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Once back on dry land, Wiggo had the honor and was first to enter the sarge’s room at the infirmary.

“Time to get up, you old fart,” he said. “I’ve brought the strippers.”

Too late, he saw that the sarge already had a visitor; the new woman in his life, Debs, sat on the edge of the bed holding his hand.

“Fetch them in then, Wiggo,” she said. “They can help us celebrate.”

“Celebrate?” Wiggo asked, and Debs, still holding the sarge’s hand, lifted her own hand up to show that each wore a new ring.

“Oh, Sarge,” Wiggo said. “You never went and proposed?”

“He never did. I did,” Debs said with a smile. “Had to get him to agree to a few conditions first though.”

The sarge looked rueful and addressed Banks.

“This is what I wanted to talk to you about, John,” he said. “I guess I just quit.”

“Quit? What the fuck are you going to do with yourself in civvies?” Wiggo said.

“He’s coming with me,” Debs replied. “I’m assigned to hurricane relief in the Bahamas and I wasn’t prepared to go without him.”

“If you’re sure this is what you want…” Wiggo said, addressing Hynd.

“I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life, lad,” Hynd replied. “And I’ll need a best man before I go, if you’re up for it?”

“It would make me the proudest man alive,” Wiggo said, and he meant every word.

Banks spoke up to fill the sudden silence.

“In that case, I’ll need Wiggo for something too,” he said. “Meet me in my office for orders in the morning, Sergeant Wiggins.”

The End
S-Squad will return in Operation: Yukon
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