This issue publishes “The Stone” — a novel by Vladimir Gubaylovsky, stories by Oleg Lekmanov — “From Demobilization Photo Collection”. Also — a tale by Veronika Kapustina “I Wish You Long Life” as well as belles letters “vignettes” “Good” by the well known philologist Aleksandr Zholkovsky. The poetry section of this issue is made up of the new poems by Victor Kulle, Andrey Vasilevsky, Vitaly Pukhanov and Fyodor Svarovsky.

The sectional offerings are as following:

Philosophy, History, Politics : an article by Yury Kagramanov “And the Wind Whirls About…” discussing the heritage of the Russian-American sociologist and philosopher Pitirim Sorokin.

Close And Distant: “In the Mountains, the Reign of Martial Evil”, an article by Nikolay Markelov, the chief inspector of Pyatigorsk local museum, highlighting the events of the Caucasus campaign of the 19th century as they are reflected in the Russian classical literature (the ending).

Essais : two articles discussing Victor Pelevins’s novel “Empire V” — “The Ironical Vocabulary of „Empire V”” by Aleksandr Balod and “The Reader’s Notes in the Margins of „Empire V”” by Ksenya Dyakova.

Literary Critique: “Bewitching with the Word” — an article by Pyotr Razumov where the author illustrates the art of poetry using modern and classic verses.
