I would like to thank the following people for their kind assistance:
Babs and Willy Reich offered only encouragement and support.
Farlan Myers, a longtime family friend, showed his true colors when it counted.
Karla Kuban, Tina Venema, and David Yorkin read early drafts of this book and offered helpful advice.
Sarah Piel of Arthur Pine Associates provided invaluable assistance in whipping the first drafts of the book into shape.
Lori Andiman, also of Arthur Pine Associates, proved to be nothing less than a wizard.
Jacqueline Miller, my editor, lit the way and held my hand through some difficult times.
Carole Baron showed her faith in a new writer.
Most important, I’d like to thank Leslie Schnur for believing in the book and pulling out all the stops. You’re the best.
And finally, I offer my heartfelt thanks to my agent, Richard Pine. Onward and upward!