Appendix Acknowledgments

Appendix 1

Reprinted with the permission of the National Security Archive

National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 162, s.v. “Document 76”

Appendix 2

Reprinted with the permission of the Special Collections & Archives Research Center, Oregon State University

Flyer for a presentation by Noam Chomsky and Linus Pauling on Vietnam War, 1967

Appendix 3

Reprinted with the permission of AAAS

“Scientists Protest Viet Crop Destruction” from “Congress: Productive Year Is Seen Despite Vietnam,” Science 151 (January 1966): 309

Appendix 4

“Letter to R Conard, Subject: Treatment of Atomic Bomb Victims and Attempts to End the Nuclear Threat in the Pacific (Marshall Islands), April 9, 1975”

Marshall Islands Document Collection, Office of Health, Safety and Security, Department of Energy

Appendix 5

“Letter to J L Liverman, Subject: RE Story of 66 of Marshallese Medical Records Had Been Copied and Were in the Hands of the Leftist Anti-A Bomb Group (Gensuikin) in Japan, July 27, 1976”

Marshall Islands Document Collection, Office of Health, Safety and Security, Department of Energy

Appendix 6

Reprinted with the permission of the National Security Archive

National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 82, s.v. “Document 24”

Appendix 7

Reprinted with the permission of the Mercury (South Africa)

“US Senator’s Statement At COP17 Disappointed Us”

Appendix 8

Reprinted with the permission of Democracy Now!

“‘Get It Done’: Urging Climate Change Justice, Youth Delegate Anjali Appadurai Mic Checks U.N. Summit”

Appendix 9

“Health Council of Point Hope to J. Kennedy, March 3, 1961, Document #16872”

Coordination and Information Center, US Department of Energy, Las Vegas, NV
