Reference to the orgone accumulators of Doctor Wilhelm Reich- Doctor Reich claims that the basic charge of life is this blue orgone-like electrical charge — Orgones form a sphere around the earth and charge the human machine — He discovered that orgones pass readily through iron but are stopped and absorbed by organic matter — So he constructed metal-lined cubicles with layers of organic material behind the metal — Subjects sit in the cubicles lined with iron and accumulate orgones according to the law of increased returns on which life functions — The orgones produce a prickling sensation frequently associated with erotic stimulation and spontaneous orgasm — Reich insists that orgasm is an electrical discharge — He has attached electrodes to the appropriate connections and charted the orgasm — In consequence of these experiments he was of course expelled from various countries before he took refuge in America and died in a federal penitentiary for suggesting the orgone accumulator be used in treating cancer — It has occurred to this investigator that orgone energy can be concentrated to disperse the miasma of idiotic prurience and anxiety that blocks any scientific investigation of sexual phenomenon — Preliminary experiments indicate that certain paintings — like Brion Gysin's — when projected on a subject produced some of the effects observed in orgone accumulators -
