The date went well. The appetizers—escargot in mushroom caps smothered in garlic butter, little crackers with smoked salmon and imported Beluga caviar covered in green onions and sour cream—were heavenly, and the lobster was superb. They sat across a candlelit table in one of the most exclusive restaurants in San Francisco.

“My dad kicked my ass and then kicked me right out of the house when I told him and my mom that I was gay. I don’t know why he was so shocked. I used to make dresses and things for my sister and me and then I would take pictures. I wanted to be a designer back then. We would play runway and practice our model walk. I know, I’m one of those gay stereotypes that make other gay men furious. They like to pretend that flamboyant faggots like me are some straight male invention, but we exist. We’re here and we’re queer, as they say.”

He took a long sip of Cristal and stared at Samson over the glass, waiting for some reaction.

“So what’s up with all your little boy toys that follow you around the set? Are you dating any of them?”

“Honey, I’m dating all of them. I may not be quite as lovely as you, but with a little cosmetic surgery here and there, I can still turn a few heads. Besides, I’m rich and that makes me infinitely attractive.”

“But no serious relationship?” Samson smiled seductively, flirting almost instinctively. He traced a finger around the lip of his champagne glass and then bit his bottom lip. Jacque’s breath hitched.

“No, nothing serious.”


“I’m not one of those gay republicans who get married, adopt kids, and open joint bank accounts. For me, anonymous sex is part of the allure of the lifestyle.”

“Yeah, that’s a pretty good line. How long have you been telling yourself that? Do you believe it yet?”

Jacque laughed. “No. I still haven’t really convinced myself.”

“I didn’t think so. Everybody wants to be loved, even the worst of us.”

“And that’s why I hated you the first time I laid eyes on you. You are far too intuitive for your own good. Models are supposed to be pretty little empty-headed things. You think too much.”

“Yet still, in the end, I’m just another pretty little empty-headed thing like all the rest, no matter how much thinking I do.”

They finished off two more bottles of Cristal before stumbling out of the restaurant and falling into a waiting limousine. Jacque pawed all over Samson before the door to the limo was even closed. Samson endured the photographer’s attentions and even returned his kisses.

“You know, I didn’t think you were gay. I mean, I figured you’d probably slept with a designer here and there to get into a show like everyone else, you know, gay-for-pay maybe, but I didn’t think you were really into guys.” Jacque stroked the erection in Samson’s expensive jeans.

“I’m not gay. I’m not attracted to guys in the least. Just ask Amon.”

Jacque paused.

“So then you want something from me in exchange… but what? I mean, you’ve already got the underwear contract. Despite all of my yelling and threatening I couldn’t really take that away from you. So, what?”

“I want your soul.”

“My soul,” Jacque smirked, “I did tell you that I wasn’t into commitment, right?”

Samson knew the proposition sounded ridiculous on the face of it, but to those who didn’t believe in things like souls, it struck them as little more than telling Santa what they wanted for Christmas. “And I told you that I wasn’t into guys but you’ve still got your hand on my dick.”

“So I do.” Jacque said with a giggle.

“So, if you want more, you’re going to have to sign a contract.”

“Honey, I don’t sign anything unless my lawyer looks it over first.”

“That’s fine. I’ll leave the contract with you. You can get back to me when you’ve made up your mind.”

Samson rapped on the partition that separated them from the driver. The partition lowered and the driver peered back at them through the rearview mirror, his reflective sunglasses doing little to mask his disgust.

“Yes, sir?”

“Drop me off at club Requiem.”

“Can I come with you?” Jacque asked. He was so intoxicated that he appeared as though he were about to faint.

“No. Go home. Sleep it off. We’ll talk in the morning when you’ve decided.”
