, M.D., P.C., Matt Parker, Maria P. P. Root, Ph.D., Jane Sherwood, R.N., and the nurses on the Coronary Care Unit at New England Deaconess Hospital, and most especially Marc Taylor of Technical Associates, Inc., for sharing his expertise in forensic science.

The cooperation of the men and women of the Los Angeles field office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation added immeasurably to the veracity and heart of the novel; they embody a mix of professionalism, skill, and humanity that is truly inspiring.

Finally, the author is fortunate to have been given the enduring gifts of family: from her mother, Bernice Smith, who taught her to swim; her father, Philip H. Smith, M.D., who taught her the art of storytelling; and her brother Ronald L. Smith, whose many talents include the nurturing gift of laughter.

She has also been blessed by warmth and caring from her second family, Austin and Arthur Brayfield, and is grateful beyond measure for the joy of her children, Ben and Emma, and for the uncompromising editorial eye and steadfast support of her husband, Douglas Brayfield, whose love, strength, and tenderness have sustained both author and work.
