Glossary of Caucasian Terms

abaz: a silver coin minted by the Russians for use in Georgia

amanat: hostage or hostages, used in the Caucasus for diplomatic purposes

arba: a two- or four-wheeled horse-drawn cart

aul: village

bashlik: a pointed hood with long flaps for tying around the neck

bek: alternate spelling of bey, “chieftain”

burdyuk: a Caucasian wineskin

chadra: a long garment with a headcover or veil

chikhir: young wine

delibash: Turkish cavalrymen

dolman: a long, loose Turkish robe, open in front

pashalik: the territory governed by a Turkish pasha, a high military/political officer

saklia: a flat-roofed Caucasian mountain dwelling, most often of one room

seraskir: a Turkish army commander
