Dramatis Personae

Kieri Phelan’s mercenary company

Jandelir Arcolin, senior captain of first cohort (short sword)

* Stammel, senior sergeant of Arcolin’s cohort

* Devlin, junior sergeant of Arcolin’s cohort

* Arñe, corporal in Arcolin’s cohort

Dorrin Verrakai, senior captain of second cohort (short sword)

Selfer, junior captain of second cohort

Cracolnya, senior captain of third cohort (mixed: sword/crossbow)

Valichi, captain of recruit cohort

Tsaian Court:

senior noble families

Mikeli Vostan Keriel Mahieran, crown prince of Tsaia

* Camwyn, his younger brother

Beclan Mahieran, Knight-Commander of the Bells (order of Girdish knights)

Sonder Mahieran, Duke Mahieran

* Rothlin, his heir and the prince’s friend

Selis Marrakai, Duke Marrakai

* Juris, his heir and the prince’s friend

Galyan Serrostin, Duke Serrostin

* Rolyan, the prince’s friend

Haron Verrakai, Duke Verrakai, Dorrin Verrakai’s uncle

Konhalt (loyal to Verrakai)

Kostvan (loyal to Crown)

Donag Veragsson, Marshal-Judicar of Tsaia (interprets Code of Gird in Tsaia)

Arianya, Marshal-General (commands entire Company of Gird)


Sier Halveric, Aliam’s older brother, inherited the title, vocal member of Council

Sier Belvarin, vocal member of Council, often disagreeing with Sier Halveric

Sier Galvary, vocal member of Council, in charge of treasury

Aliam Halveric, commands Halveric Company, Kieri Phelan’s mentor and friend

Estil Halveric, his wife

Orlith, elf instructing Kieri Phelan in taig-magic

Flessinathlin, the Lady of the Ladysforest, elven ruler of that elvenhome kingdom

Amrothlin, Kieri Phelan’s maternal uncle, elf

Carlion, armsmaster at King’s Salle


Aesil M’dierra, commander of Golden Company (mercenaries)

Jeddrin, Count of Andressat

Alured the Black, former pirate, self-styled Duke of Immer

Arneson, one-eyed captain hired by Arcolin as recruit captain

Versin, captain hired by Arcolin as junior to Cracolnya

Burek, captain hired by Arcolin as his own junior captain

Fenin Kavarthin, Kieri’s banker in Valdaire

Paltis, Kieri’s factor in Valdaire
