
I have to give my family and friends major props for putting up with my nonstop writing and for being so understandable.

There are many people I’d like to thank who were an integral part in the creation of the Lux series and Origin. Major kudos to the team at Entangled: Karen Grove, Liz Pelletier, and Heather Riccio. Daryl Dixon from The Walking Dead also was a big help. Not sure why, but I think he and his cut-off shirt look good in my acknowledgments. Thank you to Kevan Lyon, the agent of awesome, for knowing when to go to bat for me and when to pat me on the head. Much appreciation to Stacey Morgan for listening to me ramble on about what Daemon and Kat are doing and insisting that there be more kissing. And cowbell. And country music. The last two things did not make it into the books. Cannot forget Marie Romero for helping shape Origin into something readable! I’m pretty sure I’d be nowhere without Honey Boo Boo and Supernanny. Another thing I’m not sure why, but why not? Thank you to Lesa Kidwiler for doing things I probably shouldn’t ask her to do. Wink. Wink. Nudge. Nudge. Thank you to Wendy Higgins for allowing me to borrow from her wonderful books.

I also want to thank some people who have always been huge supporters of my writing and the Lux series: Stacey O’Neale, Valerie from Stuck in Books, the YA Sisterhood, Good Choice Reading, Mundie Moms, Vee Nguyen, the Luxen Army chicks, Amanda from Canada (because that’s how I know you), Kayleigh from England (because that’s how I know you), Laura Kaye and Sophia Jordan (two awesome ladies I can talk to forever), Gaby, Books Complete Me ladies, Book Addict, Momo, and I am forgetting a ton of other people, so please don’t stone me, but it’s sort of late as I’m writing this, and my brain stops functioning around this time, and all I can think about is when is The Walking Dead coming back on?

The biggest and most important thank-you is to you—the person reading this right now. If it weren’t for you, Daemon Black wouldn’t be much of anything. You are the reason why I write these books, and I can never say thank you enough.
